Monday, April 27, 2020

The Power of _____________

In the spirit of debate, I would like to hear what you have to say here.
This question as caused much controversy here at 7367 Driftwood Lane, which  has been great fun in quarantine...
May as well get y'all involved, plus, I need some back up. 
I kinda have a theory about who is going to say what, so...let the games begin.

In your opinion, what is the most powerful emotion? 
Love, hate, jealousy, indifference?  Something else?
Provide an example that illustrates exactly how that emotion is the strongest one of all. 
Be as detailed as possible.  Lang it up.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Although I am familiar with the feeling of indifference, especially since being trapped in the house and having the comfort of my bed taunt me every time it’s time to do school work, I believe that love is the superior emotion. In my eyes, love always wins. Jealousy and indifference are both strong emotions, depending on what kind of person you are, but I believe that those two emotions are choices. Indifference is the trait of lacking interest or enthusiasm in things and jealousy is the state of feeling or showing envy of someone, their achievements, and/or their advantages. Both of these emotions revolve around one’s mindset. Having a positive mindset will prevent these emotions. It is understandable that changing a mindset could be difficult but in a way, you just have to change that “I don’t want to” or “I can’t” into “I will”. You have to stop looking at what others have, and stop comparing yourself to them and focus on what you have to be thankful for. Only strive to be better than the person you were yesterday, you are your only competition. Then there’s hate. Hate is draining, it takes more out of a person to hate rather than to love. The urge to love is stronger, since it is natural. Most have felt some sort of love since the very beginning of their lives, whether it be from a paternal figure or not, everyone experiences love. I see love as uncontrollable. You can’t just fall out of love, and if you have ever experienced any type of heartbreak, you know exactly what I am talking about. You don’t choose to lose the connection you have with somebody, love consists of two (or more) people. You can’t choose who you love or want. You can one hundred percent choose who you surround yourself with, but love can be shared from a distance. It’s the most powerful emotion. An example to express this power could be one’s mind and heart having a constant battle. Logically you may know that you are better than to settle for this person, maybe you just know that they aren’t good for you. Or maybe there’s an obstacle in the way that prevents you from being with this person. But somehow. Somehow your heart tells you otherwise, they’re the only person that you want to be around, they’re the only person that you want to love, and you just can’t find it in yourself to move on.

  3. Emotions can be hard to control. Sometimes we feel things that we never want to feel and sometimes we feel things that we never want to stop feeling. Love is one of those feelings that can go either way which is why it is the strongest one of all. Love is something we all want, we all want to be loved by someone. Feeling love is feeling like you have an importance in someones life, no matter who it is, it always feels good to be loved. But, love is also something we may feel whether we want to or not. We may love someone or something we shouldn't or we may love someone or something that we never want to stop loving. Love is an amazingly strong emotion. When it comes to a relationship, if you love the other person it will have you hoping for the other person to love you back. If they don't, it will have you hoping you don't love them at all, because it hurts. If they do, you will hopefully be in a happy healthy relationship. I believe love overcomes all. If you love someone you will do everything and anything to make sure that person is happy, not only with you but in any aspect whether its their job, school, and just life in general. I am not sure if I am even making sense, but thats what love is like, it is so deep to the point that it is almost unexplainable. We all love differently, and many times we can love without even meaning to or wanting to.

  4. The most powerful emotion is indifference. The feeling when you are at your all time low. I get all these feelings that just overwhelm me; stress, anger, hatred, sadness, hollowness, etc. those feelings suffocate me, it feels like I can’t ever get out and I just shut down. The need to cover up those emotions like nothing happened is like repainting a wall to get rid of the other will always be underneath, but no one else sees it. That is when I get the feeling of indifference. I just start to not care for certain things anymore or feel the need that school work is unimportant, but it is important. I can’t shake the feeling of indifference, I can’t get rid of it. However, hate is another powerful emotion. Many people tend to say they don’t hate anyone because hate is such a “strong word” which it is. Hating someone brings so much anger that it is hard to control. It doesn’t even have to be a person because you can hate literally anything. On the other hand, Love is powerful yes, but to some it isn't. I have never experienced love, relationship wise, but from seeing movies/TV shows and everyone around me, I can see that love is something you can’t explain. Although love is one of the best things that can happen in your life, it can also be one of the worst things. That is the exact reason why I'm scared to love. Then finally, there's jealousy. I don’t think being jealous is powerful at all. Yes you can have a strong feeling of jealousy, but at the same time, you can just get over it.

  5. Does it have a name? The something we ask ourselves when we are in relationships, or a state of forgiveness after a horrible situation. It's called love. Love surpasses all the other emotions, I'm not saying jealousy, hate, etc. are easy emotions to get over but we can free ourselves from it if we don't allow it to take over us. God gave us that ability the moment he sent down his son and Jesus rose again. Love kills hate, jealousy, and indifference. One thing my mother always taught me was to kill them with kindness. Let me tell you it always works but it won’t work if you don’t have patience. The Bible talks about the fruits of the spirit “ Love, Joy, peace, kindness, gentleness, goodness, self-control, faithfulness, patience, and how we need to have them to enjoy life. Love is all of those things and the famous saying which is true in every way, God is love. To make it easier I’ll give my examples in situations. Say it's a regular school day and you see that bully that you try to avoid every morning walking around the hallway. You notice he is upset and his eyes are red from tears. Instead of avoiding you, walk up to him and ask what's wrong. (To be realistic he may say some inappropriate things) but the fact you showed him you cared goes a long way and will start to break that barrier of hatred towards you. Next Jealousy; You and your sibling bring your report cards home and show all parents. Your sibling gets all A’s and you have all A’s but one C. You start to feel jealous because you believe they favor your sibling more. After all, she got better grades. (One thing about jealousy is it makes up situations that are not even happening). So the next day you find your sister left for school early but left her homework on the kitchen table, and you're tempted to throw it away because she had higher grades. If you loved your sister you would be proud of her and try to give her her homework at school. Love will kill that jealousy. Lastly, I understand in certain situations you have no interest in certain stuff but if you love the person try to get to know their interest. For example, you make a new friend whom everyone makes fun of. You sit down with her in class and notice she likes drawing superheroes. Instead of ignoring you get to know her and become interested in her hobbies. Love broke the barrier of indifference or awkwardness. Now both of you'll be even closer friends than before. To sum Love is a powerful emotion and a powerful weapon that could be used to cure all the hatred, jealousy, or indifference in this world. In the middle of fear and shame love can conquer all.

  6. Each emotion has a different type of power. Jealousy and hate can lead you to do things that you will regret and indifference can just lead you to be lazy and procasiyinate. But love is so much more powerful. Love has to power have giving you everything you every wanted, but at the same time destroying you and leaving you helpless. Love can also do things they you will regret, it can cause you to lash out at someone, get angry and even get jealous . Love even has the power to make you hate someone. Love has the power of driving you crazy,of totally engulfing your interest in someone else. Love wins. Love will always win because in the end it is has the strongest binding power. In a relationship, you can get jealous or dislike them for a few moments, but in the end, the love conquers all. You realize that the bigger power here is love, and that no matter what, you still love. Love even has the power of diminishing other feelings, such as jealousy.

  7. The most powerful emotion is fear. It can overpower every other emotion. It makes people make the most rash decisions because they are scared of something. I’m not talking about being scared of a movie but being scared of getting hurt, failing, hurting someone, etc. Even being scared of sharks or the dark can severely change the way a person lives. Say you are in a relationship with someone. It’s a loving relationship but you’re scared it’s going to end and you are going to get hurt. You literally leave that relationship because of fear. It overpowered everything else you felt that for that person because you didn’t want to get hurt or hurt them. Fear takes over everything because it is so unsure. Fear is irrational and there’s no way to keep yourself from being scared. It eats at people forever. Scared of the dumbest stuff but to them that is the most controlling thing in their life. Imagine a life where you are scared of being alone. You surround yourself with people constantly but when you are alone at night in your house you go crazy. You call everybody but they aren’t answering. You lose yourself in that fear because you can’t stop it. It’s a dumb fear but you can’t shake the feeling of being alone and you don’t know why. Fear in it’s own right is terrifying. It’s so controlling and there is nothing that is powerful enough to get rid of that fear except running from it or facing it and most of the time running seems like a better option. No emotion can top how fear makes people feel.

  8. Hatred is one of the strongest emotions. When I was younger, I vividly remember adults telling kids that we don’t actually hate anything or anyone, we just may “strongly dislike” it or them. It takes a lot to actually hate someone or something, so if I say I hate someone or something, there is a strong reason behind it(in most cases). Not for me, but for others, when they hate someone, they have a burning passion to see that person fail or make a fool of themself. They would do anything to see the person they hate reach their downfall and to see any sign of success diminish from their life. Hatred sparks a flame in someone that gives them the urge to punch that person in the face, or if it is a physical item, making it want to just disappear off of the face of earth. Love turns to hate when relationships are broken, like when one person in a couple cheats on their significant lover with another person. At the same time, love is also a really strong and powerful emotion. There are far more people and things in my life that I love. In fact, I don’t think there is anyone I actually hate, but there may be a few physical things that I do. When someone loves another person, they will do anything for them if it helps them succeed or to protect their life. Love drives people to support each other no matter the decisions they make. There is a lot more love than hate in this world(or at least in my life), which is a good thing. It shows that it overpowers hatred for the most part. Love drives a lot of people’s actions. I haven’t really experienced love beyond my family and friends since I haven’t ever had a boyfriend. It’s partially because there is just too much going on in my life, especially now, but it’s also because I am too scared to ever tell my crush I like them. That’s partially because I’m afraid of rejection, but it’s also because I have never really liked someone that much to risk it. It takes a lot for me to love someone else, so if I tell someone I love them, it means a lot. Love also brings people together, creating a community of support and unity that is powerful and nearly unbreakable. Hatred and love are not always permanent, ties are cut, while others are mended. It all depends on the type of person you are and your morals. It also may depend on the type of situation and your age.

  9. Every person in life experiences emotions in different capacities, different ways, different forms. You can’t tell someone else how to feel. The way you feel is created by yourself instinctively, and you can’t control it, but you can learn to hide it. Every emotion has the power to impact a person, but I feel like the most powerful one is love, as a variety of emotions can stem from that one simple feeling. It’s like the powerhouse of everyday human emotion. It sounds a bit cliche, but love really has the ability to change a person, mentally, and cause them to experience a wider scale of emotion. If you love someone, or something, you’re mentally attached to them, or it, and it’s hard to control what your heart tells you. Hate stems from love, as it’s simply an imitation of that passionate lovey feeling. Hate hides behind the mask that we strive to cover our lives in; we want to love, we want to be loved, but when we can’t achieve that feeling, our hate grows stronger. It’s just like love, so it’s easy to mix up, as they’re both seemingly irrational and can lead to heroic or evil deeds. When you’re in love with someone, and say, they completely obliterate your heart, the strong love that you once felt for them will turn into a passionate hate. You’ll hate them for breaking something that they trusted you enough to hold onto. You’ll be so angry and frustrated that you didn’t see the heartbreak coming, and you’ll even hate yourself for letting it get that far. That hate stemmed from the love that you once had. You wanted to be loved so badly that when you didn’t obtain it, you just get this feeling of hate that grows every time you see any insinuation of love. Jealousy also stems from love, which is pretty self-explanatory. When you love someone, you could get jealous over anyone who even remotely talks or acts a bit too friendly with that person. You’ll get jealous over the fact that they’re making new friends or talking to someone else a lot more than usual. You love them so much that you’re scared of them replacing you, which means that fear is also stemmed from love. You can be scared that the person you love will leave you and break your heart. You can be scared that one day, they’ll just decide that they don’t feel the same way. Love is scary, man. You never know what it’s going to do to you, and how it could impact your life and relations with other people. You don’t know what the other person has intentions about. You could be scared that they’re going to cheat on you, lie to you, manipulate you. And once that happens, you might already be stuck with the fact that you love them, and you can’t leave. You just convince yourself that you still love them, even when hate is hiding right behind that mask.

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  11. Power is define as the capability to direct and influence others. What is stopping you from taking that ride on the rollercoaster? What is stopping you from going near that spider? What is stopping you from standing up for yourself? One word, fear. It is the trump card to get someone to bend to your will or to hold someone beneath your thumb. Now I definitely don't ever want someone to be in this situation, but I know this emotion's strength too well. This emotion is not something that comes and goes. Unlike jealousy or anger. Which a person can feel at one point but somehow within the human moral system fill find a way to forgive and walk towards the future. Fear on the other hand stays in the back of your mind as it creeps up your neck making your head swivel. As you think wondering what's keeping you awake at night. History has shown fear controls others, monarchs and dictators use this tactic for generations to control their citizens. The fear of stepping out of line not knowing what might happen to you or the ones you love. Will it be death or even worse. Even boiling down to the tiniest thing like a spider. To some people it could be the most innocent creature, but fear uses it as an avatar to take over your body. Your anxiety will not know the difference because all it can focus on is that fear and nothing else. It bends a person's will and overpowers everything. No other emotion or feeling can overcome it. You can't love something to get rid of the fear you once had. Leads to a false premonition of you thinking you're say. Now you surround yourself with people to aid you and support you to overcome. But on a one on one fear wins hands down. To the point the only cure would be inside a pill. A terrifying sight to see. I have taken it upon myself to never invoke fear to gain an advantage on someone because once upon a time a child in his young age feared of being different then the crowd. Which soon drew him to total chaos and hatred against anyone and everyone. Fear is the most powerful emotion.

  12. This question is easy, and its answer is hate. Though they are many powerful emotions, I feel as if hatred towers over them all. I'm not saying that this is the best feeling at all, but I feel as if it makes people more passionate about what they want, and what they want to do rather than love, joy, etc. In my life I've witnessed hatred turn family members who love each other into sworn enemies, best friends turn on each other over one little thing, and I personally have hatred for some people who I don't think I would ever be able to forgive. Hate can lead to many bad things as consequences and one of those things is revenge, which never turns out to be good for both sides of the problem. Even today though hatred spreads all throughout the world, in sexism, racism, etc. It's all so much easier because of technology. Last night I watched Remember the Titans, and it made me realize how glad I am to not have to live in a time like that, we're people straight up hated you and didn't even know a single thing about you. That's what makes it a great movie is eventually the football players put the hate down, and become brothers. Well me saying that might be ironic, because it defeats what I'm saying but really not. That movie was based on events that happened 50 years ago, and people are still racist and hateful to people of all ethnic groups based on what they look like till this day. That's why I believe hatred is the most powerful emotion, because it will always be around no matter what, whether it’s in the form of racism or just hate for actions someone did.

  13. Most murders are half-what caused by emotion, specifically anger. That is why I think its the most powerful emotion. I think that any emotion that provokes you to commit an irreversible deed such as murder is dangerous and shouldn't be handled without care. Its the rage that fills up someones being with a hot acid. Makes someone's fists clench and nails dig into their palms with intolerable force. The anger, that when receded, makes you want to stand under a 120 degree stream of water. Sadness is a pain to yourself, hate is a weak form of suppressed anger, where it is still reflected against your own beliefs. None of it amounts to the feeling of anger, pure rage, not even the fear the unfortunate person has that on the receiving end.

  14. All of those feelings are powerful and can make someones whole world change. Love is something everyone wants to have in their life, sadness is something no one wants in their life, hate is something people live and dive for, and indifference is something that nobody ever wants either. I think the most powerful is sadness. Sadness can really take a toll on a person and make them not want to do things they did when they weren't sad. For example, play a sport, or hang out with a friend, etc. Sadness can make you feel alone and trapped and that's not good and something I would never wish on anybody.Sometimes when you're sad it can lead to bigger issues if it gets worse. Everyone gets "sad" sometimes, but sometimes sadness can last a lifetime.

  15. All feelings can cause some type of emotion. Everyday we have to react somehow which our feelings and emotions. Sometimes feelings and emotions can lead to a whole different one. I think that love is a very strong emotion because it can also lead to pain and sorrow. When you love something so much and it make you feel like you’re on cloud 9, and then it leaves for good, those feelings can just be changed in a flick of a switch. I don’t like being upset or a downer but I learned not to have expectations or hopes because if you set high ones because of love let’s say they fail. You won’t be in love anymore because what you thought in your fairytale isn't love anymore. I is sorrow and it hurts like hell. That pain from love not working just makes you want to drop it all. Love can also work out and become a good thing. Having love and it being successful is an undesirable feeling and sadly not everyone can feel it.

  16. All feelings can cause some type of emotion. Everyday we have to react somehow which our feelings and emotions. Sometimes feelings and emotions can lead to a whole different one. I think that love is a very strong emotion because it can also lead to pain and sorrow. When you love something so much and it make you feel like you’re on cloud 9, and then it leaves for good, those feelings can just be changed in a flick of a switch. I don’t like being upset or a downer but I learned not to have expectations or hopes because if you set high ones because of love let’s say they fail. You won’t be in love anymore because what you thought in your fairytale isn't love anymore. I is sorrow and it hurts like hell. That pain from love not working just makes you want to drop it all. Love can also work out and become a good thing. Having love and it being successful is an undesirable feeling and sadly not everyone can feel it.

  17. Every emotion can make or break you depending on the situation. BUT, I believe love conquers all. Yes, it has its ups and downs, but it always pulls through. Love can fix a broken relationship, or create a new one you may not have expected. Losing love can make you never want to feel it again, because you think its only painful. But, when its right it can be beautiful. It can create happiness, you become comfortable with someone you may not have ever thought you would be comfortable with and creating a bond made on trust and loyalty. You may think you will never forgive someone, but the kindness of your heart, and the love you had for them may allow you to, without allowing them into your life. Like I said, it can break you too. You could be hurt by someone you thought loved you, which may ruin your sense of trust. Losing love, by death, can leave a void that you feel will never be filled. And maybe it won't. But remembering the good memories and love that will still last forever, whether they're here or not, you can push yourself to give the love they gave you to someone else, or even yourself. That's another thing, love is something yo can give yourself. By doing what makes you happy, making decisions for you, etc. Love is the most powerful emotion.

  18. I’ll keep this short. It’s love. No contest. All of the emotions listed above can stem off of love, but not vise versa. Love can push a person to do literally anything. If you are truly in love with someone and they ask you to do something there is probably a 95% chance you will do that thing. Not only that, but losing love has power in it’s own right. People have taken their own lives because people don’t love them, and on the opposite side, love has saved people’s lives. In my opinion, love is what we live for. There is nothing else in this world that is worth putting up with all the bad stuff for. That is the power of love. We trudge through this retched planet in hopes of finding it and/or keeping it. If there is an emotion more powerful than that I would love to hear it, but I don’t think there is.


Mental Floss

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