Monday, September 30, 2019

Defining the Indefinable: Love

Most of us have been there at one point; the ones who haven't will get theirs, eventually. IT IS INESCAPABLE....

There you are, innocently sitting there, eating your Cheerios or some other tasty snack, when it hits you.  That flash of lightning that zips through your brain, jump starts your heart to the point of acrobatics, and sends the corners of your mouth into that half-circle of upward idiocy because that stupid grin won't stop spreading. 

An image of the love of your life burns itself into your brain like a cheap plasma TV screen.  Yup--it's love, and its got you in its grips. 
 Muu ahhhhhahhhh.

If none of this sounds familiar to you--don't worry--you simply have no soul.  ;)  Just kidding--like I said, you'll get yours and it'll be just as described with different metaphors. 

 Not ever being privvy to this feeling does not preclude you from this blog question, though; no doubt, you've seen what looks like and that's as much as you need for this assignment.

First, define love.  Nbd.  Thousands upon thousands of poets, essayists, philosophers and the like have all tried to come up with a working definition--whose to say their version is better than yours?  Do your best.

Have you ever been in love, or known someone who has? 
 Did their behavior change?  Did yours?  
Why do you think we are attracted to those we are? 
 What do you look for in potential relationships?  
What is your idea of a "perfect" relationship?  
Who taught you about love? 
 What is your earliest memory of "seeing" love?  
Does that memory affect how you view the idea of love?

And, finally, what will you teach your future sons and daughters about the idea of love and relationships?  Think about this one, and imagine what you wish you knew...


  1. Love is this infinite feeling of greatness that doesn’t end. Like no matter what happens you can trust that that feeling will lead you to where you need to be. It helps your whole life makes sense and you would do anything for the thing or person that made you feel that way. I have been in love before and my behavior did change. I put that person before everyone else in my life. I could not imagine life without them because I talked to them all the time and they were such a huge part of my life. They were my everything for a long time and even when we didn’t see each other I knew they were still by my side. I think that everything that happens to us as a kid/teenager impacts who we are attracted to but also what happens to the people around us. Like everything that happens in our life impacts everything and that includes who we end up loving. My family has always been super funny and we are always laughing. Because of this I will never date anyone that doesn’t make me laugh because for me it is just a necessity in life. In potential relationships I look for someone who is similar to me in some ways but also drastically different so that they can introduce me to new things that I might like. I also look for someone that is generally athletic because I love to play sports and if they can’t play volleyball with me then they become a lot less attractive to me. I also look for someone that cares about their school work because school means so much to me and I want someone who understands that. My idea of a perfect relationship is someone that supports me through everything no matter what. They are super fun to be around and make me laugh even when I am super upset. Most importantly they love me even when I make stupid decisions or ignore them for my homework which is something I am guaranteed to do in a relationship. My parents taught me about love because their relationship is so pure and I can just see how much they love each other. They are also my earliest memory of love because I remember when we go to Disney there is a game where you try to get as many points as possible. For as long as I can remember they would keep track of who beat each other and at the end of the trip they would see who won the most amount of times. It was just so pure and happy and they would constantly just joke around about it and I love it so much. This memory impacts how I see love because I don’t see it as kissing or being all over each other but as something that is simple. You don’t need a fancy restaurant for love all you need is something small that means a lot. The biggest thing I want to teach my future kids about relationships is that you learn something new from every single one whether it is a friendship or a romantic relationship. Something I wish I knew before my first relationship is that love can be toxic sometimes. If they become so attached to you that you are the only person they talk to or you can’t go anywhere without them because they want to be with you constantly that can be very dangerous. It is important to not get super sucked in to the feeling of love because it can make you blind to the red flags.

  2. To me, love is the undeniable feeling joy and happiness. You feel unstoppable, like you have never felt better in your life. I have personally never fallen in love before. I mean, of course I love my mom, my dad, my brothers, my dogs and my friends, but that is a different type of love. Some of my friends have been in love before, and even currently. Their behavior has changed. We don't always get to hang out as much, since they are hanging out with their boyfriend, but that is okay. As long as they are happy, that is all that matters. I think I'm attracted to the people I am because of how my family is. We all like to mess with each other and act goofy. My family is also pretty smart, so I am generally attracted to smarting guys. What I look for in a potential relationship is someone I can be goofy around. You can ask any of my friends what I am like when I get closer to a person and they would say that I'm pretty weird. I just want to find someone who would accept my weird self, and maybe be a little crazy like me too. I also look for someone who is kind of smart. Like I want to be able to talk about school stuff or make puns about math or physics and the person I'm talking to to actually understand what I am saying. Of course it would be great too if they were somewhat athletic so we could play sports, like volleyball, together. To me, there is no such thing as a "perfect" relationship. There will be fights/disagreements, there will be good and bad times, and there may be times when you may absolutely hate the other person in your relationship. However, if you are able to get over those things and forgive each other, you will strengthen your relationship. I guess the people who taught me about love is my parents. They have been married for I believe 27 years. They obviously have been married all of my life, so that is the earliest memory of love that I have. I think that it does kind of affect how I view the idea of love. Since they have been married for a good amount of time, I really hope to find someone I can spend the rest of my life with, and really enjoy that time with that person. They also showed me that there are ups and downs in a relationship, but you just need to battle your way through it, and you will be stronger in the end.

  3. Love is one of the most intense, crazy, deepest feelings you could ever have for a person. When you fall in love with someone, they become your everything, your life, your whole world even. And of course, when I fell in love for the first time all of these feelings and even more hit me like a truck. Looking back on that relationship now, I know that my behavior changed and I acted differently. I tried so hard to be someone that I wasn't, all to please this one person. Of course, I heard a lot of times from my friends or even my family that this boy was affecting me in a negative way, but I loved him so much that it was impossible for me to see the obvious signs of what was happening. And that was the worst and best part about that whole experience. I think that a lot of times we are attracted to people who are the complete opposite of us because it makes us more intrigued and interested in that person. At least that's how it usually works for me. After being in such a toxic relationship, I now know what to look for and what the red flags are. What I look for in a potential relationship is someone who is intelligent, athletic and has a similar sense of humor as me. Overall though, I would just want someone who is respectful of me and knows the right way to treat a significant other. But of course these are never the type of people I tend to fall for. My idea of a perfect relationship is being with someone who I can be completely comfortable around when being my stupid, goofy self. I think I learned the most about love from my own experience with it. I don't have many memories of love from when I was younger because my parents fought a lot and got divorced when I was in third grade. However, I would say that my earliest memory of seeing love would be with my Nanny and Poppop. Still to this day, I have never seen two people as in love as they were. Even now, after my Nanny has passed away, my poppop keeps a picture of her as his lock screen on his phone and that is literally the cutest and purest thing to me. This memory caused me to view love as constant happiness and the mushy gushy side of it, which I guess is only the half of it. Love is a roller coaster of ups and downs. There is so much about love that I still don't know, but I think what I'll teach my children is that even when you're in love, you have to think of what is truly best for yourself. You can't let your feelings completely take over because then that person will have way too much power over you and that won't sit right with you in the end.

  4. I don't believe you can put love into words. I simply don't believe that there are words good enough to describe it. The feeling of love is unexplainable. It's this feeling like no other feeling, you don't have to question it, you just know. Love is being there for that person unconditionally and helping them up in their lowest times. Accepting one another for who they are. Knowing that neither of you are perfect and can't be happy all the time and your'e gonna get into little fights but by next week it will just a be a little memory because love is so much stronger than hate. You work things out and give and take. Love is being your total self around one another and becoming each others best friend in the whole entire world. Caring for one another and being there always. Have I ever been in love? I AM in love. It has almost been a year since I feel in love with him and everyday I swear I fall in love all over again. I feel as though everyones behavior changes when you fall in love. Suddenly theres this whole other person that your care about just as much as you care about yourself if not even more. Suddenly no one in the world could possibly be as good as the person your'e in love with. Every other person in the world can not compare. I think we are attracted to the people we are attracted to based off of how one another connect. I think thing that have happened previously in our life do impact who we are attracted to, but not by much. I believe you are attracted to someone because they work well with you, you guys connect and have things in common, and each have qualities one another values. What I look for in a relationship is generosity, that they take into account of others feelings, they're kind, loving, and that they are responsible. My idea of a perfect relationship is the one I'm in now. Of course it isn't perfect because what relationship is? But it is my perfect. We are each others best friends, we don't get into arguments, sure we have fights but we always work them out and move on. We are 100% ourself around one another. We connect on a level that is rare to find. We have learned to give and take because not everything can work out perfectly just the way you want it to. And the best thing is that nobody else knows what we have except for us. He is my person. Sometimes he still even gives me butterflies. We look out for each other and care so deeply about one another. My parents taught me about love, they have been married 17 years and together for 22 I think and they are also my earliest memory of seeing love. I guess you could say that memory sort of effects how I see love today but you can't put expectations on love.

  5. I believe that everyone has a different definition and opinion on love. Love can be intense, crazy, a roller coaster, and can make fall head over heels for someone. Love is a feeling that you only get from that one specific person. That one special person gives you butterflies, makes your jaw drop, and makes your heart skip a beat. When you love someone you would do anything for them and anything to be with them. You will also want to be the first person there for them through their ups and downs. I am in love now. Today marks our 7 months and I hope their is many more to come. My past relationship was unhealthy and did change my behavior. I was late to class, my grades dropped, and i could't keep my phone out of my hand because I felt like I always had to answer him as soon as he texted me. In my relationship now we do not go to the same school so I am always on time, my grades are good, and it isn't controlling. My relationship now has changed my behavior to happier and makes me actually excited to see this person instead of dreading it. I think we are attracted to certain people because of past experiences, their type, and just the vibes they give off. By vibes I mean if you guys connect, have the same interest or friends, have the same goals, etc. In potential relationships I look for honesty, loyalty, and just being yourself. I also think it isn’t important that they put the same amount of effort into our relationship as I do. It shows that they care and actually want to be with you. My idea of a perfect relationship would be my relationship I am in now. Not every relationship is going to go smoothly you will have ups and downs and through it whether that person wants to work through it or not will show if they love you. My boyfriend and I barely argue but if we do we both aren’t selfish and talk about things we can change and do better. He is also very sweet and kind to me and understands me. My perfect relationship would be the one I am in also because we just click and have a good bond together. Not to bash anyone but the person who taught me love would be my ex boyfriend. He showed me what isn’t love and helped me realize what love really is and that I deserved actual love. Him and I went through so many fights and arguments and it wasn’t fair to me so it wasn’t love. Our arguing showed me what love really is and love is not arguing every day and forcing yourself to be happy. My earliest memory of love would be my parents. They have been married all my life and I grew up around them of course to see the love they give each other. That memory does effect my idea of love because my mom always told me that if a boy doesn’t act towards me the way my dad acts towards my mom he isn’t enough because she always feels loved by him. I would teach my son or daughter that love is a feeling that just happens and when it does you can’t be afraid of it. You have to express it and you have to realize that you actually love someone when they make the room stop and give you butterflies. If they don’t like you back it is okay to be upset you just have to be your best you and not wait around and beg for someone to be with you.

  6. Love is one of the most talked about topics, from social media to our everyday lives. Everyone at some point has experienced love, whether they were loved or have loved. There are many different kinds of love: family love, friendship love, conceptual love, and intimate love. Most people have a difficult time finding words to express the intense feeling because love is simply unexplainable, it just happens. Each and every individual has different experiences and meanings to the word love. It is mainly defined as an intense feeling of deep affection. I am honestly unsure to whether or not I have been in love. I know that I have loved a significant other but I don’t know if I was in love with that person. I believe that each and every person brings out different emotions when it comes to being in a relationship. One person may make you feel like you’re in love, but the next may make you have a deeper feeling. In the beginning of a relationship, people are usually shy or reserved, but once they begin to become comfortable around each other, new personalities and behaviors are discovered. It’s not necessarily bad, but I believe love is the cause of this. During my past relationship, I grew closer and closer to the person I was with by the day, I felt as though he was my bestfriend and that I could trust him with anything. My behavior didn’t really change, but I did appear to be more happy. I believe that we are drawn to people due to personality traits. Yea, anyone can look good and get my attention, but it’s those who have a good personality who keep my attention. A bad personality can ruin a pretty appearance. What I look for in a potential relationship is respect, support, and someone to create good memories with. I believe that a perfect relationship doesn’t exist, everyone has their disagreements and issues, no one is perfect and no relationship is perfect. I suppose that my mother has been a big influence on my understanding of love, growing up I was always a “mommy’s girl” and she has always been the number one person to give me advice. My earliest memory of love has always been my mom, she has loved me from the moment she found out that she was going to be a mother. I believe that those memories of my mother having unconditional love for me has affected my view of love. I will be sure to tell my future children all about my experiences involving love and only hope that they learn from them. I will also make it clear that with love comes the risk of heartbreak and that not everyone has the best intentions for them.

  7. “What is love?” A question that we may ask ourselves everyday. We often wonder if whatever we’re feeling is love, and it’s sometimes difficult to tell. But trust me, you’ll know. Love is pure, heartbreaking, and compassionate all at once. It’s more than just being attracted to someone physically; it’s a whole emotional attachment. Some people often confuse themselves and base their feelings of love off of what they’ve been exposed to throughout their own life. On the darker side, girls who witness their mothers being abused in a marriage may think that that’s what love is, and they often trap themselves in abusive relationships; that’s all they know, and they think that that’s love. When really, that’s far, far, FAR from it. Love is giving someone the capability to break your heart, but trusting them enough not to. It’s a powerful feeling that’s indescribable and open to many interpretations. But trust me, once again, you’ll know. For myself personally, I have been in love, and still am. As young as I was, in fifth grade, I got these butterflies around this one boy, and I’m still feeling those same butterflies to this day. I always wanted to be around him, and we easily became best friends. We were like the same person, and some people honestly thought that we were siblings (Sweet Home Alabama, amirite). I knew that he felt the same way, as we both tended to be nervous around each other, and red in the face. He would joke about dating, but we never did until eighth grade. I didn’t really want to deal with that whole dating thing in middle school, as I barely even knew myself. I didn’t think that I’d be able to love someone like that if I hardly loved myself. However, I just knew that I couldn’t let this boy go. Man, it’s so weird talking about this since no one ever wants to hear about this love thing, at least in my life. I knew that I was in love, and it’s so hard to explain. I knew that I was in love with him when he told me stupid jokes, and how I laughed even when they weren’t funny. I knew when we held hands watching the sunset on a cold December night; our first official date in 2016. I knew when we went through our rough patches (I couldn’t bear not talking to him, and any sign of him with someone else made me sick to my stomach, literally). And I continue to know to this day. I know that this sounds cheesy, but I genuinely feel like he’s my soulmate, and he checks all of the boxes of a “perfect” relationship. We’re in my idea of a perfect relationship because we aren’t perfect, and we work through all of that. I thank my parents for first showing me the definition of love, no matter how yucky it made me feel as a child. They set an example of how a man should treat me, and they helped me love myself before anyone else. I know that my relationship isn’t one of those silly high school flings, as we didn’t even go to the same high school, and we’ve still stayed together since the beginning of eighth grade. I know that this is a stretch, but I seriously might marry this boy. I can’t imagine being with someone else, or not talking to him. We’ve already been through too much to back out now. I’ve invested too much of myself, and built a wall up with this boy, against the world. I want to teach my children about that, and how to trust your instincts to hand your heart to the right person; they might be the one. We’re gonna shoot for the stars, the same stars that we first held hands, and had our first kiss under, and the same stars that lay above us every night. There’s so much to say about how I feel about this topic, but the words just won’t come out; and that’s what love is.

  8. Everyone has their own distinct definition of love. For myself love is an emotion of unspeakable happiness whether that could be towards a person, activity, or item. Everyone that I have known has experienced loved in their lives, however, I have never thought about the idea. Sure there has been moments when I thought I could see myself in a relationship with someone, but I'm a very logical and to the facts. One personally I am terrible at expressing any forms of emotions, and I think what is important in my life, and dating isn't one of them. So I observe how my friends and other couples in our school. The truth is when people get a significant other you can see a difference in behavior. Some of my friends when they have a relationship they would sit with their significant other all the time in the lunchroom or having to walk the girl to their class. For some it might seem cute, but for me it just seems unnecessary. Everyone is attracted to someone based on first impressions and if he or she is attractive. If I was looking for a relationship some characteristics I would look for someone that is similar to myself, but also someone that is kind, caring, and funny. There is not such thing as a perfect relationship. But for me a perfect relationship is when the two partners are able to learn from one another and that each partner will be there for one another. The truth is no has ever taught me about love. I just never came across my mind. The earliest memory of love is probably when I see my family in a big family reunion. Everyone is happy and trying to catch up with one another. Those moments of joy and happiness I never want to end. If I don't see myself having that same joy and happiness I don't think that could be categorized as love. In the future some advice I would give to my kid would be patience the perfect someone will be there one day and that love is a risk that could hurt you.

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  10. Love has many definitions. Love is selfless, kind, and brings pure to joy to those who receive and give it. In my lifetime, I have experienced the pain and happiness that love can bring. I believe love does change your behavior, I think it can make you a more positive and optimistic person knowing there is someone who truly cares about you and understands you on a deeper level than most. But, love is not always sunshine and rainbows, just like any other relationship it has its ups and downs, but if it’s meant to last it always prevails. I think we are attracted to certain people because of experience and what we’ve learned from seeing love in day to day life. In a potential relationship, I look for someone who wants to see me happy, can make me laugh and will always be there for me when I need them. I want someone who understands my quirks, and loves them as much as I do. I want someone who is loyal and I can trust. I have learned about love from my parents who have been together for almost 20 years and my grandparents who have been together for 45 years. One person in particular who taught me about love, was Bailey Emory. He was a huge influence on who I am today and he taught me not only how to love but how to trust, and how to be optimistic. He had the biggest heart, and always put a smile on my face through our ups and downs. My earliest memory of seeing love was when my parents got married. My parents were only dating when they had me, and finally got married in a tiny courthouse on May 5th, 2011 when I was 8 years old. I remember always envisioning them having a big wedding, but seeing heir huge smiles saying their “I-do’s” with only the company of my grandparents and my brother and I, showed me how no matter how big or small the ceremony, their love for each other was enormous. That memory affects how I view love because I’m someone who cares a lot about what other people think of me, and other people’s opinions shouldn’t stop you from being happy with someone you love. That’s something that you have to experience for yourself. I will teach my children to always respect themselves, and their partners in love. And to never let other people’s opinions stop them from loving who they choose. Love is a beautiful thing, that everyone should experience.

  11. Love can have plenty of definitions or feelings, just depending on who you are and how you feel towards it. In my opinion I don't think I've ever been in fully love before. All my friends swear I have, but I do not agree. I 100% have met people that were in love before, my family members, my friends, strangers in public, etc. I feel like behaviors do change once you are in love. Some for the good and some for the bad. Good could be, smiling all the rime, feeling better when you're around them, setting goals with them. Bad could be cutting everyone else out of your life, or changing your likes or dislikes based off of them, or downgrading yourself. I believe you are attached to someone on how they make you feel and what you both have in common for the rest of your life. In a potential relationship, I look for, someone who can make me laugh, have the same interest as me, caring and loyal, honest and kind. A "perfect" relationship to me is someone who is always going to be there for you, and never give up even when times get rough. Someone who supports you, but also tells you right from wrong. I never got really taught love. My mom and dad aren't very affectionate, so therefore my sister taught me a little tiny bit about it. My earliest memory of seeing love is my grandparents being together for so long and never giving up on each other. That memory does affect how I see love because I've always wanted to get married, and I want to get married to someone that I know I'm going to want to spend the rest of my life with. I want to teach my kids a lot more than what my parents taught me. I want them to know that love is not forced or being controlled, love is easy going and calm and should feel right in the moment.

  12. Love is like a warm fuzzy feeling inside that makes you feel happy and content at the same time. The world around you becomes more dynamic and you get this feeling of intense passion. These feelings can be too overwhelming sometimes,which causes the feeling of being nervous. Love can change the way you not only look at life, but how you handle it. I was in love once and it definitely changed me. I always wanted to better myself and gave me the confidence to try new experiences. We are attracted to people due to a number of reasons like having common interests,a likable personality, natural chemistry, and seeing the good/respect in someone. I look for someone who is passionate about something, is caring, and has good motivation. My idea of a perfect relationship is an equal partnership willing to compromise and change. My Mom was mainly the one who taught me about love as my Dad wasn't very good with it. She taught me to put in the work for a relationship, doing good always, and to just be myself. My earliest memory of love was pretty poor as my Mom got into a toxic relationship with a man who was mentally ill when she was an alcoholic, but she became sober and after a couple of relationships that wouldn't work out, she found someone she truly loves and wants to marry. It made me view love as something to not be oblivious about and something to take seriously.

  13. When someone feels “love” its a mixture of chemicals created by the brain. Dopamine, serotonin, oxytocin, and endorphins all kick in at once and stimulate the mind and that's why it’s a sought after high, or warm fuzzy feeling. I've never felt “love” but I've met people who have, or they've claimed they have. People in love begin to dedicate what seems to be half of themselves, they think of someone else before they think of their own well being, which is almost exactly against the original primal instinct of survival. I guess if I were looking for a relationship they would have to be funny and polite. Know when to push me and when to not. My sister, surprisingly, was the one who introduced me to a real relationship, what they should and shouldn’t look like. This was important because my first look into “Love” would have been my mother and father, a messy relationship that until my sister showed me the way, I thought was normal. If you get too engulfed within the warm fuzzy feeling, it could become toxic, so it's careful to balance them.

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  15. Love is a trait we are given to show others. I believe if one person shows compassion, it will start a chain reaction. I believe love is defined as one thing to me personally which is to put yourself before others no matter what even if they're your enemies. I've definitely felt love in a way that seems impossible for people to even offer and it comes from God. He showed his love to us when he sent his son even though we didn't deserve it.The fact God loves the most unlovable parts of me is powerful itself. This did change my behavior to loving others and is inspirational. Now if we are talking about love on a romantic level, what i look in for a potential relationship is honesty because if we are honest with each other nothing will be able to break that bond. The earliest memories of love came from my mother who taught me to treat everyone the same and from Jesus in a deeper level. This does affect me and my point of view of love. Lastly when i have children i'll tell them even though we live in a world full of hate, treat others the way you want to be treated and put others before you because you will start that change and start a chain reaction.

  16. The definition is love is one of the most frequently asked questions that has an endless amount of answers, and many confuse it with lust. Love is an unconditional commitment which includes giving without wanting something in return, communicating truthfully, and seeing all of their flaws and blemishes and accepting them. It's working around their bad habits, and working through challenging times as a team. I used to say that I was in love, but now that I'm older, I don't think I experienced it to the fullest. That relationship changed my behavior completely. I tried so hard to be somebody that I wasn't, and thought that nobody would give me the attention he did. And because of this, I put my trust into the hands of those who would squeeze to try and see if I would break. I was immature, and didn't think I was blameworthy for my mistakes when it mostly was my fault. I'm completely different from how I was freshman year, and the relationship I'm in right now is with one of the best people I've ever met. Loving myself and knowing what I deserved played a huge factor in my current relationship, and I'm the happiest I think I've ever been. I think our attraction comes from what our parents have said are good qualities in a person, or even someone who reminds us of our family. Also, similar interests have a big role in having a type. In a relationship, I look for someone who makes me feel comfortable and secure, and someone I can rely on no matter what without questioning. Someone who motivates me to keep going and pass my goals and to keep advancing even further. Someone who introduces me to new things and opens new doors, and can let me reveal the side of me that nobody else sees. I made the mistake of expecting perfection in my last relationship, but now I know I can't control the choices somebody makes. The person who taught the most about love is my sister. She's my role model in life, not only with her academics and dedication, but with the way she handles certain situations. She raised me to be more mature, and to know my worth and what I deserve. From her, I learned that love can be a miraculous feeling, but balance and equality can be the potential downfall. My earliest memory of seeing true love was definitely with my sister and her ex, and this wasn't too long ago. I always wanted to meet someone that clicked with me as much as they did with each other. I try not to compare my relationships with theirs, but it's difficult. They had, and always will have the closest bond that I've ever seen, and this is something I want more than anything. When I was little, I always thought love was how it was like in the movies, when you always knew who would end up together in the end. In the future, I'd teach my kids what I realize now. You need to be content with yourself before you get involved in a relationship. You can't rely on someone to complete you when you think/you are broken. No one should be held responsible for making you feel like you're whole. Be happy with yourself and who you are first and foremost, before you enter any relationships. And that's on periodt.

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  18. Love is one of them words that means the same, but isn't the same at the same time, based off how you use it in a sentence. There a huge difference between, loving someone and being in love with someone. In my opinion the definition, of being in love is when seeing the person you are "in love" with you get such a joy, that they become you're main thought, you guys are insync, and that nothing can come between you. As corny as it sounds, I'd like to say that I've felt this feeling before, and it's in the relationship I'm in right now. Why I say this, is because how I feel towards her matches the definition I just stated. At first when I felt it I was in denial, but after dating for almost a year now I kind of came to realization with myself that I am. My behavior honestly didn't change. I feel as if you are"in love" you and that person accept each other for the people you are. I'm still the same D.J. I was before, that I am now, because I knew if I changed that it wouldn't be real, if I changed there wouldn't be my real feeling's because I would be faking it. Now if you ask my friends, of course they would say I changed, cause I gotta split time with them. Honestly this might sound terrible, but 99% of the time, the first thing that attracts thing that attracts you to someone is there appearance, but after that part when you are "in love", what attracts you me personally, is when they want you to succeed as much as them, where they look at you just as equal as them, and they lose most of their selfishness. In a relationship that what I look for, selfishness, not everything being about them, because if so, we wouldn't work too well. a perfect relationship to me, is understanding one another other, and being on that same level. My parents taught me about love, and they were my first sight of love. Being young and naive I really didn't know what love is, but seeing my parents worked together even through the stressful and hard times, they still managed to put a smile on their faces, whether it was the love for me and my brother or each other. It does affect it, by showing how powerful it is. To tell my child one day, love isn't something you know is going to come, but once it does, you'll know you are in love.

  19. Welp, being the Sal I am, i procrastinated this until 11:32 pm, just less than half an hour before we need to turn this in. Just one half an hour is no where NEAR the time needed to answer all of these loaded questions. First off, what is love? Ah love. The thing that will make us do literally anything for someone we care about. A thing that is so controversial, there is no correct answer to it's true definition. The definition of love differs from person to person, which makes it unique to all whom encounter or experience love. What love means for me is a complicated question. Love is not a clear cut definition, there are many types of love, with different degrees of love. The longer you spend with someone, the more you fall for them. That being said, this makes it completely possible for us to love someone for all the wrong reasons. Love is something multiple things. There is love that you can describe. For example, "I love how kind some is" thats great and all, and yeah, that contribute to the love you feel for them, but I believe that real love is something deeper. Love is that feeling where you feel vulnerable and your heart races one million miles a minute as you begin to think about how much someone means to you. And yeah, love is different to everyone, and so is the way they show love. Some people, aren't afraid to say "I love you" or admit their feelings because it is how they feel. And others don't show love in the same way. Love is completely unique, and no definition is wrong. I have been in love before and I have a vivid memory of being in my basement and thinking about these feelings I was having and wondering if they were valid or if it was worth it, to just completely give my all and act on these feelings of love, and I did. But unfortunately some people can fall out of love just as easy as they fell in love, and that's just how the cookie crumbles. When you love someone or someone loves you it one hundred percent changes the dynamic of the relationship. Because when you both love each other it seems effortless to make each other happy, and really say what you're feeling. I think a bunch comes to mind when thinking about why we are attracted to someone. Obviously the first attraction is physical, to some aspect. The next needs to be personality, how well you vibe, if you are compatible. The rest seems pretty malleable and different for everyone. In relationships I look for being there for someone when no one else is. I look for making a genuine bond with someone. I look to help them achieve their goals, and be the best versions of themselves they can be. And with me striving for that, I would receive that from my girlfriend. Again, a perfect relationship is something that varies from person to person, but to me, personally, a perfect relationship is not always just people doing "cute" things with eachother. Of course everyone likes going apple picking, and I am sure you and your boo are adorable, but that doesn;t seem ideal to me. I would rather build a real bond and help someone grow and attain any goals they set out to achieve. No one tought me about love. I have learned from one failed relationship to the next. You see what went wrong, and you improve. I don't remember my earliest memory of love, ever since I was little I was always the most loving and affectionate child out of the bunch. I know that it is very easy for me to love, I love most people, but that true, deep down type love, is a whole nother ball game. I will teach my kids that love is not what it seems to be. We all think that love is easy and that people are goals and that love menas doing cute things, But in the words of maroon 5, it's not always rainbows and butterflies, its compromise. And with that being said, ill see you next week blog, peace out.

  20. Love is what google says to be “an intense feeling of affection”. Personally, I don't think someone can just define love in a specific way, loving someone can be one of the most amazing feelings a person can experience even though it can be both easy and hard. No, I have never been in love, but I know people who were and are in love. In my opinion I think their behavior changed for the better. They found someone who can give them unconditional love that they can’t get from friends or family and they become a better version of themselves. I think we are attracted to some people because of well physical features, but most importantly by personality and how much interest we have in that person. In a relationship, I would look for someone to be loyal, trusting, and respectful. My idea of a perfect relationship is being able to work on our problems(if we have any), being able to count on and support each other no matter what. In my opinion, I don't think there is a “perfect relationship” only because it doesn’t exist. Not everyone is perfect, we all have our ups and downs, but the idea of a perfect relationship is just a big expectation in your head and you create little fantasies in your head that will never happen. I honestly don’t know what my earliest memory of love is and no it does not affect how I view the idea of love. I will teach my future sons and daughters that you shouldn't have to force love on someone and that they need to be happy because that's the most important part.

  21. Love is not something easy to explain. I feel like it doesn’t have one simple definition. The best way I could describe it is a strong and passionate feeling towards someone. Love makes you feel like you’re on top of the world, you get this tingly energized feeling that you just can’t contain and you can’t help but smile when you talk to that certain someone. I believe I was in love. We were together for almost two years, it wasn’t amazing at times but no relationship is perfect. He was my best friend and i couldn’t imagine my life without him but the last couple months of our relationship weren’t the healthiest to say the least... We both haven’t really come from great examples of love and I know for me, it made many situations in our relationship harder for me to handle. But, I don’t feel like my behavior really changed. I think we are attracted to people by physical appearance even though they say we shouldn’t be which i agree with but it’s kinda human nature , and I think if the person’s personality clicks with yours then it is easy to be attracted to them. Although I don’t think any relationship is perfect, In a “perfect” relationship there would be trust, loyalty, communication, effort, respect, and honesty. I believe these are all key components to a healthy relationship. For my future children i wish nothing but to show them the complete meaning behind love. I want them to look at me and their dad and want a relationship like we have. Overall I want my kids to never have to wonder what love is and how to be treated in a relationship because their parents will be the reason they know what they want and deserve.


Mental Floss

QUARANTINE--DAY 8787576..... I was perusing the internet over this fine weekend and I came across a blog I used to follow quite regularly. I...