Monday, April 6, 2020

Lyrical Philosophies

Back in the days of  face to face AP Lang, we talked quite a bit about personal philosophies. 
These were usually in the forms of quick little rants that usually steered us off topic but into an area that may have been more important at the time. 
I miss those days more than you know but I am hopeful we can get back there soon.

So, during times of strife, I often turn to the comfort of songs.  Dogs too, but..ya know.  So, I've been making lots of Quarantine Play Lists...and that kinda got me thinking...

Music, to many of you, is an escape from the harsh realities of teenage life. Many of you use music as a gateway. To sanity, to serenity, to solace and/or to solitude.

So, now let's take one step further and also make it a tool by which you come to a greater understanding of how you see the world, and how you see yourself.
I'm not trying to ruin music for you--quite the opposite, actually. 
I am kind of hoping you'll get a clearer understanding of why you like music that you do.

Think about all the music you love to listen to. Specifically, think about the lyrics to songs you love. Now, I want you to pick one or two songs that adequately encapsulate how you feel about life, your life.
Of course, like a quote, nothing can COMPLETELY "sum up" your entire life--I understand that. But many songs, either through explicit or implied messages in lyrics, can at least provide a concrete example of either what you want out of life, what you want out love and how you want to be perceived, taken, understood etc.

So, your task this week is to tell us about a song, copy a few of the refrains/chorus/passages, and explicate their meaning(s) to you.

Try to pick ones that have some depth and that will provide a deeper understanding of your innate beliefs.


  1. A song that I really like is called Sunday Best by Surfaces. It doesn't encapsulate how I feel about life right now but it is how I hope to feel about life one day. I like this song because it is up beat, motivating and positive. It says "Feeling good, like I should.." this just reminds me that I should always be positive and not let anything get me too down. Everyone deserve to be and should be happy because there is always something to feel good about. I also tend to be stressed a lot about literally everything. At one point the song goes "Feeling blessed, never stressed". This also just reminds me that there is nothing to be stressed about, I am blessed in so many ways that it is silly to be stressed about such small things. This song overall is up beat and just a happy, stress free song. It makes me realize life is not as bad as it seems and I am going to be ok. Specifically these two lyrics sum that up, " Every day can be a better day despite the challenge All you gotta do is leave it better than you found it " and, "Everyone falls down sometimes, But you just gotta know it'll all be fine." I want to live everyday to the positivity of this song. I want to make every bad day a good day and pick myself up when I fall. I want to realize that one school assignments is not something to beat myself up about and stress over. I want to realize that there are so many blessings in life that I should focus on more than the negatives in life.

  2. The song Praying by Kesha I would say best represents me. I talk a lot about letting go in class and this song perfectly fits. The lyrics, “cause you brought the flames and you put me through hell, I had to learn how to fight for myself”, it spoke out to me because growing up I had to learn how to do things on my own and it was a huge struggle. Likewise, another part of the song, “I’m proud of who I am no more monsters, I can breathe again”, that part is me expressing that I had finally let go. I let go the weight of expectations and self-doubt off of my shoulders and I could finally breathe. In that moment I realized that I’m glad to be who I am and not who my family expected me to be because it is my decision and only mine.

  3. The album 'After Hours' by The Weeknd has been my go to during this quarantine. I have been in my bag a lot and this album really captures everything I'm feeling. The song 'Scared To Live' best captures how I'm feeling right now. The opening line hits me the hardest. He says, "When I saw the signs, I shoulda let you go," This hits me because in my last relationship I saw red flags but I ignored them because I didn't want to lose him or the relationship. This only left me more hurt in the end so I have some regret but I also learned a lot from it. In the second verse he says, "You always miss the chance to fall for someone else, cause your heart only knows me." This also hit close to home because it's been hard to move on because I became so comfortable and used to him and our relationship that I can't get used to someone else. In the post chorus, "We fell apart, right from the start." Once again, this shows knowing about the red flags but ignoring them because you care so much about the person. This song perfectly encaptures how a bad break up can make you scared to move on and love someone else because of the damage you went through in that relationship. But, my favorite happier song right now is Toosie Slide by Drake. It's just a fun, upbeat song, and I love Drake.

  4. The song that I think really represents my life is When He Sees Me from Waitress. Dawn is meeting a guy that she has never met before and she is freaking out about not knowing how it is all going to turn out. The lines “You cannot be too careful When it comes to sharing your life” really hit hard for me because I have always been careful as to who I really open up to. There are some aspects of my life that I don’t care about and will share easily but other parts only a selected few know. Even telling those people was hard because there is no telling if they will leave my life and go share those secrets with the world. Another couple lines that stick out to me every time I listen to this song are “I'm scared of breaking open But still I can't help from hoping To find someone to talk to Who likes the way I am”. These lines are important to me because they explain how I feel almost 100% of the time. I don’t enjoy sharing my life with people because it opens up the opportunity for people to judge but at the same time I love having that one person I can talk to and not be scared of what they are going to say. The biggest part about this song that I feel really represents me is that I always like to know everything before it happens. If something big is going to happen I need like 2-3 days in advance to start really mentally preparing myself for it. Stuff like our quarantine that started suddenly really mess with me because I can’t create a plan and getting shoved into it kills me. “Or when I feel things Before I know the feelings” is my favorite line because it sounds dumb but it’s how I think. Feelings are uncontrollable so I don’t let myself feel them until I decide to. This whole song just sums up my thinking process for almost anything in life but mainly friendships and relationships.

  5. One song that would sum up my life would have to be, "Goodbyes", by Post Malone. That song describes how he's no good at goodbyes and ending relationships with people, as well as I am. "Cause I need to be saved too, I'm no good at goodbyes",is the chours and is my favorite line. I'm not very good at arguing with people, at the end I always believe it was my fault and I get upset because I'm very emotional. Like Posty, I'm very bad at saying goodbyes. Another song that sums up my life is, "Raised On Country" by Chris Young. My favorite lyrics are, "Cause if you know me, I was raised on country...Daddy did too, it's family tradition". Those are my favorite because it describes my life growing up. My dad was also the "country guy" and taught me everything I needed to know about it. For example, hunting, fishing, riding quads, listening to country music, etc.

  6. Recently I’ve been listening to a lot of Khelani’s music and I fell in love with her. She has so many different types of songs, there are songs that are upbeat and motivational then there are slow songs that make me want to cry. Her music usually puts me in my bag and I always feel like I can relate the lyrics. Plus her voice is just perfect. A few days ago, I came across one of her older songs called “The Letter” and it got to me, it brought out so many emotions. The first time I listened to it, I replayed it at least three times and listened to every word and took it all in. It’s a slow song and it reminds me of my mother, I feel like it’s a letter I could write to express all of my feelings towards her. Khelani revealed that this song is about a loved one who was not around when they needed to be, she mentions her own mother being the inspiration for the song. Every single word of the song has meaning to me, it all connects to all the emotions that I feel. However I’m only going to talk about the one verse that truly speaks to me. “And if you weren’t gonna guide me, why bring me into the light? Must have done something to make you want to run and hide. Why oh why didn’t you just live your life?...And every girl needs a mother and damn it I needed you, instead you duck for cover and you ran from the truth.” This speaks for the “unsure” part of myself, the side of me who is always questioning everything. Why? Why put yourself through a teenage pregnancy and struggle through many, many obstacles while raising me, to just give up in the end? She gave up on me and she gave up on herself, there’s countless stories that I hear from family members, telling me how bad she is doing now. Why didn’t you continue to live your teenage life..? It makes me feel regretful, was I the cause of it? Did me leaving her push her off the edge? I know not to sit here and blame myself for her not getting her own life together, but I can’t help but wonder. She put me through hell, I can only imagine what she’s putting herself through. My mother wasn’t always this way, there was a time where she was a great mother, our bond was indescribable. And honestly I think about those days often. And I also think about future events, and it breaks my heart. Is my own mother not going to be there when I many birthdays is she going to miss out on...will our relationship be fixed in time for when I want to start my own family? I can’t help but feel like I need my old mother back. Going back in time to where I actually needed her, when I needed someone to take care of me and provide for me, she did. However she usually pushed me away, it drove me crazy. She would drag me through all of this drama and literally put me in the middle of it, but when I asked or suggested something attempting to better our lives, it was “you’re too young to understand.” And to sum it up, she never took responsibility for anything. She would make it seem as though she was handed a bad set of cards, that she was ‘forced’ to make these decisions, that she had no other option. She never understood that she controlled the outcome, all she had to do was walk away from that relationship.

  7. When I listen to music it's usually the same thing each time. I love listening to musicals because I think they are so fun to sing along to. I listen to one direction because I have always loved them. I like to listen to older music such as elvis Presley, beach boys, etc. But I also think it is no surprise that my all time favorite is Taylor Swift. Not only do I think her songs are so beautifully written (it honestly amazes me) but I have also been listening to her since I was 4. She was my favorite growing up and still is. So it's not only the fact that I love her and her music, but I also grew up with her. A song that I really love is "Treat People With Kindness" by Harry Styles. I love the message that it holds and it is what I try and live by everyday. In the song it says "Maybe we can find a place to feel good, and we can treat people with kindness, find a place to feel good. Giving second chances, I don't need all the answers, Feeling good in my skin, I just keep dancing". A song that always has made me cry a little and think of my family is "Never Grow Up" by Taylor Swift. In the song she talks about all the little things to not take for granted and to appreciate your parents and all the stuff you had while growing up that will one day be gone, " Take pictures in your mind of your childhood room, memorize what it sounded like when your dad gets home, remember the footsteps, remember the words said". This always makes me think about my mom and dad because they are both the most amazing people ever that have always gave me the world and more and I am so thankful to be close with my parents.

  8. My favorite genre of music is rap ( 80s/90s ) and to be honest, when I went through my 99 song playlist, I couldn’t find a song that directly relates to me or what I went through, but I did find a couple of songs that I could identify with. The first song that came to mind was Juicy by Biggie Smalls. The opening verse of the song is Biggie saying that his album is dedicated to everyone that doubted him and tried to hold him back in life, but that’s its all good and he doesn’t hold a grudge against them. ( Quoted verse: Yeah, this album is dedicated
    ” To all the teachers that told me I'd never amount to nothin'
    To all the people that lived above the buildings that I was hustlin' in front of
    Called the police on me when I was just tryin' to make some money to feed my daughter (it's all good)
    And all the n****s in the struggle
    You know what I'm sayin'? It's all good, baby baby “) . The second verse delves into his youth and how life used to be, the struggle of his family not having a lot of money and growing up in downtown Brooklyn ( the hood). He gives respect to the late legends of rap, showing that he’s in the limelight because of his hard work in the rap game, even when he was supposed to be a sinner not a winner.
    The chorus of the song thats repeat 5 times throughout is the clear message/ idea that not only applies to Biggie himself, but also to others ( Quoted verse: ( “ You know very well
    Who you are
    Don't let 'em hold you down
    Reach for the stars
    You had a goal
    But not that many
    'Cause you're the only one
    I'll give you good and plenty “ ).
    The rest of the verses generally have the same theme, being about how he started from the bottom and now he’s here. The reason why I chose this song is because of what it represents on a deeper level. In way it describes how we all go through hardships and with hark work, we can achieve anything. This song inspires me to work harder towards my goals , but also to appreciate/ understand my situation and how grateful I am that I didn’t have to grow up in the hood like Biggie, hustling on the streets to support your family, or have people set low expectations for you because of your background/ where you grew up. Not everyone is fortunate enough to succeed or to even be given an opportunity to, so I shouldn’t let life pass me by because I know other less fortunate people would take that opportunity to succeed in a heartbeat.

  9. Music has always been important to me, as it’s been there for me when no one else was. There are songs and lyrics for every type of feeling and situation, and there’s a type of music for anyone and everyone. For me, I have a weird taste in music, as it’s kind of all over the place. I like a lot of different artists and bands, but more specifically, I just like their songs in general. I don’t just listen to an artist or group’s album, I make big playlists composed of different songs from hundreds of different people. That always makes the “Who’s your favorite artist?” questions difficult. I have a few artists/bands that I will willingly listen to all of their songs, but for the main part, I just hear songs that I like and add them to a playlist; I couldn’t care less about who the artist is. To sum it all up, I’d say that I like alternative music, as that’s basically a mix of other genres. Some of my favorite artists/groups would be The Neighbourhood (my A1 since day 1), Felly, blackbear, Tame Impala, Mac Miller, Summer Salt, Clairo, Joji, etc. Then I just have a million different songs from different artists all composed with those main ones. That made this blog a little difficult for me to approach, since a lot of the songs I listen to represent who I am and what my life is. The first song that I want to cover is “Nervous” by The Neighbourhood, and honestly it’s pretty self-explanatory. I’ve always loved this band, and literally all of their songs have special meanings to me, but this certain song, I feel, really represents a big chunk of my life: being nervous. There’s a lot of little lines in this song that I think describe me, with the first being: “Maybe I shouldn’t try to be perfect. I confess I’m obsessed with the surface.” I’m going to be honest, I always tried to strive for perfection, and I was obsessed with how I appeared, as I feel like everyone’s expected to have perfect clothes, perfect grades, a perfect face, a perfect body, a perfect life; it’s all just incredibly unrealistic. It always made me insecure, and I felt the constant fear of never being good enough. I now realize how it’s not a good idea to want to be perfect all the time, as that can never be obtained. The next line that I like is “Last year I fell flat on my face. And last month I knew somethin’ should change. Last week I started over again.” This line really sounds like my life, as I struggled last year with life, and last month I decided that I needed to make a change in how I’m living, and last week I started over again in my self-love journey. It’s just like a continuous cycle of trying to get out of a hole. The next line that I relate to is “Ask me and I’ll tell you how I’ve been. Mhm, don’t get me started.” For me, I don’t really talk about how I’m doing, and if you ask, I’ll use the same answer I always say and that’s “okay.” “Don’t get me started” implies how I want to rant about what’s going on, but I’d rather not. The funny thing about the three lines that I just gave is that they’re all in verse 1; I’m telling ya, this song really is about my life. The main line in the chorus is: “You’ve got me nervous to speak. So I just won’t say anything at all.” This really relates to me because for some reason, I’m always nervous and I never want to say anything. The line continues into: “I’ve got an urge to release…” This line relates to me because I feel like I just need to let out what I need to say, but I’ll probably just keep it in. In verse 3, there’s a line that goes: “Come on, baby, don’t you hurt me anymore. I’m not the same way that I was before.” This implies that I’ve changed and grew from a rough relationship, which I have. I don’t let that hurt me anymore.

    1. The next song I feel like I relate to is “Surf” by Mac Miller, which is a song all about personal growth, with yourself and the person you love. One of the first lines is: “The whole world is open, a playground for me and you.” This relates to me because my boy and I have a million opportunities to go out into the world and make memories with him; it can be our “playground.” The line continues to say: “And we could be fine, sh*t, who the hell knows.” This relates to me because my relationship is kind of all other the place, and I really don’t know what’s going to happen. We could be fine, but I don’t know. Later in the song, he sings: “I know we try and the days they go by. Until we get old, there’s water in the flowers, let’s grow.” I relate to this line because my boy and I try to get through things, but it always goes back to causing issues. We still want to try and grow from everything, like flowers being watered with our love. Another line is: “Let it go, let it be,” which is something that I try to live by. I try to let things that stress me out go, and I’ve learned to stop holding onto things. Another group of lines that really describes my life is: “Yeah, well sometimes I get lonely, not when I’m alone. But it’s more when I’m standing in crowds that I’m feeling the most on my own.” This describes my life because I always feel lonely, even when I’m with other people. I just don’t feel comfortable with a lot of others, and I feel the constant pull of loneliness. When there’s a lot of other people in the room, I tend to feel more alone because everyone always bunches up into their groups, and I don’t really have a group, so that’s when it really hits. I realize how alone I really am in the world.

  10. I don’t really listen to any specific music. I just turn on top hits and let it play while I am doing my homework or baking, so I don’t really listen to the lyrics too much. I just enjoy having the background noise. One song that I sort of can use to relate to my life is Staring at the Sun by Post Malone. It’s a song about Malone and some girl and how they both lost sight of the important things in their relationship. I interpret some of the other lyrics to fit my life better, since I have not had an actual boyfriend ever. One lyric says, “If you keep staring at the sun, you won’t see what you have become”. When applying that to my life, everything was going perfectly a year ago. Everyone was happy(or at least seemed like it), so I forgot that bad things could still happen. I was blinded by that overall sense of joy that I did not expect anything to ever happen. Obviously, I was wrong and now everything seems to be in shambles. It’s been hard lately, especially now since we are approaching one year since I lost my brother, but also because I am stuck at home all day everyday where everything is just a constant reminder of him. I just can’t stop thinking of that night and what was going through his head before he did it. So to sum it up, “I got lost in the light”. I would also like to apply this to my future relationships to remind myself that you can’t lose sight of what’s important, especially since it is so easy when I am angry or upset. I just would want to focus on everything that I have and how lucky I am for that.

  11. I don't really know a define answer to this question. Most songs I listen to either correlate to how I feel or a certain situation during a specific time period. The time I listen to a song the lyrics are more relevant because it relates to me so much at that time. It could be finding an identity, learning to love yourself, stop being trapped by others, or even simply to find peace. I let the lyrics speak for me and create a psychological story to help find my own solution. However, the one song that will forever be the song that defines me and I will never get tired of listening, after 3 hours of going through my spotify playlist, the song is... (realize I haven't picked a song while writing this). The song is "You'll be in my heart" by Phil Collins. Yes a song from a disney movie. Listen Phil Collins went all out for this man just living with a bunch of Gorillas. But there is more of a personal history with this song. So if you ever looked at me. Which I know isn't much you would notice a scar running down across my right eyebrow and no I don't take a razor to cut a slit. That is stupid and not a design please stop with that. So long story short I am 2 years old tripped over air and cut my eyebrow opened on a shoe rack. Yes sounds stupid but then again it's me. So now I am being rushed to the hospital blood leaving my body at a constant rate. Finally I am in the doctor's office and I refused to get on the bed so the nurse could operate on me. I remember my mom telling you that I kicked the nurse in the ribs, so I am sorry to whoever that person was who I had to deal with me. At this point there is no way this nurse is putting a stitch, but my mom started singing that song. All of sudden I calmed down and they were able to stitch me right up. More on the lyrical side these lines speak out the most is
    My arms will hold you,
    Keep you safe and warm
    This bond between us
    Can't be broken
    I will be here
    Don't you cry
    This verse it entitles my care for my friends and my family. It shows how I will always be there for the people I care for. Whether they need to rant or have a shoulder to cry on I would always be there to comfort them. And hope to help them to a more positive mindset. I know I am not one to be recognized as "nice" but those who I care know who I am.

  12. I’m an Open book when it comes to music, in my songsOn my phone I have everything from Mozart to Rap, and can listen to any of it depending on what I’m in the mode for, but honestly I listen to rap the most. When I throw most of the rap songs, I can’t relate to their stories, because it’s either fake or it’s about gang banging. There are some lines in certain songs that I listen to all the time that I can compare to my life. “Cause them Killers will die that job for me, lil n**** don’t get banged, they’ll do that job for me while I hop on a plane”. No none of my fitness are killers, but I use this to reference the relationship between me and my friends, and the loyalty we have to one another, is a big aspect of who I am as a person. No matter what we're one person was at, if they asked for it (if possible) it would get done, cut and dry. “Say it we live Morals, we'll never forget it. If I ever get booked I’m a cricket” this comes from War by Pop Smoke ft. Lil Tjay. In this since it’s that no matter the situation he’s going to keep his morals, and that’s no ratting. I relate to both the morals and the rat part. I believe in any shoes you should keep the morals you once started with, that’s how I really set myself up. I've had the same kind of morals my whole life, and if one day I become the richest man in the world I don’t wanna completely throw them out and just do whatever. One of my Morals like Lil TJay's is to never rat, if I’m getting in trouble at home, school, etc. why throw your friend under the bus if he got away, that’s fake as hell. Now these songs don’t describe my entire life, but there two of biggest ideologies on how to live life, loyalty and being true to you, is part of what makes me, me

  13. My favorite genre is gospel but not the gospel your thinking of. While I do like gospel I listen to more Christian pop, rap, rock, etc.. One thing i appreciate is how Christian music is diverse and tries to find a way to grab our generation’s attention. Something like pop and rap could catch a young generation. While that's good we can’t like the song because of the glitz and glands of it. The message is the power source of the music overall.
    One of my favorite songs I currently listen to is “ Real Love” by Blanca, I'm telling you, please give this song a chance. This is relatable in so many ways, this song touches on the fact of how people are following God for show and not for the actual purpose. I see and hear from other people. My favorite line is “ I don’t need no perfect, put together pretty words to be enough, I want Jesus and his real love”. This is pretty self-explanatory but it talks about how she doesn't the world's view of “religion”, the games and popularity they play. She wants the real Jesus and not the idea of Jesus people to try to make off to fit their needs and wants. I agree with a hundred percent because i believe Christ didn’t want to make it a battle with other religion or a religion at all; he wanted a relationship with us. Another one is something we all need to listen too, understand and take into consideration. The song “Hello Fear” by Kirk Franklin is a story of us, I give a picture of what it would be like to have a conversation with fear. It's a reminder that God doesn't give us the spirit of fear. One thing I love what the singer says to fear is “Never again will I love you, my heart refuses to be your home”. This quote is so true because we don’t do what we want to do because of fear. Another part he mentions was how fear takes our dreams away. Believe or not we grow to love fear because it's comfortable. God tries to push us and make us get comfortable to be uncomfortable.

  14. A song that I think sums up not only my recent life, but my entire life quite accurately was recommended recently to me by one of my best friends, it’s called “It’s Not Living (If It’s Not With You)” by The 1975. The initial appeal of the song is the happy and upbeat music that accompanies the depressing lyrics, almost masking it and making you forget the song is sad. I feel the same way sometimes, a smile taped on to feelings of sadness and uncertainty. The main lyric that I relate to is, “Distract my brain from the terrible news. It's not living if it's not with you.” This line hits hard because of all the people I’m missing due to quarantine, and how life isn’t the same without them every day, not only that, it’s even more painful when related to the people that won’t come back after quarantine, whether it’s because they’re in a better place, or the bridge is burnt. Sometimes you just have to accept that life won’t be the same without someone, and this song drills in that realization. I feel it resonates with me so much because I always consider the other people in my life to be more important than me, so if I’m not living my life with them, I’m not really living it.

  15. Music has made such a big impact on my life. I could go on and on and on and on and on and on and on talking about how much I love music and what it has done for me, but it’d ultimately end up as a novel. I was raised on Billy Joel, young Kelly Clarkson, P!nk, the Beatles, James Blunt, and so many more artists that have shaped my childhood. Although I’m still into those singer(s), my taste in music has changed quite a bit. The artists that I’m listening to at the moment are Billie Eilish, Finneas, Catie Turner, and Ben Platt. These artists produce mostly acoustic pop music, but there’s something special about their song-writing or production that I love about them. After taking music composition this year, it’s made me think of music much differently. I pay attention to not only the beat of the song, but what instrument/synth pad they’re using to produce the song. I also analyze the lyrics and try to figure out the deeper meaning of songs. All of this has contributed to my love for music, and I wish to pursue this in my future! Okay now, I could easily pick two of my songs to describe because they obviously relate to my life and the challenges I’ve come across. However I’m choosing other songs because they can have a universal impact on many people. One song that I think definitely encapsulates my feelings about society is “21st Century Machine” by Catie Turner. I’m very inspired by her not only because of the rhythmic patterns of her phrases, but because of the messages she puts out in her writing. Throughout the song, she explains how the expectations of a modern teenager has changed so much over the past twenty years, and she feels as though she’s a “cog in the 21st century machine,” meaning she doesn’t believe she fits in. One lyric that really stands out to me in the song is “wicked artists use their limber fingers to paint pictures of what young girls are to aspire to be.” Many artists paint pictures of the ideal female figure--small waist, hourglass shape, and long skinny legs--that leaves younger girls insecure about their bodies. Seeing this “perfect shape” triggers an adolescent’s mind to want to look like that person, when in reality everyone is beautiful in their own way. Throughout the years, I’ve always felt pressured to fit the “mold” of society, such as having a good body shape, being popular, and just being somebody that I wasn’t. This song helped me realize that other people’s perspective of me shouldn’t at all affect my worth or value. Moving on, “Older” by Ben Platt summarizes the anxieties I have about growing up. He tells the story of meeting an elderly man on the street who tells him to live in the moment and cherish every moment. In the song, he asks himself “If I wait til’ my tomorrow comes, is the waiting all I’ve ever done?” This song definitely made me realize that I shouldn’t wait for an opportunity or for someone to give me a chance, I should be proactive and determined to get where I want to go. Honestly, this is how I feel about my songwriting. I’m so scared of growing older because I’m scared of not being successful and living out the plan I’ve documented in my head. However, I’m not doing anything that gets me closer to achieving these goals, and it’s only falling back on me in the end. These songs have definitely changed the way I think about life, as well as my decision-making. I DEFINITELY recommend you to listen to these artists (they’re probably my favorite singer-songwriters of all time).

  16. One genre I am in love with is country. I play it every morning when I wake up because it puts me in such a good mood. One of my favorite artists is Tim Mcgraw. He has a song that I think is my perspective of life in one song. It is a basic one that many know called “ Humble and Kind.” Some lyrics as to why I think my life goes with the song is “ Don't expect a free ride from no one
    Don't hold a grudge or a chip and here's why
    Bitterness keeps you from flying
    Always stay humble and kind”

    Expecting things from people isn’t a good habit because if they let you down, you're upset and devastated. Also if you hold grudges and are upset with people, where is that going to get you? Nowhere but down hill and that isn’t of course where I want to be or I hope anyone else too. The song is played on the guitar which i really love. It is so sweet and just soothing to have. By far one of my favorites.


Mental Floss

QUARANTINE--DAY 8787576..... I was perusing the internet over this fine weekend and I came across a blog I used to follow quite regularly. I...