Tuesday, March 17, 2020

Into the Unknown

Man oh man--if ever there was a time for a blog, huh?  SHEEEEEESSHHHH.

So, ok--let's start with the elephant in the room.  This pandemic and the resulting mass hysteria and TP shortage has to be affecting you in ways I could not imagine.  I try to make light of it, but I know it's scary.  So, for now, we will start there.
During this "unprecedented time" of "navigating uncharted waters" (so many people have said this today), what are you doing to:

1. stay sane

2. keep on top of your school work

3. not plot the "accidental" murder of everyone living with you

4. not be scared/annoyed/fascinated by all the hype

What is the worst thing, for you, about this whole situation?  And because for every yin there is a yang--what are the positives you can foresee that may come from all of this? 

Let's try to make this our first check-in assignment, ok?  Try to have this answered by tonight. 

I love you guys, a lot.  Everything will be ok.


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  2. In this situation the worst thing for me is of course the chances of a friend, family member, or myself, getting sick. Because I have asthma my mom has put a lot of pressure on me to be careful, always be on top of my hygiene, and she has basically quarantined me in the house. If I do get it it wouldn't be as easy for me to overcome as someone who has healthy lungs, because it is a virus effecting mostly the respiratory system. Also, my mom is a nurse practitioner and works with people who have just gotten out of the hospital from surgery and other things and need additional care, so I worry for her health the most. So it is a little hard to stay sane knowing that id be the one to be wiped out lol and my mom could get it from her work. But, I just keep saying to myself that its all blown out of proportion, I will be fine, my mom will be fine, and everything is Ok. Although majority of it is a lie, as a friend has taught me, sometimes you have to fantasize, so at this point i'm just fantasizing a long spring break. Something positive out of this is being away from school actually. School has become a very negative place for me recently, I have been so stressed out and just in a bad mood even thinking about it. So maybe this will be a good break to reboot. Also I have begged my parents to be online schooled for a while now, since the beginning of sophomore year. I didn't think it would sadly have to happen this way but I am not necessarily complaining. I also think this will help give me some self discipline and stop procrastinating on my work. I hope everyone stays healthy!

  3. This whole situation is chaotic. I know the virus is serious, but people are going wayyyy overboard. The stores are out of toilet paper AND wipes, and people have even started to resort to using makeup wipes (they’re gonna burn your ass lol). Even though the stores are chaotic, that’s not the worst part of this. My mom is the youngest out of all of her siblings, and thankfully, her immune system is better than her family’s. My aunts and uncles (even some of my cousins) are 60, and if not, they’re approaching it. I’m so worried about them, and I’m praying for them every single day. On the flip side… well… I don’t think there is one. Yeah, I like staying home from school. But it sucks when you can’t hang out with your friends. I’m gonna miss 304 so much :( I really hope students don’t take advantage of the time off of school to just stay in bed all day. Ever since I found out there was going to be some time off of school, I made a promise to not do that. I’ve been getting up, working out, and trying to stay out of my room as much as possible. So I guess one perk of this virus would be that I can reach my goals without having the excuse that I have too much going on afterschool. But to everyone, please stay safe. I don’t want anyone and their families getting sick, I love you all and miss you all :(

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  5. This situation is kind of scaring me for people out there getting sick. My grandpa's older and already is sick with his lungs so I'm worried for him and anyone else like him. I don't know if I should be as scared as some people are, or as calm as some people are. I feel like I'm in the middle of the whole situation. Like, I went into Walmart last week to get a charger and I just left because I was already waiting in the line for 20 minutes and the line was out of the door. On the positive side though, I can finally get my shit together by being home all the time. I did complain about school throughout the school year, but I know by like next week I'm going to want to go back. I'm going to try to stay on top of my work and actually do stuff with all this time on my hands like deep clean my room and exercise more often now. I hope everyone stays safe!

  6. Overall this situation is chaotic. Stores began putting limits on certain items, people argue over items, and people hovering over workers to find out what is inside the next box. I know this virus is serious, but the media are becoming outrageous. I fear that my family or friends may come down with this disease. I sit here hoping that everyone stays safe. The worst part is the racial insensitive remarks my family and I have been receiving. Society is what it is, but change takes time. On the other hand with this month not seeing everyone and not going to school is allowing me to have time to rethink somethings. I told myself not to spend everyday off with just watching youtube and schoolwork. I do miss everyone and stay safe. I'll see you all soon.

  7. Honestly I don’t know what I am doing to stay sane during these hard times. I am beyond worried and frustrated with everything that is going on in the world. I have been binge watching tv and staying connected to my loved ones through facetime. I am currently getting bombarded with school assignments and I would so much rather go to school everyday than to go through all of this. I feel as though I don’t get as much work done when I’m sitting in my room, however I will push through it and get it all completed. On the bright side, I won’t be staying up late doing homework anymore, hopefully I get my work done during the day so I can just relax at night time. My grandmother and her boyfriend still have to go to work every week day as of right now, it’s just me, my brother, and the doggos. On top of doing school work, I still have other responsibilities such as simple chores that need to be done around the house, while I watch my brother and make sure he’s doing his work. Getting along with him is difficult for me, especially since he doesn’t listen, but I will get through it. I’ll avoid acting like a parent and more of a silent babysitter. The worst part of this whole situation for me is sitting home. I don’t like to sit home because I instantly feel unproductive. Especially living on the edge of Mays Landing away from everything, surrounded by trees, I feel trapped. I am from the city where I can just go. If I wanted something to eat I could walk for five minutes and see a gas station and a Burger King. I could always hop on a bus and be free. Here, I don’t have that opportunity, I have to rely on my grandma to take me everywhere and everything is so far. Now that I am on self quarantine, I feel even more trapped. However, on the bright side, we’re all doing this for a reason, we’re working on healing our nation. I’m grateful that my loved ones are healthy, especially the older ones, and I can only hope and pray that it stays that way.

  8. I just continue to stay calm in situations like these because you don’t want to contribute to the fear culture surrounding the Corona virus and it’s ramifications thus far. It’s important for me to look at what I need to accomplish work wise each day and just make sure that I’m doing it. Of course I have to be careful of my surroundings and who is around me because I don’t want to catch Corona or accidentally spread it. It can be hard not to be consumed by the news and the hype of all this, but you just kind of have to not continue to be engrossed by it and work on other things. The worst thing about this situation is just the fact that school is closed for a while and regular society is restricted because of the Corona virus. I mean it would sound cool to be off from school for over a month, but your just kind of stuck in your house and there’s limited access to pretty much everything. The only good thing that comes from this for me is the fact that I don’t really have a set time to go to bed so I can stay up for a long time. I don’t really know if the Corona scare will benefit society much and it seems to be an overall detriment to most people.

  9. I am trying my best to stay sane. I am a very structured person and so losing every single piece of my routine is killing me already. I am going to wake up at the same time every single day and follow the same routine and continue to keep myself in the most routined set up I can. Another thing I am doing is trying to make sure I get up and walk around every so often so that I don’t stay sitting in the same spot for the entire day doing homework. To stay on top of work I got a bunch of tiny post it notes and a purple pen and I am writing out every assignment I have and sticking it to my table where I do homework. Whenever I see a new assignment posted I write it down immediately. Every time I finish an assignment I crumple up the post it note and create a recycle pile that will get thrown out at the end of every day. I also try to keep myself from getting overwhelmed by the mass of posts from my teachers by not looking at classroom every time I see a new post but about every half hour to see what has been posted. To avoid killing my family and my dogs who enjoy barking at every single thing that exists (including oxygen) I am spending time with them in a way other than talking about the virus. I work out with my brother and do other fun stuff with him to keep us both entertained. I help my mom learn how to use google classroom and other stuff that she is now learning to use because she is totally clueless and it is kinda fun. I play golf with my dad or ride my bike with him just to get out of the house. Then we all watch random shows and movies together as a family at night. To keep myself away from the hype I try to just find the good in the situation. I want to make sure that I try not to worry about it every second of the day and think about how this is keeping everything from getting bad. The worst part of this is that I don’t have a schedule. I need to have structure to my life and this lack of structure is driving me insane. The good thing about this is I will have time to focus on myself instead of other people because I can’t even see other people. I am trying to fix myself during this time.

  10. This whole experience is still very new and unfamiliar to me. I'm still trying to find ways to take up my time or keep calm and not go stir-crazy. I have been attempting to avoid social media because I know that the majority of what I see about the Corona virus is probably not true. In this situation, it can be hard to distinguish the facts from the myths, which has caused all of this chaos. I am worried that people in my family could get sick or contract the virus, like my grandparents or my parents. My mom has basically quarantined me in my house and I'm not really allowed to go anywhere. This stinks because I miss my friends and playing sports. However, one positive thing is that I do have much more time to get all of my work done. Now that all activities and sports are canceled for the time being, I actually have time to complete my assignments without staying up til 1 every night. At home, it's pretty much just my brother and I while my mom and step dad are at work. We'll have a lacrosse catch outside or go on a bike ride when it's nice out, just to get out of the house for a bit. I guess all we can do is hope for the best and pray that the virus will come to an end. Stay healthy everyone, I hope to see you guys soon :)

  11. I'm not necessarily worried for myself, but I am worried about my grandparents and my dad. My grandpa has diabetes and my grandma is just of older age, so I'm worried about them. My dad had prostate cancer, and although he beat it, his immune system may not be as strong due to the treatments he endured when he had it. I'm enjoying spending more time with my siblings and my dog, but sometimes throughout the day I just wanna lay in the dark and watch Netflix. I'm loving the excuse to not leave my house, but I also don't want to go crazy and since I babysit my siblings until 4pm everyday, I only have 4 hours to do stuff. This curfew is BMS. But, overall, I wish everyone good health throughout this break. :)

  12. Honestly, I’m chillin’. I spend the entire day of school looking forward to when I can come home anyway, so now I’m kinda loving it. I get to spend all day with my dog, doing work when I want to. Going back to school on the 21st is definitely going to be a culture shock though, and there’s a lot of time ahead of that, so I hope I don’t go stir crazy. I’ll miss talking to some people every day, but if I really care, I’ll text them, so it’s not a big deal to me. In terms of school work, I think this will be good for me actually because I have more control over my schedule which I really like. I think all the hype is the worst part about this situation because there’s two sides of the hype. There’s the group of dummies who say “uhhh this isn’t even that serious,” and then there’s the group of dummies who say “OMG I ONLY HAVE FIVE CASES OF TOILET PAPER I’M GONNA NEED AT LEAST SIX MORE TO SURVIVE THIS ARMAGEDDON.” Just wash your damn hands and stay away from your grandmother. The best part is honestly the quarantine. I'm disappointed that baseball and it’s trip got cancelled, especially since this was my first varsity season, but oh well, at least we’ll have a trip with double the budget next year. It’s nice to have time to myself and with family without having school take up seven hours of your day.

  13. Just a month or two ago, I was making jokes about the virus breaking out in China; now I feel like that was a coping mechanism to try to avoid how bad it really could become. I never thought that it would reach the U.S., and shut down everything, causing disarray and panic in the eyes of the average American population. It feels like it’s the 1920s again, with the stock market crashing, a pandemic breaking out, and food + supply shortages. You could also say that it’s like the beginning of the Plagues of Egypt in the bible, where “hail and fire” represents the Australian wildfires, the locusts represent the locusts that currently infested Africa, and the epidemic represents this Coronavirus outbreak. They’re all just theories, but they’re still pretty crazy to me. During this time of panic, I’ve been trying to do some things that help me feel sane, such as working out and running. I’ve also tried to paint, bake, and write more, to help keep my creative juices flowing. I just don’t want to lay in bed all day, which I know would contribute greatly to my lack of motivation for school. To help myself stay on top of my school work, I’ve been checking my emails and google classroom constantly, to make sure that I’m doing whatever’s posted. I want to make sure that I’m keeping good grades and being a top tier student, even though I’m sitting at home, and my mom has been contributing to that. She literally doesn’t want me leaving the house, as she feels like I could get sick and cause damage to my immune-suppressed dad. That definitely doesn’t help my case of trying not to murder everyone in my household. But to make the most of that, I’ve been trying to spend more time with my family, eating dinner and watching movies with them. I also want to introduce the idea of family bike riding, so we can all (well maybe except for my dad) get some fresh air for once. In the long run, I’ve just been chilling about this whole thing. Yeah, it’s crazy, but stressing about it will just make you go crazy. This whole thing is out of our control. I’m not saying that I’m totally stress-free, but I’m trying to just let whatever happen, happen. Some good can come out of this, like giving us, overworked students, a break from the total pressure of school and socialization. This whole online schooling process could make us better students, and actually try to get more work done, as that’s all that we can really do. The worst part for me would be not seeing certain people that make me feel happy for once, and having my mom quarantine me inside of the house. But throughout all of this, I’m just going to mind my own business, and try to get work done; and also try not to strangle everyone that I live with.

  14. Honestly, I am perfectly fine with this. Right now I am very overwhelmed with everything that my teachers are posting, but once we all get used to this, I will be okay. The thing that is going to drive me insane is having to stay home basically all day every day. If you know me, you would know that I hate being stuck home, that I like to get out of the house, even if it is just to go grocery shopping with my mom. Now that a lot of places are shutting down, we aren’t really going to be able to do anything. I guess what I could do is bake whenever I am bored, go outside and walk, or try to pick up a new hobby around the house. I see this break as an opportunity to get my work done. I am going to try to wake up around the same time everyday, check classroom, and get any work done that is posted. I don’t think I will have a hard time staying on top of my work because that is really the only thing to do around home, and it is my top priority. Everyone in my house is busy, so we will be doing our own things, so I’m not too worried about getting angry or frustrated with them. I also spent a week in a tiny cabin on the cruise ship with them, so at least this way we have a good house where we can all do our work in separate rooms. Honestly, I think people are overreacting about this. I definitely think that everyone needs to be conscious about the situation that we are faced with right now, but people are panicking way too much. This is not the end of the world, so everyone needs to calm down. We can’t live in fear because then nothing will ever get done. Just wash your hands, come on people. The worst thing about this is that I won’t be able to see my friends as much, and most importantly, a lot of stores are closing down, so if we left the house, it's not like there is much we could do. It’s so annoying, but I’ll deal with it. One positive about this is that I have a chance to catch up on work that I still need to do, and maybe I could have a little glow up before we get back to school (haha, like that would actually happen). Also, I don’t have to change out of my pajamas, so that’s great!

  15. This is very unfortunate especially going into the new year, a new decade. But I have no fear over this America has gotten through tough times before we just need faith and pray. To stay sane it just the fact I know I serve a God that departed the red sea, he is in control. I am praying for families who are getting hit worse than others and that God will bring them out of it. To calm others instead of using social media as bad news I'm letting them know the hope we still have and letting them know the enemy is the one trying to make us fear. Now, this is the first day of us with this school work. I admit it kind of exhausting, the fact we don’t know whats sue or what to get done first. But my dad knows our school schedule and he is treating this as if this was a school day to the time we wake up. I'm not complaining though because it helps keep me from procrastination which what I was worried about. The fact we are in the comforts of our home with TV and games is temptation. The people living with me isn’t the problem, its where they go. If I know they're going somewhere more than ten people. Their clothes and sleeping bag will be left outside by the front door with a note " Have a great night"... Just kidding. The worst thing about this situation is the fear I see on social media and around me. I understand and it's sad, I'm praying this will all fade away; we just need to have faith and stick together. To be honest, I feel God is testing us on how we react with each other and if we will remain united and faithful in dark times like this. That's the real 2020 vision God has in store for us. I believe everything is going to be alright.

  16. I am definitely not panicking like some people are, I am just taking it day by day because there is nothing else that we can really do. The worst thing about this situation is sports being cancelled. I feel bad for the seniors who are having their senior year crumble right before them. They don't know if they will get prom, their last game ever or even walk at graduation when they are supposed to. I hate how people are making rumors on social media and starting drama. People are being stupid and taking too much of what they need and leaving everyone else with nothing. Some positives that come from this is less stress about school. Everyone gets to just chill at their homes and do their work, hang out with a few friends. I am not really that upset about how much our lives are being changed because what good will that do. We are already in this situation so lets not make it work.

  17. I am actually doing well in this situation like I’m not panicking as much as everyone else. The only thing I am really annoyed about in this situation is how the seniors are complaining about everything; The fact that they won’t get prom. They won’t get graduation. Like that is happening in less than 2-3 months, the virus will probably be over by that time, but we don’t know that. And on top of that, they are complaining that their spring season is being taken from them, yea I get it, it will be the last time ever playing, but I don’t think they are realizing it enough that people in the world are dying. People are dying and the seniors are acting like the world is not caring enough about their senior year. Aside from that, the one positive side of this is online school. I have always wanted to try online school only because you can learn online without waking up in the crack dawn of the morning or be around annoying people in the morning. Also you can learn at your own pace. However, the fact that I still have to wake up at 8 in the morning and check into classes for attendance until noon is kind of messing up me wanting to sleep in for some nights.

  18. This situation does have me scared but more aware than scared. I am not worried too much because it isn’t really found in teens. My parents are very healthy but just because they are doesn’t mean they won’t get it. My dad is still working because he counts as an emergency personnel so it does get me a little scared for him at times. I am still working and I get a little weird about it too because I deal with other people’s money so I make sure i wash my hands often and try not to touch my face. The virus is all you hear on the news, social media, newspaper, everywhere and I think it is being blown out of proportion. There are women who live with just them and their spouse taking everything that everyone else needs. Karen do you really need all that toilet paper? There are single mothers with four kids that need all of that and you’re taking it from them. This virus is making everyone selfish. Yes of course we all want to live and think about the future, but what about everyone else? I am lucky enough my parents didn’t put me in quarantine so I can still hang out with my friends who also aren’t trapped. Just have to be extra careful.

  19. I can't really go anywhere,which means I can't go to Runnemede to see my friends. That's all I really liked to do so It kinda sucks that I've had to revert back to face time calls and texting. And I feel like some of my teachers has taken this as an excuse to make us do 12 hours of work a day. I spent the last two days trying to keep a-top of it, and that's working straight through the day. I like, however, I don't have to wake up at 7 am. But the negatives outweigh the positive, and ill be trapped in this house liked its summer all over again until COVID-19 dies down.

  20. The worst thing goin on right now is the affects the virus could have not just on me, but lots of my family. Now I have very mild asthma, so I am more at risk then say someone who isn't that old. Someone who's more at risk though is my mom, who has mild asthma just like me, but who's also been a smoker for 30+ years, so it's sad seeing her all stressed out, because I know she's worried about her own life, but she really only cares about her life for my concern. She said to me the yesterday, "You already lost 1 parent, you're not gonna lose another." In context we were talking about staying away from people, and talking about how NJ has 14,000 cases. What really pisses me off though, We have the 2nd most cases in the U.S., but yet people are just not caring. Still going out just to go out, going to stores for unnecessary things, and giving the risk of them getting it, and spreading it to others. Everyones ignores the curfew, and it just boggles my mind how selfish people really can be, but sadly they'll realize this, when a loved one gets it and passes, or even they eventually. On the bright side of things though, because of this I'm getting to spend more time with my mom, even during school, after school activities, and club wrestling, my Mom and I really don't get to spend a lot of time together, so now almost every night we have an actual dinner, and not dinner on the run, as well as play a board game every night, or even watch a movie, but in the end I wish everyone a safe coronation, and to act like there's a pandemic going on an to listen, to what the Doctors, Authorities, or Governor says.


Mental Floss

QUARANTINE--DAY 8787576..... I was perusing the internet over this fine weekend and I came across a blog I used to follow quite regularly. I...