Tuesday, March 10, 2020

I Think; Therefore, I Am

There is an old proverb that says, basically, if you cannot ask you cannot live.

Well, no, that's not it exactly-- it sounds deeper and more profound than that but I can't think of the precise wording.

In preparation for your This I Believe presentation, which is a *Bunje English assignment, very cool, and usually fun to write, please carefully consider the questions below, and do your best to reflect and answer them as honestly as possible.

 1. What am I grateful for?

2. Am I honest?

3. What do I need to change about myself?

 4. Do I know what my talents are and do I utilize those talents?

 5. When I help someone, do I think, "what's in it for me?"

Again, answer honestly--no one will judge you, especially me. In fact, I will answer them too.  I will even go first!

* Bunje English is how I refer to our class once the AP Exam in in our rearview


  1. Since I wrote the original post, I will skip my boring preamble and dive right in...

    1--easy--you guys. Teaching, in general. Being able to wake up and still be excited to come to Oakcrest. Things that have happened here have brought me more joy than almost anything in my life.

    2--With other people--always, and sometimes to a fault. With myself, though...uhh...I mean...ya see...ok, no.

    3--Well, I suppose I could start with #3...but if not that, probably the way I react to stupid things I can't control--I tend to get angry and dwell on that anger, which is not at all productive, and as you have seen this year, not healthy for me. So...yeah--that.

    4--I think so, and yes, I try to. My primary talent is vision--I can see kids. I mean, of course I can see them, but I can SEE them, ya know? I have to utilize that talent, frankly. If I didn't, it would be too easy to get mad at kids for some of the stuff they do.

    5--kind of the opposite, but still in a negative way because instead of asking myself what I gain from it, I ask what it will cost ME to do it. Meh. I'll work on that because I don't like seeing it in black and white.

    Who's next??

  2. I’m a pompous asshole. I know I am, but part of me is thankful for it. If not thankful for it, there would be no good use. It makes me more confident and it gives me the ability to spot bs from miles away. It allows me to know I’m usually the smartest person in the room; which lets me pick out each and everyone’s flaws and perfections. It lets me read people like a book. With this said, I know I’m a bad person. I care only for myself and my benefit. I couldn’t care less about other people’s problems or traumas (I barley care about my own). This all makes me a bad person. A horrible, manipulative, piece of shit. But the thing is, I don’t care. I could care less about all of it because the only person that will ever look out for you is you. The world is dirty and dangerous. The world is manipulative and horrible, so what is so bad about me learning the game theory of it all and coming out on top? Why should I feel bad for those who couldn’t? That’s not on me, that’s on them, and I’ll be damned if my existence is wasted on waiting for others. Because that in itself is a giant waste of time, and the world won’t wait for you to tie your shoes.

  3. 1. There is so much to be grateful for. Every single day you wake up, that is another day to be grateful. I am grateful for all things, small and big. I am grateful for my family, my dogs, cats. I am grateful for my friends and dj. For things that keep me happy or things that keep me alive and stable, such as a lot of food in my house, a bed, a nice house. Many people don get to have nice things and people who do often forget they should be grateful for all the things they have. I am grateful that I am not sick and I get to play the sports I love all the time. I am grateful that I never had to worry about money or where my next meal was going to come from.
    2. I am always honest. Ever since I was child I have never been able to lie. Sure, I tried, but two seconds later I was feeling the punch of guilt and couldn help mysel but say the truth. I have also always believed that if I lie or be dishonest, it would come back for me. Basically karma. Probably at least once in my life I was not honest, but believe me when I tell you it is so hard for me to lie. It actually feels like a brick get dropped on my shoulders if i try to.
    3. I would like to change the way I overthink. I overthink everything. I hate that I do it, but for some reason I can stop. My mind neer rests. I am always thinking about something and will often generate many outcomes to a situation. Most of the time I will tell myself I am overthinking and none of it is actually true, but it still doesnt stop it from happening.
    4. I do not think I know what all of my talents are. Although I do have a strong passion for taking care of people who need it and I always try to, even it is minor. I just love helping and taking care of things and/or people who are in need of it.
    5. I never think this. If someone needs help it is because they are hurting or need someone and it is selfish to think what you could be getting out of someone elses pain. It is like a patient coming in to a hospital needing a big, dificult surgery. The doctor who says he will do it, doesnt think that id he does it they will love, just that he wants to help.

  4. 1. I am grateful for the amazing family I have. I believe that everyone in my life that is close to me is family. Friends come and go, but family is forever. I am pretty confident with the group of people I have, after everything we've gone through, are family to me. I am grateful for such an amazing support system not only at home but also at school. When I need a good cry, I know I can run on down to the office and sit in Wilbraham's or if he's doing his job (rare), this room is always open.
    2. I am almost always honest. The only time I think I really lie, is when I say I'm okay when I know I'm about to burst into tears but I don't want to give anyone the advantage of thinking I'm weak. Same thing goes with drama, I will front like it doesn't bother me but I know damn well it's heavy on my mind.
    3. I need to change my constant guilt that I need to save everybody. I don't love myself enough, I know that so I try to focus on others loving themselves and trying to pick them up and making them my diamond in the rough. But, some people don't want to change and then I end up hurt in the end which is never fun.
    4. My talents are giving good advice but never taking it for myself, as well as thinking I deserve whatever comes my way. I let people walk all over me but when you're healing from a horrible relationship where you felt like that's what you deserved, it becomes habit. Another thing I should probably change.
    6. Yes- and no. I don't think what's in it for me, but I love to have that feeling of joy and kindness that I did help someone.

  5. I am very grateful for having 15 wonderful years with my brother(subtracting the age difference). Although losing him is the hardest thing I have ever gone through, I am happy that I got to grow up with him and I was able to see him grow. Everyone who ever got to meet him is a lucky person, and being one of those people, I am glad for all the time I was able to spend with him. Although I do not always feel like this, especially for the way he died, I am truly grateful to have him as a brother and I hope that he is at peace now. Of course I am grateful for a lot of other things, but in general, I am grateful for my life. It is truly a beautiful thing, and the life I live is pretty easy besides school and the pain of losing my brother. There are so many people who struggle in the world financially and emotionally, which really makes me realize how much of a comfortable lifestyle I live. Not only that, but life can end in a matter of seconds, so you really have to appreciate every moment of the day cause you just don’t know when your life is going to end or change drastically. I am not always honest with myself or others. It is hard not to make a little lie here and there when there is so much going on that is out of our control. Of course I would never lie about anything huge or something that would get me into trouble. I try my hardest to be as honest as I possibly can, but it is always a struggle. A lot of the time I try to tell myself that I am fine, but in reality, I am very stressed and sad. Once again, it is hard to be honest when I am under so much pressure. I need to find a way to express my emotions better so I don’t just crash and burn when it is no longer bearable. Everything just builds up until I can’t handle it anymore and I break down and think I am not good enough. Overall, I just need to find a way to accept my failures and learn to love myself for who I am and for what I have done. I don’t really know what my talents are other than being smart. Of course I work hard to get good grades, so I guess I utilize my talents, but I don’t really have any others. One bad talent I have is crying during almost every calc test so far this year, and yes, I have utilized this talent. Besides breaking down in the middle of tests, I am very good at hiding my emotions when I am sad and I use it all of the time. It is not a good talent to have all of the time, but it is hard to break the habit when I have been doing it for so long. Sometimes when I help people, I think about what is in it for me depending on the person. I know I shouldn’t be like that, but if I help someone who I don’t really like, then I really hope that I did it for a good reason and get something good in return. Other than that, I enjoy helping my friends and family because I know that it makes a big difference. It makes me happy to know that I helped. I also know that they would do the same for me, even though they know that I wouldn’t expect them to.

  6. I’m grateful for living in a house with food, water, and other commodities, for having a good family that I’m close with and can talk to about anything, and for having hobbies/interest that keep me from becoming bored. I’m more truthful than untruthful. I tell white lies but when it comes to bigger situations I find it impossible to lie about it. I will lie occasionally but never to the extent of fabricating information out of thin air. I need to change my work ethic and be more efficient with my use of free time. I don’t know if I have a lot of physical talents but I know I have some intangible ones like common sense, emotional intelligence, and strong will. This is all subjective, but it’s what makes me who I am. When I help someone, it’s never about what’s the reward because the real reward is helping others and getting that satisfaction of doing a good thing for someone.

  7. I try to remind myself of the things that I’m grateful for everyday, things can be taken away so quickly, I try to appreciate everything. I am thankful for my family, they’re farrr from perfect and I don’t always agree with their ideas but I value the relationships that I do have. I am extremely thankful for the very small group of people that I call my friends, especially my bestfriend and boyfriend. All of these people keep me focused and prevent me from losing my mind. I am thankful that all my loved ones are healthy, and I wish that it stays that way. As pathetic as it is, I’m thankful for my dog and all her warm cuddles. I am thankful that I have an opportunity to be successful in life, that all my success determines on how hard I work for it.
    Not really. When it comes to being asked a question I rarely lie, unless I am protecting someone or something. When it comes to speaking my mind, I let my conscience tell me that I should stay quiet. Sometimes certain things aren’t worth my energy, but most times fear and anxiety take over and I sit quiet. When it comes to being honest with myself, I feel like I never am. I often talk myself through situations, mainly anything that has to do with stress. I tell myself I’m doing my best and that I only need to take it one day at a time, but at the same time I tell myself to go harder, that I’m not doing enough. My thoughts often contradict each other.
    I need to stop being so negative. I find myself being more angry and sad more than happy or even just in the middle of being happy and sad. Most of the time I feel miserable and I always complain. I honestly hate that about myself, I don’t know how people listen to me go on and on annoyingly complaining.
    I don’t have any special talents. I was never placed in any sports or activities growing up, well I was but I was never able to stick with anything. I can’t sing or dance. So if I had to choose something, I would say school is my talent. During all the crazy I went through, I managed to still prioritize school. People often tell me that ‘they respect my grind’ and that I am ambitious.
    I rarely ever think about myself when helping others. When I do acts of kindness I don’t find myself wondering how it could benefit me. I believe that if the situation is helping me more than the other person than it’s an act of selfishness.

  8. I am grateful for everything I have in my life because I have lived a very fortunate life. I have always gotten what I wanted and have never been held back from something due to financial struggles. I have an amazing family that is always by my side. They follow me to almost everyone one of my games and have been at every award ceremony. There wasn't a time where I had to worry if I had a ride home or if I could not go somewhere. I am also grateful for people who are not my family. I am grateful for the people who have impacted my life and formed me into this person I am today. This could be good or bad in any way. My friends, ex-boyfriends, coaches, teachers, and anybody else that has been in my life. I am so happy for my life and wouldn't trade it for the world. I like to think I am honest most of the time. I lie when I need to protect myself. Like if someone asked me something that I didn't want them to know I obviously wouldn't be telling them that so I would have to lie. In general though I try to be honest because I hate the feeling of being lied to. I am honest to my parents and give some brutally honest advice sometimes that I wish I could give myself. There are things that I need to change about myself. I want to change my outlook on the world. I always see the bad in the world because then I don't have to worry about being disappointed but I don't want my life to be like that. I wish that I could be a truly optimistic person. Another thing I need to change about myself is how I act around certain people. I always try to change the way I am for certain people but I need to just deal with the way I am and if people don't accept it that sucks for them. I don't have any huge talents. Like I don't have anything that really blows people away when I tell them. I am generally athletic. I can usually hold my own in any sport and can at least do the basic functions of that sport without really trying. I do use this talent because I play volleyball and golf (even though that isn't really a sport). My other talent is that I am smart. So I use my natural ability of school to take the hardest classes and get the best grades and take every opportunity that is granted to me. When I need to help people I don't think what is in it for me but more along the lines of how will this impact me. If I don't have the time or it will cause more stress or I don't think I will be able to help them then I will not help them because it is hurting me in the process. Usually I try to help every single person that asks for it but sometimes it is so hard to do that.

  9. 1. I am grateful for my family their support, guidance, and love. If I needed a ride for an event my parents would take the time to drive me. Every event my family would be in the crowd to watch. I am grateful for my friends even when we may not see eye to eye on every topic or ideology I know that they have my back.
    2. This question can be looked in two different perspectives Am I honest with others or Am I honest with myself? To others I am always honest with you. I don't understand the idea of appealing to others especially when the situation endangers you physically or mentally. This isn't a revelation a lot of people come to mean with their stories because you must listen and tell the person your honest opinion even if you don't agree with the person. As for myself the answer is no. I tend to hide a lot especially in the realm of relationships whether if it's friendships or significant others. I grew up alone in school so forming relations took longer than many others. I told myself "I wasn't ready" or "I don't need this. It's a distraction" is this true it has its weight.
    3. I would like to change my level of confidence. I tend to not do stuff that is considered new to me because out of the basic feelings of fear and anxiety. I hate the idea of going outside of my comfort zone.
    4. I don't have a talent that would achieve a golden buzzer. Everyone has a specific skill, but like myself I never had to identify that talent. I just go through life and never thought about as unique. I play the saxophone, I am generally good in sports, and can manipulate a conversation to get the information I want. I utilized these talents in order for me to relax.
    5. Sometimes I'm ashamed to say this but I do sometimes think "what am I getting out of this," I won't lie. I help every person that ask me to my best ability, but if you ask me for a favor. I will ask how do I benefit from it.

  10. I ask myself these same questions consistently throughout my drawn-out life. I question my beliefs and ponder over what really matters to me- and honestly, sometimes it’s really hard to tell. Everything just seems so superficial and industrialized. I don’t really see a point in life; at least that’s how I feel at this very moment. We live- actually we EXIST- and we die; we just choose if we want to “live” or not. Right now, I am not living. I wouldn’t call this living. Although I say that, there’s still a lot of things in life that I’m grateful for. I’m still appreciative of them, even if I don’t express it. I’m grateful for my loving parents, who have shown nothing but support for me. I truthfully kinda feel bad about my perspective on life and how shitty it is, when I have it “good”, surrounded by a support system. They’re always there, but I don’t talk to them about how I feel or anything for that matter. And for that, I’m sorry, mom. I’m grateful for the food that they put on the table, the roof that they’ve put over my head, the shoes that they’ve put on my feet, the life that they’ve given me. It hurts to say that I’m grateful for my life, even though I’m just sitting here wasting it. I’m sorry again, mom. I’m grateful for the countless doctors that have saved my dad’s life on multiple occasions- because he deserves to live. I’m grateful for all of the dogs that roam the earth, and for all of the animals that call this earth their home. They deserve to be here. I’m grateful for my mistakes, my tears, my laughs, my heartbreaks, my pain, my peaks. I’m grateful for the sun, and the trees, and the birds, and the bees. [I’m grateful.] I’m grateful that everything that I just listed makes me feel a little bit more alive. If I’m being honest here, I’m not the most honest person- which is kind of ironic, huh. Okay look, I’m not straight up lying to everyone that I meet; I just swerve around the truth. If someone asks for my opinion, I give whatever would benefit them- I focus more on appeasing others than on pleasing myself. So basically, I’m not honest to myself. I don’t stick up for what I believe in, which I believe is lying. I’m lying to myself by not being who I truly am. For other people, I’ll tell you the absolute truth, but in the nicest way possible, the fakest way possible. Because your truth is different from mine, and I’m just tryna get by in life. Now that’s something that I need to change. I need to stop being what other people want me to be. I need to stop lying to myself, and doing whatever just to be accepted. I need to stop overthinking, and letting those bad thoughts consume my entire well-being. I need to stop being so negative to myself, and about life- I need to actually start living. Not quite sure when I’m going to make that step, though.

    1. Expanding from my earlier thoughts, one of my talents would be how I can be whoever just to please other people- I can hide who I am pretty darn well. I would say that I utilize that talent everyday, as I just do whatever to get by. I just “go with the flow” even when I’m being drowned and pulled under by a riptide. Another one of my talents would be how I can overthink and come up with literally the worst possible outcomes for everything. I mean, that HAS to be a talent, right? To be honest, I think at this point, I’m just manipulating my bad habits into “talents” to make myself feel better. A girl’s gotta do what a girl’s gotta do. Like, I probably have actual talents? I just don’t give myself the time of day to actually recognize them, and no one cares enough about me to help me realize that. When it’s on the opposite side, and I actually get to help someone, I don’t think about “what’s in it for me?” Like I said earlier, I could care less about my life. If I’m gonna help someone then I want to make sure that they get what they need to thrive and prosper in a life that they actually want. Why focus on my benefit when someone else is struggling? Because trust me, I’ve been in that situation- where I was used and manipulated when I was not in a good place. I was so lost, and someone just decided to use that for their benefit, instead of actually helping me. Like damn, if that’s how you wanna “live”, then go ahead, but when I actually make that step, that’s definitely not the way that I wanna go.

  11. There are so many things I am grateful for. Family, teachers, friends, etc.. But one thing I'm grateful for its being part of everyone's life experience and vice versa. I believe we are all in this together in the special gift granted to us called life. We learn from each other whether if we do this correctly or to save yourself from going down that bumpy road. The fact we are here for each other shows our love for each other which is something so beautiful to experience. Am I honest? Not all the time. There are times in my life I worry about being so perfect that I forget to be honest with myself. Trying to live up to someone's standards is very hard. I remember getting I use to have the wrong idea about the bible. I use to think I had to put this perfect picture of myself and not sin at all and that I was worthy of God’s presence. THAT IS INCORRECT!!! It took me a long time to correct myself I had to be humble in God's presence. I am a Christian imperfect saved by grace seeking after God. One thing that I need to change about myself is letting know people I have a problem. I am so focused on making sure I'm always nice to people and making sure I don’t ruin their day knowing I'm mad at them. Bottling all of this up affected me by making me passive-aggressive this year but I'm praying it will get better. My talents in playing the piano and drawing put me at ease. But I haven’t been using these talents I was blessed with to my advantage because I haven’t had any time this year. Junior year hasn't given me any time because I constantly have homework and tests to study for. I haven’t had a weekend to myself this trimester because of wrestling and homework. Last but not least if I help someone do I think it in for me? I don’t think about that because i already know the answer. The reward is knowing there day has gotten better. That is all that matters to me.

  12. 1. I am grateful for a lot of reasons. I'm grateful for my family, my friends, and of course my life. I'm even grateful for the people I lost relationships with because it taught me lessons for the future. I'm grateful for the mistakes I've made in life that made me into the person I am today.
    2. I used to not be an honest person. I tried looking for attention a lot in middle school and was just immature and didn't know what I was doing in my life. I now try to be honest with everything and everyone. I do admit that I hold in my feelings and sometimes don't tell people when I'm upset or mad when they ask me what's wrong, and I should be more honest about that because feelings are valid, but that's the only "honest" trait I need to work on right now.
    3. I need to take myself more seriously. Someone once told me that if you keep telling yourself negative comments, you're going to start to believe it and that's something I do every day. I need to start being more confident and trying harder in everything because that'll help me in the long run.
    4. I don't necessarily know my talents. I always tell myself "there's better people at this than you", etc. Which I need to stop doing. I love cheering and dancing and that's a talent of mine, and I love doing them, and I feel like I don't know if I'm good at them or not because I'm always watching other people and comparing.
    5. I used to help everyone with anything.I then learned my lesson that some people are just using me and hurting me in the end. Sometimes you do need to ask yourself "what's in it for me"(SOMETIMES) but most of the time I'm glad to help anyone and it makes me happy thinking about it.

  13. I am very grateful for time. I take time to heart because I love living in the moment. I enjoy making memories because you can never get that time ever again. I think I’m pretty honest as a person like I'm straight up, but I am definitely not honest with myself that is one thing. I would like to learn how to speak up, I wanna change how I keep everything to myself. I don’t have a talent or at least that I can think of. When I help someone I don’t think what’s in it for me because that is just rude.

  14. I am grateful for my family, friends, the food on my table, roof over my head, clothes on my back, and so much more. My grandma taught me ever since I was little to pray before I go to sleep telling God everything I am thankful for, no matter how long the list and I still do it. I have a pretty strong family since it is just my mom, dad, brother, dogs, and I. We aren’t close to my moms side or dads side, it is kind of just like a “ we see you on holidays ``. I know that everything happens for a reason though and there is always a plan.
    I think I am honest. Somethings I do keep to myself because it is better for others not to know so feelings aren’t hurt, someone isn’t offended, or I don’t start anything. I never like to be rude but some things are just better off not knowing. I learned that one before
    I need to stop overthinking and working myself up. My anxiety has been through the roof for a while and I need to just learn how to calm down. I cry everytime I see my schoolwork because it just overwhelms and gets the best of mr. I am hard on myself for I don't even know what reason.
    I think I honestly have a good talent at making people feel better or advice. Somethings I might not go through that others have but I feel like I am understanding and can help see your side and make sure you feel better. If something is bothering someone it is always good to speak about it. When I graduate college I would like to be a guidance counselor so I can help the children who need someone to vent or talk to. Just to make someone's day better.
    I 100% don't think what is in it for me. I love helping and giving to others. Seeing others upset I never like so I always want to help. It is nice to get the favor returned, but if not I won't be selfish for it and expect it back. Once in a while everyone needs someone and you want to be there for them. If you expect something back I see it as selfish. But then again make sure it isn’t a one sided relationship.


Mental Floss

QUARANTINE--DAY 8787576..... I was perusing the internet over this fine weekend and I came across a blog I used to follow quite regularly. I...