Tuesday, February 18, 2020

Introspective Reflection: How are You?

OK, ladies and gentlemen. You have done it. Well, almost.
 The year is 3/4 over-and even more than that for AP folks because your year ends sooner than everyone else's.
So, now is the time for some introspective reflection.
And, while this is not my original blog idea (the words for the other idea I have aren't arranging themselves in my brain so I need more time with them), it is equally if not more important.

As you answer the questions, I want you to keep you in mind: how you learn, what shuts down your learning, and what you can do or I can that will improve upon, and remedy those things.  You should do this in a quite place where you can really reflect on your process. 

--Right now, at this moment, how are you?

--What do you know now that you didn't know on September 3? (You can approach this from a variety of angles--and you should--just make sure you also include the specifics of what you learned in 304)

--What kinds of things still give you fits because you can't seem to grasp the concept?  (Same thing here--I am always interested in your life beyond academics, but I want you to include academics in your scope because it may impact things you don't even realize)

--What would you like to focus on moving forward?

--What would you like to see more of? (might be the same as the last question--might not)

--Do you feel like your getting the most out of the class?

--Are you living up to your own expectations?  (in every aspect--where are you falling short? improving?)

--What can you do better, differently?

--And, most importantly--are you learning? (in all ways)

Take your time, think about your answers and tell me how you feel.  I will use your responses as a means to plan out the rest of our year.  If there are other things you would like to say, tell me, vent about (respectfully) etc feel free.  If you feel you cannot do this in a public forum, you know what to do.

PS--this is still a blog--it's not a worksheet--give it some real thought.  Your answers to these questions reveal much of your individual psychology.

Tuesday, February 4, 2020

World Views and Other Scenic Vistas

Genuine tragedies in the world are not conflicts between right and wrong. They are conflicts between two rights. ~Georg Hegel

Yesterday, I had a conversation with an old friend from college.
It was more of a spirited debate, actually, about the nature of good and evil, right and wrong etc.
My world view, will, I'm quite sure, be of no surprise to you since you all know me--I believe good is a matter of perspective and that right is determined by whoever has "the bigger gun" so to speak. I believe that is way to few and far between the good people of the world outweigh the bad.
 My perspective on this rarely shifts, and is also reinforced when tragedies, and oh--there have been many--occur.

 Largely, it  is an objectively unfair universe we inhabit, although I have a hunch it has a way of righting its ownself from time to time.
So the debate between my friend and I ensued.

My friend's world view was quite a bit different than mine--much more idealistic and much more indicative of his personality. In his eyes, is is certain that good always conquers evil, the meek shall inherit the Earth, all you need is love etc etc etc. He goes on to posit that good things come to good people and eventually, all the pieces will fall into place if you live a good life.

(I keep him around, this college buddy, because he gives me hope, and when I am feeling way too misanthropic and cynical for my own good, he gives me balance. All of the other times I mock him shamelessly for his "dreamy" and (what I consider to be) unrealistic view of the world).

So, my question(s) for you this week is--where in our spectrum does your world view fall?
Do you think people are mostly bad or mostly good?
What determines that?
Do you think that the person who does the right thing always wins? If so, what's the prize?
Are there clear-cut answers about what's right and what's wrong?
How is it all measured? Let's get a little Lang-y and tell a story (real or metaphorical--no matter) to illustrate/exemplify your points.

Mental Floss

QUARANTINE--DAY 8787576..... I was perusing the internet over this fine weekend and I came across a blog I used to follow quite regularly. I...