Monday, December 9, 2019

32 Words in Eskimo, so--Where did WE go Wrong?

So, I've been thinking. 
Sometimes that happens. 
And when it does random topics whirl through my mind like mini cyclones, and sometimes in order to make sense of these thoughts I will write them down.
 In the chaos and the tumult that is my mind, the ability to stop time by capturing those thoughts and depositing them on a page  is invaluable to me, and so, here we are.

The word "love" gets thrown around so much on a day-to-day basis, it's a wonder the letters haven't broken off and gotten lost forever. Or--have they? How often do you say you "love" something as silly as a pair of shoes, or a song, or an ice cream flavor?

I have many favorite novels and one of those is The Secret Life of Bees.  It was remade into a movie with Queen Latifah.  Meh. 
Anyway, set in the 60's at the start of the Civil Rights Movement, there is this matriarchal character in the story named August (think of the vocab word).  She is one of the so-named Calendar sisters in the book (the others are named May and June and there was once an April).  August takes in a 14-year old runaway, the main character in the story, and her name is Lily.  Like most storylines of the ilk, August is wise and weary and capable of great one-liners.  And this is one of them:
On page 140, August tells Lily,"We are so limited, you have to use the same word for loving Rosaleen as you do for loving Coke with peanuts. Isn't that a shame we don't have more ways to say it?"  
Before this, she (August) is lamenting the notion that Eskimos have 32 different ways to express love, yet, we are tied to the SAME word for, literally, everything.  Hence, the title for this blog post.

The first time I read that line (Summer of 2005) I pondered it for hours afterward, desperate to find another word to replace the one that should remain sacred.
And came up with....exactly nothing.
 It has never been far from my thoughts since then.

So, your challenge for this week, poppets, is to dig deep inside yourself and think about what it is that you really love. In order to do that, I think it would be beneficial to start out with a working definition of what love is.
 How would you define it? What characteristics would be a good representation of it? And then, at long last, ask yourself..."What do I love?"
Does putting a classification on things you have previously said you "loved" change your perspective on what the meaning of love should be?


  1. When I look at the things that I love and try to come up with a definition for that feeling, it would have to be the purest form of happiness. A smile that I can’t get rid of. I love volleyball. I literally wrote a speech about how much I love that sport and when I went to a Penn State volleyball game I had that smile. A feeling so deep and pure I didn’t want it to go away because it was just so amazing. I personally like that we only have one word for that feeling. It is such an all encompassing word that can be anything you want it to be. It’s malleable. It can be about anything that you want and be used as anything you want. Things that I love include volleyball, my family, golf, and sadly I have to say that I love school. All four of these things are something that may cause me extreme amounts of anxiety but I love in all different ways. I love volleyball because there is no better feeling than a kill or a good dig and just that winning feeling. I love my family because they are there for me no matter what. They are my entire support system through everything that I do in my life. I love golf because a good drive or a clean chip or a long one putt is that happy feeling. And I love school because I love learning. There is something magic to getting a good grade on an essay or when you are doing a math problem and all of a sudden you see where the concept comes from. You see why the f’(x) graph looks like that compared to the original. You see why you have to balance equations or how transcription and translation works after hours of studying and reading. It’s the golden moment and you can call me a loser for thinking that. The things that I love also prove that love is worth anything. I have had panic attacks from all of these things, I have cried over every one, and I have put myself through hell and back to keep these things in my life. Love takes time and dedication. I didn’t suddenly decide that I wanted to spend as much as possible playing volleyball. It took me two years of high school volleyball to realize how absolutely amazing the sport was. I hated golf freshman year but at some point it clicked that this is how I wanted to spend every spring of my life even if it meant carrying my clubs into school every day. Classifying the things that I love doesn’t change what love means to me. It only further enforces what I think love is. I wouldn’t spend time with any of the things that I listed above if I didn’t truly love them because I would see no point but that happiness is everything to me. In the terrible world that is high school those four things see me through.

  2. I’m not really sure how to define love since there are so many ways to describe it and there are many different forms of it. The general definition of love is something that makes you feel happy or something that instantly makes your day better. Love also means that know matter how mad you get at someone/something, you always go back to them and try to fix things. Like if you are having a bad day, but you see someone who you really enjoy being around and you suddenly feel happier, then that is love. It doesn’t necessarily apply to all situations, since there may be different reasons why you are happy to see them, but in general, it usually means you love that person in some type of way. Another way to describe love is something that you are really passionate about, like sports or activities. These things can just brighten your day and make you feel more motivated. For me, I love volleyball and I always look forward to the fall season. I also love baking and I always feel super happy whenever I am making something, and even happier when I bring the stuff I made to other people. There are many different things I would say that I love, all in a different way though. Of course I love my mom, my dad, and my brothers. They are my family and they are always there for me. They always know how to make me smile or laugh, even though I get frustrated with them sometimes(I know they get mad at me too sometimes because I can be difficult at times). I also love my dogs. They always find a way to make me laugh, whether they are playing around, or if they are just being extremely cute. Another thing I love is baking and volleyball, which are both activities that I make me happy and bring me joy. Of course I love the rest of my family and I miss them dearly. I don’t get to see them that often since the majority of them live in Kansas, but it always makes me really happy to see them when they come here or my family and I go to Kansas. I don’t love them as much as I love other things though because I don’t know them that well and I don’t get to be around them that often. The last thing that I love is my friends. Although they can get on my nerves at times, they are always there for me when I need them. If I am feeling sad, they are there to comfort me, or if I need help with school work, they will try their hardest to help me. I hope they know that I would do the same for them. There are many other things that I love, but I can’t think of them right now. I also don’t want this blog to be extremely long. I don’t think that the things I previously said that I “loved” has changed how I view it. For the majority of my life, I always viewed love as something that meant happiness. If I loved something, it meant that it made me feel happy or improved my day. I may change my idea of love in the future, but for now, love is something that improves my life.

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  4. Love can be described in so many ways, but all in all, it's a strong feeling towards something or someone. It creates pure joy, smiles and an overall pleasant feeling. It is your pick me up on a bad day, what makes you smile on a good day. Love is trust. Trust in yourself, the people you surround yourself with and the decisions you are making. Love is kindness. Always making sure you are kind but also you are being treated kindly by those you surround yourself with. Love is respect. Never letting who you love walk all over you without any consequences. Making sure your feelings and ideas are always respected and valued instead of brushed off. Love is patience. Giving and being given as much time as you may need to heal and be the best you possible. Honestly, after losing Bailey I didn't think I would date anyone again. I constantly felt guilty, always thinking about how I should be with him and how I didn't deserve to be with anyone else after all I put him through. But, after months of healing and having him by my side, I found someone who was patient enough to give me the time I needed while also being there for me and giving me the love I needed to heal and become the best me possible. Love is most importantly growth. What you love or who you love should cause you to grow as a person. The experiences you have with the people you love should show the right way to handle situations, the wrong way, how to fix it and how to work through things. I can say that I love a lot of things. I love my family, my amazing friends, McDonalds (it's my comfort food okay??), my puppy, my boyfriend, everyone who has made an impact on my life. I love the joy these people bring me, the laughs, the memories I have created with them. Nothing beats sleepovers with my best friends where we do nothing but make TikToks, watch Disney+ and eat a bunch of junk. Or cuddling with my boyfriend and spending time with him and his family. I believe you can be in love with an idea. I am in love with the idea of having my own famiy, being successful in my field of profession and having lots of dogs when I'm older. Whenever I get overwhelmed in school or stressed about the future, I think about that dream. And it puts a smile on my face and inspires me to keep working hard, if not harder. Love doesn't always have to be a person, or an object. Love is simply what you make it, but one thing is true. It never fails.

  5. Love is such a difficult word to describe. There are hundreds of different ways to feel, express or define love. Love is more than affection or attraction. Love is pure happiness. It’s a feeling that will never be topped by anything else. Love can give you peace of mind, but can also be the most stressful thing you have ever had to deal with. There are ups and downs, but that is just part of the overall experience of loving something. I love my family, my dog, my friends, volleyball, lacrosse, and MAYBE school… sometimes. My family is my support system. They are my whole world and then some. I am so thankful for everyone in my family and all of the time I get to spend with them. The love I feel from my family is more of an unconditional love, I know that they will always be by my side. I do also consider my dog my family and I love and appreciate him more than most people. Whenever I’m upset, I can always count on cuddles from my puppers to cheer me up. Believe it or not, I would say my dog has helped me through a lot of tough times and has been there for me when no one else was and that’s why I love him. I love my friends because they make me laugh and smile like no other. I think I’m the best version of myself when I am surrounded by my best friends and I love it. I know I can tell them anything and have complete trust in them, which is another big factor of love. However, the feeling or love doesn’t always have to be for a person or an animal. I also love the sports that I play. Volleyball and lacrosse play a big role in my life and the reason for a lot of my happiness. I love the feeling of stepping onto the court or the field, ready to play in one of the biggest games of the season. Or piling on top of my teammates after an amazing team win. I love these moments because I get to spend them with my teammates who are some of my closest friends. Lastly, I guess I love school, just a little bit. I love coming to school to see my friends everyday. Without school, I think I would find myself pretty bored all the time. More importantly, I love the opportunities that an education can present me with. I love the idea of graduating from high school and being able to have a real impact on the world someday. I can’t wait for the day when I finally achieve all of my biggest goals, those are the moments that I love. Classifying these things as things that I love does not change my perspective of love, it just makes me realize how many things that I do really love about my life and how much more grateful I should be.

  6. The word “love” has been abused more and more over the years and the definition has been twisted into something different. Although the definition of love differs from person to person, to me, love is pure happiness. Love can be amazing, heartbreaking, passionate, and stressful at the same time. I truly love my family, friends, and music. Although my dad’s side of the family has been absent in my life since I was six, my mom’s side of the family makes me feel like I don’t even need them. They fulfill the role as two families, and have unconditional love and support for me. Most important in my family is my mom. Ever since my dad passed away, my mom has taken on the role as two parents. I love her more than anybody in the world and I couldn’t be more proud of her. She inspires me with her strong will and maturity, and I hope to grow up to be as wise of a woman, and mom that she is. I love my friends because they can always make me smile and laugh when I’m feeling down. My close friends are the ones I want to keep for the rest of my life. I have complete trust in them, and I know that they’ll always be there for me (and I’ll always reciprocate). I can’t describe how much I love music. I’ve been in love with the idea of music ever since I popped out of the womb. Not only do I relate to the lyrics of a song, I relate to the chords, the melody, and the instruments used. All of those elements of music contribute to how you feel when listening to a song. This got me into songwriting. I began to play how I felt instead of trying to explain it to someone who is incapable of understanding me. I write not only to vent, but to inspire others. Listing the things that I love haven’t changed my perception of love, but it makes me realize what I’m grateful for in life.

  7. The word “love” (most importantly, “I love you”) can be thrown around so incredibly easy, and meaninglessly. That often makes us contemplate whether that one person ACTUALLY loves us, as well as make ourselves contemplate if we even mean what we say. I’ve been constantly pondering over this ordeal, as “love” can be taken into so many different contexts. Like when someone says that they “love you,” do they really mean that? Or do they just love the way that you make them feel; they might not think about how the person behind those words might feel, or take that proposition. Because when a girl hears an “I love you,” they go giddy, and feel like they really mean a lot to the individual that spurs those three simple words; but, they are just three. simple. words. Those three simple words could mean a variety of things- maybe he just loves the idea of being in love, or loves the idea of how you being with him restricts your sense of flexibility. Before I go completely off track, to me the definition of love is giving someone or something your heart, and trusting them enough not to break it; I know I’ve said this in a previous blog, but I’ve always had that connection with the word. Sure, I may throw around the word “love” because it’s just a part of basic terminology, but when I actually love someone or something, I’ll make sure that they know, without just saying ~I love you~. Those words really do get thrown around like they’re confetti. I don’t want to completely repeat myself from the other blog, but love really can be defined in a million different ways. That’s why, when I actually mean it, I make sure that it’s genuine- definitely more than those three bland words (three bland words that can cause a variety of different emotions). I could say that I love chicken noodle soup on a chilly day, or the sound of dog paws running against a wood floor, but they both would have different interpretations than what I would say to a person. So, basing myself off of that, everything that I say in these next few lines will have different meanings of love; as it truly does. I love watching a sunset over crashing waves on a warm July evening. I love that guy that I met in fifth grade and fell for. I love my parents, and my family in general. I love those two friends that would never leave my side. I love when my boss sends me home from work early. I love playing tennis when the air is just right with my goofy teammates. I love walking out of school on a Friday night with no homework (which is never at this point). I love a lot of different things, so much more than I could ever list, and as you can see, they all have different levels of compassion, affection, happiness, etc. I’ll just leave you to figure out which one goes with which.

  8. Love is a crazy thing... true love is a crazy thing. Learning to love someone or something is risky, because now that person or thing has an advantage over you. I see love as dangerous, I try to convince myself that I am not capable of love but it never works because it is not true. Even though it would make perfect sense if I gave up on the illusion of love due to all the people that have left me, given up on me, betrayed me...due to all the pain that I’ve been through, but I don't. I still believe in love, I know that love exists and occurs in my life. Although I hate the feeling of being vulnerable, and love makes me feel vulnerable, I continue to love. People describe love as this amazing, unbelievable thing that has changed their life for the better, and I agree, love can be all those things but sometimes it isn’t. I’ve been dreading writing this blog, because love isn’t something that I can easily talk about. To question myself and think about the things that I love, I feel stuck. Love can make me feel really good, but it can also make me feel horrible. Someone I love texts me and I feel the need to respond, I know that I shouldn’t text them,I know they’re toxic … I know that my best friend even told me that I shouldn’t text them but I did anyways, because I love them and I am always going to be there for them. The vulnerability. Love isn’t all bad, when it’s good, it’s really good. One thing that I love that makes me feel unexplainable feelings is my dog. I love my friends and family of course, but let’s face it people suck, dogs are better (at least my dog is). Lola is the first dog my mom allowed to be apart of our family and she is literally the dog best ever. How can something be so pure of happiness all the time? My favorite thing to do is walk in the house and see house excited she gets when she sees me. She runs around the house all crazy with a toy in her mouth, and jumps all over me. One time she ran in my room and jumped on my bed, she didn’t have a toy to grab so she grabbed my hoodie that was lying on my bed and her little self tried to run around with it in her mouth. She is the best cuddle buddy and she always knows how to make me feel better. If she ever sees me crying, she does everything she possibly can to make me laugh, she’ll throw herself on top of me and give me puppy eyes or even lick my face. Sometimes, she even just lays there with her head on my chest or neck to let me know that she is there and that I am not alone. She has the craziest personality ever, she has an attitude! Yes, my chihuahua gives me an attitude. She gives me the dirtiest looks when she is not getting her way, oh and when she is comfortable in bed, don’t you dare move her or anything that is causing her to be comfortable, because she will groan and let you know you are bothering her. Also, when someone else is getting attention she will find a way to make sure she is getting more. When it is tummy time, it is tummy time and you better be prepared to rub her tummy. Have you ever been smacked by a dog? My dog has no problem smacking me with her paws when she wants to, especially if it’s tummy time and I am not giving her the belly rub that she knows she deserves. I can go on and on about my dog, I can tell so many stories but I’m sure you guys are tired of reading a response about a dog. Lola is my coping mechanism and I am so lucky to have her, my love will never change for her.

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  10. Love is a strong word just like hate is considered a strong word. To be honest I wouldn't be able to define love because I'm still learning how to love. But if I had to define love it would be a peaceful state of mind, balance, feelings that can not be easily understood. Love shouldn't be questioned be And shouldn't be used lightly. For example, I don't find love in material things because they don't last. I do love my family that's a definite. But one thing I truly love is life itself. The moment we were created we were given breath, we are placed on this earth to discover ourselves our purpose. Don't get me wrong, life can be very complicated but if your patient you began to see God can transform your tribulations into something beautiful. God has specially crafted plans bigger than ourselves. Amazingly, we get to explore like we are about to embark on a journey. Our world is full of so many possibilities. Those possibilities make it even more special because each and one of us get to have a unique experience. Isn't it precious? This is one of the reasons I'm going to love my future job, ever since I was 7 when I told my mother I wanted to be like her and want to become an OB/GYN. The fact you are bringing babies into the world is a beautiful thing to experience. Life is what I love and appreciate. I need everyone to experience that feeling that's why I try my best to show compassion to others because I need them to appreciate every little bit of their journey. I need them to know how important they are. We are human, isn't that amazing? In the past, I admit I did say I love the materials I had. But I now know I misused that word.

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  12. Everybody has their own perspective on everything. Whether that topic would be an emotion, idea, or moral. To me love is defined as something, someone, or activity that gives you pure happiness. This happiness does not last for a moment, but are ever lasting moments that you never want to end. Love creates joy and smiles not only to you but to everyone around the world. The end goal of life should be to find happiness, and one of those tools in achieving that goal is to do something you love or find something you love. For me I love my family. My family have been my backbone and supported me throughout my entire life. No matter my decision I know my family will support me every step of the way. I love chess. Chess is a game relaxes my mind and after the adrenaline rush. Once you win a match a rush of happiness flows throughout your entire body. As a chess player myself I can say from first hand experience that this sort of feeling is what you when you do anything in life. I love the people I am surrounded by, this year I found how grateful I am for the people in my life. I don't have a great deal of knowledge to understand what love is or what is affection, however, if that involves my friends squeezing my body to the verge of breaking my sternum. Shout out to my friends Steven Flickenger and Alexa Petrosh. Just so they can make me feel happy. I don't mind or would never push them away. It does make me smile, but in my own way. I love the idea of achieving my goals in life and grow up to help people. I want to be able to help people in my career as a doctor. I truly feel happy seeing someone else happy and knowing that my actions gave them that chance of happiness. These moments, people, and activities are what I love. After writing this blog I realized how many aspects of my life I love and make me happy. My opinion of love will never change it seems after writing this blog and I will forever remember my ideal of love.

  13. I don’t see the point in love, it’s about as useless to me as a broken pencil. I don’t see the point in giving a part of myself away when I need it more. To define it, Love: A useless goal every human being aims to achieve, only to get beat back down by reality after euphoria. And to say I love anything is to much. I like things quite a lot, sweaters and snack foods. My rabbit and fluffy socks. Maybe it’s just me, but the word love is negative, it means giving a part of yourself to someone or something only for it to bite back at you. I don’t crave it like others do, I don’t have it as a goal. I don’t romanticize and I don’t think I’m missing out. If I say “love” it’s always platonic and it’s always meaningless, it’s just a stupid word I use to express a lot of like. There’s not to much to say other than that.

  14. Love is very powerful. You can feel it with anyone with any kind of relationship. Romantic, friendship, family, anything. I believe love and It makes me happy when I love something/someone. I define love as, something/someone you would do anything for. Someone/something you always go back to. Something/someone you would give your all to. The characteristics of love is, getting butterflies in your stomach, always happy or laughing, or never getting up. What I love is, dance. Dance always, and I mean always puts me in a good mood. I could be upset or mad, and once I start dancing, I no longer feel those negative emotions. I've been dancing since I was 3, I did all different kinds of dance studios, but my favorite is here at Oakcrest. I love doing all kind of dances, but my favorite style is contemporary. I never gave up on dance or doubted it. I used to love a lot of things. I used to love softball, and basketball, but then dance took over them. I feel like you don't stop loving someone/something, but something else just takes over that one part and you love it more than you ever loved something else.

  15. Love I believe is a strong word. My people get their hearts broken because some people use the word love when they really don't mean it, they are just either trying to make the other person happy by saying it or they say it to keep that person around. I only use the word love when I truly mean it. I say I love you to my parents every day before they go somewhere because I never know the next time I will ever say it again. Love's definition to me is a feeling you get from someone or something that is undescribable. It makes you sometimes get the butterflies, it makes you really enjoy those people or things, it makes it the thing you talk or think about a lot. My parents are something that I love. My parents have been through with me through it all. Injuries, anxiety, cheer vacations, my decisions that I can't make, and so much more. They are always there for me whenever I am hurt or I need a ride. My parents are for sure my best friends, I tell them everything. I tell them drama, my day, and most teens don't associate with their parents the way I do with mine because they understand me and always want what is right for me. They give the best advice as well. We of course do argue,but in the end they will always be my best friends and my shoulder to cry on. Out family has been through a lot and we know we need to do as much as we can for each other while our time together lasts. They are my rocks and I don't know what I would do with out them.

  16. I don’t mean “love” every time I say it. I think love is different when it comes to people and things. Love is also the most complicated thing in the world. Why do you think we (the human race) are able to design machines to put men on the moon, but we can’t come up with a definition for love? For those reasons this blog is probably the most interesting one of all. Everybody experiences love differently and has their own definition for that reason. For me though, love is an overwhelming state of joy. That applies to people and things. I can think of the show “Survivor,” and I get a smile on my face because of the love I have for it and how thinking of it makes me feel a certain way in my heart that only goes away a couple of minutes after I’m done thinking about it. The difference between the people and things that I love, is how long that state of joy lasts. There are certain people that just the thought of them makes my heart jump for hours at a time. The most recent time I felt love, it hit me like a mack truck. I thought and still think about this person all day, every day, and I couldn’t be happier about it. When I see them, my heart beats faster, my hands get sweatier, my muscles freeze. I’m paralyzed by this person, and I couldn’t be happier, because that feeling was absent from my life for so long. They just make me feel a different kind of way inside and I’m just overall happier. That’s how I define love, anything that makes your heart involuntarily warm. In terms of characteristics, love can be strong, weak, deceiving, and bittersweet. And that’s only covering what’s mentioned in Whitney Houston’s song, “How Will I Know.” In all seriousness, love is redeeming. What I mean by that is, it can drag you out of dark places. Feeling an emotion of that capacity, can make life worth living when it wasn’t before. On the opposite side of the spectrum, love is dangerous, because losing it, or never having it, can have the opposite effect. This duality makes love simultaneously the best, worst, and most powerful thing this planet has to offer. Now when it comes to what I love, even after thinking about it for this long, the list is shorter than I thought. We won’t talk about the people, but that’s a short list. For things, I love to write, I love to play Chess, I love to watch my favorite shows and movies, but I don’t exactly know if I love to play Baseball. Which is surprising because I always thought I did, and I think I used to, but somewhere along the line, that feeling went away and now I feel like I still play because I always have and because I want to be with my teammates, which I love. This exercise didn’t change my feelings on what love should be defined as, merely changes the things and people that fall under that definition.

  17. Perhaps in some ways, the word love has been overused, damaged and loss meaning. But to me, the word love still has such such a powerful meaning. Love has different meaning when using it in different situations. "I love this song" just purley means you highly like this song and could possibly listen to it on repeat for hours. "I love this kind of food" you highly like this type of food and could eat it all the time. But when using it in terms that you love someone, it can often get misunderstood with the ways I just explained and that is how the world love looses meaning. When you love SOMEONE it is compassion, you are happy around them, they make you happy, you care deeply about them and would do anything just to make them happy. There are plenty of things that I highly like and use the term "love" to describe them but when I tell someone I love them, I mean it. I love my boyfriend, in words that just the word love could never explain. I love my friends and would go to the end of the earth for them. I love my parents and cherrrish the bond we have and probably would not be where I am today with out them. I love my grandparents, living or not and I love my brother andwill always be his biggest supporter and biggest worrier (I am always worrying if he is happy down in Georgia and if he is ok). Whenever I am about to hang up on the phone with someone I love I always say I love you. I say I love you a lot to the ones I love because I want to make sure that they know I truly love them and I don't want them to forget it. Using the term love in this sense and the sense of just saying it a lot to everyone is very different and I wish people realized that.

  18. When you love something, you express a lot of joy, self character, and passion. It fills your mind and lights your world. It’s a soft tingling feeling, but it’s good though. There’s so many things that I truly love. I love basket for its lore and excitement. Watching players shoot the ball and drive to the basket gets me hyped up. You can watch careers being made, teams forming, and players developing their game as they get older. The best part is watching the playoffs where legacy’s are defined and a ring is won for the teams hard work. I love going outside and exploring the world. I sometimes take walks that can go on for hours but the journey takes me across multiple sights and discoveries. Other times I simply take a ride with family or friends and we go out somewhere new or cool. The atmosphere and energy of these places always puts me in a cheerful mood. I love when everything around me is brighter, both figuratively and literally. Being around people who are happy/ having a good time really brightens me up as well. When the sun makes everything around me brighter than usual, it for some reason has a positive effect on my mood. Me putting the word “love” onto these things doesn’t change how I see view it. Love is a universal way to describe things that you enjoy and there doesn’t need a bunch of ways to express it.

  19. Love is a very strong feeling towards something or someone that you care about immensely. Love is characterized by loyalty, trust, happiness and sadness. Love is never perfect, you aren’t always going to feel happy love, but when you do, love will bring you such a big happiness that you can’t feel from anyone or anything else. What I really love is coaching cheerleading, my dogs (like A LOT), my friends, and my parents. I used to love cheerleading itself, but due to this season I have lost a lot of love for the sport but I do enjoy coaching it a lot more than doing it myself. After a long day of school work I always get excited to go coach cheerleading because I get to see my cheer girls and teach them their routines, help them learn new skills, and have a good time. I of course love my doggies they make the best of friends and make coming home a load of cuteness. I also of course love my friends and parents because of how much they’re there for me. In my opinion love is always love, but I do believe you can grow to love someone or something more than someone or something else. It doesn’t change the definition of love, it just shows that some things provide more love than others.


Mental Floss

QUARANTINE--DAY 8787576..... I was perusing the internet over this fine weekend and I came across a blog I used to follow quite regularly. I...