Tuesday, March 24, 2020

Deep Isolation Thoughts

  • I miss you all so much, and I think hearing your answers to some of these questions would be really fun for all of us!  Be sure to answer the WHYs where you see them.  So, let's gooo

  • What would peanut butter be called if it wasn’t called peanut butter?  Why?

  • If you became invisible for 10 minutes RIGHT NOW, what (school appropriate!) things would you do?  Why?

  • What is a saying or expression that you probably say too much? 

  • What actor/actress would you want to play you if they ever made a movie about your life?  Why?

  • Do you put your cereal in the bowl before the milk or the milk in before the cereal?

  • You discover a beautiful island where you decide to build a new society. What is the first rule you put in place?  Why?


  1. If peanut butter had it different name it would be peanut sauce. Think about it. Anything else has the name plus sauce. Chocolate sauce, caramel sauce (which sounds dumb but it is the actual name), barbeque sauce so why wouldn’t it be called peanut sauce. If I was invisible right now for 10 minutes I would go outside and go do everything I am not allowed to do because of coronavirus. Oh I would go to Hess and play on the playgrounds there because it’s always fun. I say a lot of things too much. I say “fair” a lot. Like when I ask someone something and they give me an answer, almost 99% percent of the time my answer will be fair or fair enough. That is Tyler’s fault. I say bruh a lot but all of my friends do because Cheyenne said it constantly, we started making fun of her, and then we all started saying it too. I would have Jennifer Lawrence play me because I just love her personality. She’s so funny and entertaining and I feel like she would be a really good me because I have a lot of dumb stuff that happens in my life that I can see her playing. CEREAL GOES IN THE BOWL BEFORE MILK!!! That is the way it is supposed to be and always will be. You don’t know how much milk to put in if you don’t put in the cereal first. What if you pour your cereal and realize you have no milk? You can either eat it dry or just pour it back in. What do you do with a bowl full of milk? Nothing. You wasted it. The first rule of my new society would be to establish a government. It gives structure and makes sure that a power struggle doesn’t happen.

  2. If peanut butter wasn't called peanut butter, it would obviosly be called peanut spread. You spread it on things, it is a spread and it is made out of peanuts. If I was invisible for 10 minutes right now, I would go to a bookstore. We aren't allowed to go to bookstores right now and ever since I was little a book store was always so calming to me and I would just like to go and walk around even if it is 10 minutes. I defentily say "thats not funny" or "seriously" because It's hard for to tell when someone is making a joke or trying to be funny because some people can keep a straight face so good while saying it. I would definitely want Taylor Swift to play me in a movie. She looks nothing like me but it is no surprise that I LOVE Taylor Swift and if there was to be a movie about me you would get to meet the person that plays you right? So then I would get to meet her. So it's perfect if she plays me in a movie. You put the cereal in BEFORE THE MILK. How are you suppose to tell how much milk you really need if you just go ahead and fill it up. I do agree with Cassie that building a government would definitely be the ideal thing to do so you're island isn't just all over the place and crazy but my next rule would be that there must be a lot of dogs because they are perfect.

  3. I agree with Skyler, if peanut butter wasn't called peanut butter, it would just be called peanut spread. If I was invisible right now, I would probably sneak into an airport and go somewhere. Although the flights are already cheap right now because of the Coronavirus, I'd much rather go for free because they won't see me boarding the plane! Something I say a lot is "bruh" because Maddy says it all the time. I also say "aw" a lot in every situation. If they ever made a movie about my life, I would definitely want Olivia Rodrigo to play me! I loved her acting in HSMTMTS, and she's an amazing singer. If you put the milk in before the cereal, that's a serious crime. Why would you put milk in the bowl first?? It just doesn't make sense to me. I honestly tried to do it once and it didn't taste the same, and I felt like I committed a crime. I agree with Cassie and Skyler, and I'd build a government so it isn't chaotic. If I had to make another rule, I'd say that no crimes can be committed because I hate violence.

  4. If peanut butter had to be renamed, it would be renamed peanut cream. It’s a creamy substance made from peanuts, that’s it. If I could be invisible for 10 minutes, I would one hundred percent mess with my family. I don’t think I would have a purpose to be invisible, due to the fact that I wouldnt be seen, I probably wouldn’t like the feeling of not being acknowledged, so I would just use the time and do something fun, like scare my family. I definitely say “haha” too much. More specifically in text, I’m always typing “haha” along with my regular text message. I use it as a replacement for “lol”, but sometimes I use it in a sarcastic way. I would probably want Jennifer Aniston to take the role of me in a movie about my life, because I just love her as an actress. I adored her when she played her role as Racheal in the tv series Friends, and I love the movies that she is in. Cereal goes in before the milk, unless you’re finishing the milk. The servings need to be porportionate, and if you put the milk first it’s harder to fill it with the right amount of cereal. Plus, when the cereal is already in the bowl, the milk pours all on it and goes to the bottom. There would have to be a list of rules to follow, and the first rule established would be to follow those rules. I’m familiar with our government, so the rules will probably be similar, just way better and less inhumane.

  5. Alright, usually I try to make intros to these blogs, but I don’t really have anything for this one, so let’s just get into it and see what my socially-lacking brain has to say about these questions. Number one: What would peanut butter be called if it wasn’t called peanut butter? First off, I shouldn’t have looked at the responses because now all I can think about is peanut spread, which is a good answer, but it’s a little basic. I think a pretty ironic name would be “I Can’t Believe It’s Not Peanut Butter!” (copyright whoops). Get it? Cause it’s not called pean… nevermind, I know you get it. I just made a spin-off of the already known and loved fake butter, as this mysterious peanut (not) butter would be. Number two: If you became invisible for 10 minutes RIGHT NOW, what things would you do? Frankly, I’d just try to freak my family out first; moving their things, writing spooky things on their papers, slamming doors and opening cabinets. I think it’d be pretty funny seeing the complete horror in their faces. Another thing I would do is break into my neighbours’ houses and scavenge for toilet paper and hand sanitizer, as the times right now are a little tough. They’d never know what hit ‘em. There’s a lot more that I’d do, but we only have ten minutes, and that is not a lot of time. Number three: What is a saying or expression that you probably say too much? Alright here we go, I say a lot of dumb words, much of them being “dude” or “man,” “bruh” or “bro,” “LMAO” (in texting), “haha,” and “why,” as I question everything. I really don’t know why I say “dude” and all of those words a lot; they just come out naturally when I’m talking to someone (doesn’t matter the gender) or when something inconvenient happens, like when I find out about a test. I’ll just be like “dudeee” or “bruhhh.” I guess I address people that way to be friendly and personable, and I’ll say them to friendzone boys sometimes, but I also address my boyfriend that way (instead of babe, baby, whatever, yuck), so it’s honestly random. Some sayings that I say a lot are “just go with the flow” or “whatever happens, happens.” I think I say those to calm myself down and when I’m trying not to stress over things. I’ll say them to other people to give off a good vibe about myself, like I’m calm and worry-free, even when I’m not. Number four: What actor/actress would you want to play you if they ever made a movie about your life? I actually have to think about this one, as I don’t really follow up with actresses, or actors for that matter. I just like movies that I like, not because a certain person’s in them. Some actresses that I wouldn’t mind playing me (and that kinda? look like me) would be Blake Lively, Britt Robertson, or Elle Fanning. They’re in a couple different movies that I like, and they all seem to have a good heart. Blake Lively is just super pretty and sweet, and in a Simple Favor she was a bad b*tch, which I looked up to. Britt Robertson I’ve always liked because she was in a movie with Dylan O’Brien and they dated after, and I just wished that I was her hahah; Dylan O’Brien was probably one of my first big TV/movie crushes. Elle Fanning just seems super sweet and gentle, and her light features kind of resemble mine.

    1. Number five: Do you put your cereal in the bowl before the milk or the milk in before the cereal? Okay I know that is a blog, but there is a correct answer here, and that is to put your cereal in the bowl before the milk. You’re honestly a psychopath if you don’t do that, and I really don’t want you in my presence. Putting the milk in after allows each piece of cereal to get slathered in that milky goodness: the perfect way to eat it, but you gotta hurry so it doesn’t get soggy. And finally number six: You discover a beautiful island where you decide to build a new society. What is the first rule you put in place? Straight up, y’all are boring for talking about government; it’s good to have for structure, but I’m not feeling it. My first rule would be “no boys allowed,” and that’s for a couple reasons. One being because men mess up everything in government, and whatever went wrong (ever) was because of them. Like okay look, my best friends are guys, so I’m not saying that they’re bad, but it would be pretty cool to just have a society with girls; it takes me back to elementary school when all the girls would say “girls go to college to get more knowledge and boys go to Jupiter to get more stupider.” That energy just feels good. And I know that sometimes I trash on girls because they’re fake and catty, but that’s only sometimes. Everyone has their flaws here. Okay if I’m being honest, I only said “no boys allowed” as a joke because it’s what all girls said as kids, but I could vibe with that. It’d be like a society to go to sometimes, maybe during that special time of month, where no guys are there to pester us. I don’t know, that seems funny. Alright I’m done talking.

  6. If peanut butter was called anything else, I think it would be called either peanut spread or liquified peanuts. It would be called peanut spread cause it is a spread made out of peanuts, and when you think of nutella, it is called hazelnut spread too, so it only makes sense. Peanut spread just sounds boring, so I think it would be funnier to call it liquified peanuts, cause I mean, they are really solid anymore and some natural peanut butters are pretty liquidy with all of the oils. If I was invisible for ten minutes, I would go to the chick-fil-a food preparation area and see how they make their nuggets and how they make their milkshakes. Just so I would know how to make the deliciousness on Sundays. I say “okie dokie” a lot and I’m not really sure why. I don’t ever just say “okay” anymore, I always answer with “okie dokie”. If I had a movie that was made about my life, I would have Kiernan Shipka play me. I am watching the Chilling Adventures of Sabrina right now, and although she is not always the best actor, she has blond hair and looks around the same age as me. Other than that, I really like the show, so I think she would fill my role just as well. I put my cereal in my bowl before the milk because doing it the other way is MONSTROUS. If you put the milk first, you are a PSYCHOPATH. It is just not right to do it any other way besides cereal first. Like Cassie said, if you don’t put the cereal in first, you won’t know how much milk to put in the bowl. Just like almost everyone else said, the first rule would be to build a government. Without it, the new society would be vulnerable and weak. When a government is formed, the new island would be given structure, a fair leader, and an opportunity for the growth of the island. WIth a government, new rules could be formed.

  7. If peanut butter wasn’t called peanut butter then the most sensible name for it would be peanut spread because the word spread exactly describes what you do with peanut butter. I think when peanut butter first came out it was actually called peanut spread until they changed it to peanut butter for more marketability. If I was invisible for 10 minutes I would probably sneak into the Seaview Golf club and check out the place because haven’t been inside since my Dad’s wedding and I remember the golf club being really cool. Out of all the expressions/ sayings I’ve ever used, the one I most find myself saying currently is “bruh”. I swear, you can interpret most miscommunications as a bruh moment and I’ve definitely gotten to the point where when I say it, it more of a noise vibration rather than an actual word. I had to choose an actor to play me in my life story movie it would probably be Drake ( I know he’s more of a musical artist, but he does have a decent amount of movie/ television appearances.) because I would look like him if I had a full beard and mustache. The “correct” way to eat cereal is to pour the cereal first, then the milk. I’m going to be honest, I used to do it the other way around, but I would always make a mess or pour in too much milk. You put cereal in first to prevent mess and so all of your cereal is coated with milk, as doing it the other way would only really get the bottom cereal. My first rule for a new society would be to make most items and comestibles legal for sale ( not including black market or dark web things) because this new society should start with a good economy that can pave the way for other things/ functions for the benefit of the society.

  8. I believe if peanut butter was called something else it would be called Nuscents, I made up the word but it supposes to sound like a nuisance. I think of peanut butter as smooth and creamy so just the sound of the word sounds smooth so I felt it fits well (Don't judge me). If I could be invisible for 10 min I would do what I usually do, the only different thing is the fact I'm invisible because I'm still being watched by God. It's for my good... I guess. But if I had to have fun I probably would scare people. An expression I say a lot is "Won't he do It" because God will always make a way. If they ever made a movie about me an actor that will best fit my role, Tyler Perry, because of his attitude in Madea is so funny and lowkey relatable. Also, I love she adds a sprinkle of Jesus and his movies turn out to be impactful lessons. He would do a good job with my movie. I put my cereal in the bowl before the milk because I feel the other way around makes it dry still. I dislike dry cereal. If I made a new society the first rule will be to respect others. This needs to be a foundation because how are we supposed to follow the roles if we can't respect them?

  9. So question 1) What would peanut butter be called if it wasn’t called peanut butter? Why? Well there are two perspectives of what should peanut butter be called. The only thing that is definite is that you need the word "peanut," like I don't have a peanut allergy, but I got a mad amount of friends with peanut allergies. And if they pick up the bottle and be like what is this brown stuff. Then they take a spoon full and go wait this has peanuts. Now you got a hospital case. The hospital doesn't need anymore patients. They got their hands full. So for my peanut allergy brothers and sisters the perfect name would be "death in a bottle." 2) If you became invisible for 10 minutes RIGHT NOW, what (school appropriate!) things would you do? Why? Now this is perfect I always wanted to be invisible. They amount of pranks I could is unimaginable. I would walk into class and all you saw a floating book bag and I can be like what are you looking at, or I could stiff people in the back of the head and just start a bunch of fights within the halls of Oakcrest. 3) What is a saying or expression that you probably say too much? I use the word "brother or bro" too much. You use it around your friends because they mean more than others to you. If I had a partner I would probably still use the word "bro" I'm not into the nickname stuff. 4) What actor/actress would you want to play you if they ever made a movie about your life? Why? This is probably my most difficult question because 1. I don't know that many movie actors. 2. Not many asian actors can match the pure beauty and charisma of myself. But I choose Pierre Png the only reason is that he seems to resemble me. 5) Do you put your cereal in the bowl before the milk or the milk in before the cereal? The answer is neither I don't like cereal I'm not a fan. And if you don't want your cereal to get soggy then why put the milk in to begin with. 6)You discover a beautiful island where you decide to build a new society. What is the first rule you put in place? Why? I gained to rule an island. You need the essentials fair government, balance, and equality. But the one thing that will be address immediately. Is the abolishment of TikTok. Yes this app needs to die. When we had school all I saw videos and dancing like please stop. For the love of society.

  10. These are some of the oddest questions I've received. They also happen to be some of the oddest questions I've had to think about. Not that I don't think abut the weird and peculiar, I just tend to lean more to the "important" stuff. With that said, #1 Smooth Peanuts. I mean that's what it is isn't it? Borderline peanut's in a blender. #2,honestly, I would probably go and rob my local Walmart or something. Its not the most honest decision but stealing from big corporations actually isn't that bad. They pay minimum wage and their board members earn millions. Its wrong. #3, I tend to say "Um" a lot. The only reason I do this is because I can get nervous. My go to phrase to fill the void of nervous silence is "Um" unfortunately. #4 Helena Bonham Carter. She's always said she doesn't like to play normal, "There's no fun in that". I feel like she has the right mindset and I closely relate to her as a person. She'd be perfect. #5, I'm half tempted to say I put the milk in first and justify it with "I know exactly how much to add because I use the same bowls" but whats the fun in a lie if its completely unbelievable. #6 was very easy to think about and answer. First rule on my island of brooketopia, Never question your authority. The way I see it, Communism is a pretty great idea on paper. Its humans that screw it up. Violence/death-tolls, I would attempt to create the ideal society. It's insane, but if successful very beneficial.

  11. If peanut butter was going to be renamed I would just call it peanut spread. It is basic but it only makes sense. It is just peanuts spreaded, right? Next, if I was invisible for 10 minutes right now I would scare my brother. Go into his room, knock things over, open and close the door, and just spook him out in general. I also think it would be pretty funny if I drive somewhere. Imagine being stopped at a red light and then the light turns green. When the light turns green the car moves, but no one is in the driver's seat. That would be scary and just crazy. It would be funny to mess with people. I wasn’t sure what phrase to say so I asked my friend Amelia. She said that whenever I see her or my friends I always go up to them and say “ Hi honey.” I actually do say that a lot. I am not sure why that's my go to, I guess just cause it's cute and welcoming Amelia says she feels special when I say it so it looks like I'm sticking with that phrase for a while. Any actress I would want to play if there was a movie on me it would be Anne Hathway. She is drop dead gorgeous and is pretty badass. She has starred in many movies as many different personalities. She isn’t afraid about who she plays even if they are weird like me so she would be a good fit. She seems pretty hard headed in the roles she picks too so that is another plus. If you put milk in before your cereal, you grew up all wrong. The point of putting milk into your cereal is so it isn’t so crunchy and dry. Putting your milk in before I don’t think you will get the full effect of even having the milk in. Putting the milk in after then the whole point is proved. The cereal will not be so dry and crunchy. My first rule if I ever found an island and built a new society is an eye for an eye. I think it is only fair.

  12. If it was not called Peanut Butter it would be called Peanut Spread, because that's exactly what it is. But if I was given the power of being invisible for just 10 mins I would go to a laboratory to see what's going on with this bs. Something I say a lot though, is "bms'' or "blowing my shit". This is because most of the time people usually are bms, but if not that, "no cap" is prolly another, because in 2020, everyone swears you're lying. If I could have any actor play me it would have to be Mark Wahlberg, I love all of his movies, and they're all action packed, which is what my life really is. Honestly, I've never liked cereal, and never will, mostly because I don't like normal milk, by itself. The first rule of society on my private island, would be giving it a Capitalist society, with a Democratic Republic just like the US. Since we are a Fresh Island though, we will have plenty of resources like lumber, ore, and many other things to help countries to start our economy off well, because as much as I hate to say it, money rules the world.

  13. If peanut butter was not called peanut butter, I would call it creamy peanuts. If I could go invisible for 10 minutes, well first I would have to be driven back to New Jersey first and then go invisible so I can sneak back into my house. I often say “ weeeeellllllll “ I don’t know why, but I say it a lot. I would want Greta Onieogou to play me in a movie because she is a very good actor in a show that I watch. If you put milk in the bowl before cereal you are a psychopath, It should be cereal first before milk because then you can see how much cereal is being poured into the bowl. the first rule to be put into place,I would agree with cassie on this and put a government in, but because I am me my first rule is going to be to change the legal age of drinking to 16. oops

  14. If peanut butter wasn't called peanut butter, it'd be called Reese sauce, because it still needs to have some type of peanut butter angle to it, but it's also a kind of sauce for your sandwich and anything else you put peanut butter on.If I became invisable right now, I';d go to my sisters house and steal all her clothes because they're really nice anbd I love them and she won't share them with me, so she'll figure out how to share with me the hard way. A expression I say a lot is, "brap". It's npot really an expression, it's more of a sound. I just started doing it last week, I don't know why, and I probably do it about 26 times a day. LIke today, I was fishimg and went I went to cast it, I said it about five times just then. The movie I'd want to play in, would be, "Liv and Maddie", and I'd of course be LIv, but I'd change her personality around because she's too girly for me. BUt I always wanted to be in that show when I was younger, and even now. Ceral in before!!!! ALWAYS BEFORE!!!! The first rule would be no phones unless it's an emergency because I need to learn to live my life without my phone and actually explore the beautiful world, especially if I was on a lovely island.

  15. If peanut butter wasn’t called peanut butter it would be called disgusting, because it is.
    If I became invisible right now for just a ten minute window, I don’t think there’s anything I could do that would actually capitalize off of the powers, like sneaking into disney for free or something, so I’d probably just go for a drive because that would be really funny, or I would take some selfies with my new and improved look.
    I probably say a lot of stuff too much, but just picking one would probably be “it iss what it issss.”
    I would want the role of Steven Flickinger to be played by none other than Danny Devito because he is the greatest creation god has ever made, if he’s not available, then Steve Carrel because he is hilarious and shines in everything he does.
    Cereal before milk. Always. There should only be milk before the cereal on a second bowl when the milk from the first is still there.
    The first rule of my new society, because there are none yet, would be no murder, I think that one is self explanatory.


Mental Floss

QUARANTINE--DAY 8787576..... I was perusing the internet over this fine weekend and I came across a blog I used to follow quite regularly. I...