Tuesday, October 29, 2019

The 7-Point Creed

I keep meaning to explain this to you in a very conversational way, but somehow there never seems to be enough time to be able to really just "talk" to you.
 This schedule really--what do you guys say? BMS? Is that right?  Well, if that's right then that is what this schedule does.

Anyway, my dude John Wooden (I mentioned him a couple of blogs ago) used to tell his UCLA players that being successful on the court meant nothing without being successful as a human.
 No surprise there, and certainly not an original idea but Wooden didn't just preach it--he made his players LIVE it. 
They all had to come up with their own blueprint of success that was modeled around a few tenets which they could apply to all aspect of their lives. (a tenet is a principle or a belief)
 He called this list of tenets a 7-point Creed.

This was the name of a list his own father, Joshua, had given to him when he was about to go into middle school.  It read as follows:

* Be true to yourself.
* Make each day your masterpiece.
* Help others.
* Drink deeply from good books, especially the Bible.
* Make friendship a fine art.
* Build a shelter against a rainy day.
* Pray for guidance and give thanks for your blessings every day.

If you don't know who John Wooden is, look him up--his story is quite remarkable. When I was a coach, I deeply admired him and the things he was able to have his team accomplish.
Just as a human being, he is amazing in every sense of the word and one of the few people I can honestly say I aspire to emulate.
As you know, I don't say that about very many people.  He is also the renowned author of a blog title I used 2 weeks ago.  Wat can I say?--I reallllly like the guy.

In any case, your task for this week is to come up with your own 7-Point Creed and share it here.

Along with the list of statements that encapsulate your belief, you should also provide some sort of description or explanation about how this belief inspires you, keeps you grounded, motivates you, etc.

 I know that this is not something you can do in two days. And this is why I am extending the deadline until Friday (Nov 1) night. You will really need to put a lot of thought into this.

 Ask yourself these questions to help you along:
What do I value?
What are my morals?
How do I want to be perceived by others?
What do I want my legacy to be?
What have I learned in my life?
What else do I want to learn?

Now, I certainly don't want you to answer those questions and consider that to be your creed. Remember, a creed is a sort of guideline for living, but it is also completely subjective. Look at Wooden's creed again. The statements there are kind of ambiguous and can be open to interpretation, don't you think? So, when you are doing this, try to keep that in mind. However, it is precisely BECAUSE the statements are ambiguous that you will have to explain what you mean by them, what they mean to you and why you chose them. Always the why.
What you are basically doing is creating a blueprint all your own, by which you can live your life. YOUR life. Nobody else's.
After all, who is more important than you?


  1. The first part of my 7-Point Creed is “try your hardest, even if you don’t succeed”. All of my life, I have put a lot of effort into school, relationships, and into some of my hobbies. However, when I don’t succeed at what I am doing, I get really down on myself, especially when I get bad grades in school. When I think about this statement, it reminds me that if I tried my hardest, then it is ok if I did not succeed. I put in the full effort, so I need to learn from that experience and try even harder the next time. The second statement is “be kind to everyone”. Someone may be having a bad day and you may not know that, so if you are mean to that person, it will just make their day one hundred times worse. You don’t know what is going on in their life at the moment, so it is always a good thing to remain kind when talking to other people, unless given a good reason to change tone. The third statement is “be the bigger person”. After getting in an argument, it is always best to try to resolve the issues involved. This statement reminds me that if I am wrong, I have to own up to it and apologize. It also reminds me that I do not want to get involved in drama since it only creates more stress and sadness in my life. The fourth statement is “be thankful for what you have”. Whenever I am in a bad mood or frustrated with someone, I remember that I have to take a step back and realize all of the things I have in my life. There are so many things that I take for granted in my life and I need to realize how lucky I am to have all of it. I really realized this after losing my brother so suddenly. I really enjoyed spending time with him, especially after going to the same school. However, I didn’t really spend that much time with him because I always thought there would be another time for that. I was wrong. I should have spent more time with him and asked him how he was doing more. I should have checked in on him more and I should have talked to him more. I can’t do that because I can’t reverse time, but if I could, obviously I would. The fifth statement is “try new things when given the opportunity”. For those who don’t know me, I’m not very adventurous when it comes to doing new things. A lot of the times I miss out on experiences that I wish I had. I’m either scared that I’ll make a fool of myself or that I’ll get in trouble. This statement reminds me to try new things even if it scares me (except like drugs and stuff like that). The sixth statement is “build strong relationships”. If you have strong relationships with a few people, it is better than having minimal relationships with a large group of people. Having strong relationships almost guarantees that the person you have the relationship with will always be there for you. It also means that you have someone to rely on, but you also have to be there for that person. Check in on them, hang out with them, and do small gestures for them. The smallest thing can make a person’s day, which ties in with being kind to everyone. The final statement of my 7-Point Creed is “do what makes you happy”. Life is too short to sit around and do something that only makes me want to cry. It’s one thing if it schoolwork because, even though I hate it, it will help me be successful in the future. When I say “do what makes you happy”, I mean if I have a certain hobby that no longer brings me joy, I should not continue to pursue that hobby. Or if I am in a toxic relationship, I should get out of it because it will only cause me stress. Even if I get judged for what I do, all that matters is that it makes me happy and reduces stress.

  2. There are many statements that I try to live by but these are the 7 most important ones. The first one is "If it's meant to be it'll be". Now, I know its cliche and corny, but it's honestly so true. You can't force people to like you, or force your boss to give you a raise, or force your crush to want to be with you. I am a strong believer that everything happens for a reason, and if you force anything, it's more likely to not work out rather than if you just go with the flow of life. My second statement is "One bad chapter doesn't mean your story is over". I came across this quote during a rough time in my life, and it truly changed my outlook on things. I was being hit with bad luck left and right. My dad was diagnosed with prostate cancer in August, I lost a close friend in April, and my mom lost her job in May. I felt like nothing was going right for me. I had lost all stability and for once in my life I felt completely helpless. I was depressed, I rarely left my house and my anxiety became worse than it ever was since I was diagnosed 3 years ago. But then I came to a realization, That moping about it wouldn't change anything. Only I could make myself happy again, return to the bubbly and goofy Mazi all my friends know and love (I think). I had to start a new chapter in my life. My third statement is "You cant please everyone so do it for yourself". This statement is something I'm trying to live by. I have been a people pleaser for my whole life, and it's something that will eat you alive in high school. Trying to please everyone is one of the most stressful things ever, especially in high school where everyone is constantly talking and judging you for everything you do. But if you realize that they're just opinions, and whatever you're doing is making you happy, FORGET THEM. My fourth statement is "When someone shows you their true colors. believe them". My dad has preached this to me for as long as I can remember. And I never really got it until high school. People can be your friend, and say they really care about you when in reality, you're just beneficial for the time being. So when people talk badly about you behind your back, or you get into an argument and they say nasty things, don't let it slide. Believe that is what they've been holding in about you, and they finally got it off their chest. My fifth statement is "Love yourself before anyone else". Again, super cliche but so true. If you don't love yourself, you definitely can't really love anyone else. It may seem like you can, but in order to fully open up and give your all, you have to know yourself and know what makes you happy. My sixth statement is, "No rain, no flowers." This metaphor is a true key to life. If you don't have off days or bad days, you won't grow and flourish and be your best self. Finally, my last statement is "Life is tough, but so are you." This quote really picks me up on days when I feel like life is really just kicking my butt and I don't know how to come back from it. Like I said earlier, everything happens for a reason. Even if we don't know that reason.

  3. There are many creeds and quotes in the world that I try to use and stand by, but there are 7 that really stick by me. The first one is, "Every storm runs out of rain". That quote can mean a lot of different things. It shows me that if I'm in a tough situation in my life, it won't always be there. This creed helped me when my best friend and I stopped being friends. It really hurt me because I told her everything and was with her about every single day. But, ever since then I realized what a "true friend" is, and the terrible storm went out of my life and became so much better. "Make mistakes". Some people think making mistakes is horrible and they're really scared of making them. I learned that mistakes help you become a better person. How are you ever suppose to know the right way unless you make some mistakes along the journey? Everyone, and I mean everyone makes mistakes. In cheer leading I've done more mistakes than I could ever count, but I'm glad I did because it taught me how to be more successful. "Wherever you are, be all there." You never know when the next time you'll be somewhere or see someone, so live your life to the fullest wherever you are. This quote also gives me the courage in school. Math isn't my favorite, but that quote taught me to give it my all because the time is now. "Be the bigger person and walk away". I used to always have the last word. Like always. No matter what. As a 5 foot girl I thought I was so tough and was being the "mature" one, when it reality, I was not.I learned that not everything involves a reaction,and sometimes that is all the person wants out of you. "It is up to you to see the beauty every day". Some days I used to just make myself mad or upset. By dragging past thoughts into my head, or just letting something tiny ruin the rest of my day. Now, I just try to see the good in every day and not let the bad overpower it. "Be kind, everyone is fighting a hard battle you might have no idea about." I learned to get better at thinking before I speak. Before you snap right back at someone and try to make it worse, think, maybe they're doing this for a reason because somethings going on at home or something along those lines. You never really know. That's why, you just have to be the bigger person, stick up for yourself, and walk away. "Not everyone is going to like you." This is a very hard trait I'm sure not only myself was dealing with. I used to get very tense when people didn't like me and wasted my own energy just for them to like me. Now, I honestly don't care. There will be people who will not like you just because. It doesn't make sense but it's true.

  4. I’ve learned so much over the years, and the statements I lived by at the beginning of high school are completely different than what I value now. My experiences in high school have completely structured my seven-point creed system. The first statement is to “think before you speak.” Over the years, I’ve realized that speech shapes your life, and words are a reflection of who you are. I used to get myself into situations where it was never my place to step in, and to then talk about. And I always lied about the things I said/did in order to keep me out of drama, but it only got me involved in it. This has caused so many of my relationships with others to fall apart, and have caused countless arguments among my friend group. I didn’t only inflict emotional pain on myself, but I did to others that were close to me as well. What was a joke to me wasn’t always a joke to others, and now I choose to think before I say anything. In addition to this, the second statement is to “be the bigger person.” This phrase can take on so many different meanings Being the bigger person isn’t hiding how you truly feel and pretending like you don’t care about anything. It’s not showing the other person that you’re superior in the situation. Being the bigger person is limiting the thoughts and people that hold you back in life. It’s recognizing that you’re bigger than the challenges you face and the habits you have. It’s keeping a good attitude when you’re with others even when you’re going through a rough patch. High school has completely made me realize how important it is to be the bigger person. I never owned up to my own mistakes, and that made people view me as immature and an instigator. I would try to fight fire with fire, and try to fix things with a fight. I’ve learned to let go of the people in my life who drag me down, and hold me back from my happiness. The third is to simply “let go.” In sophomore year, I found myself still holding onto people that didn’t exist anymore. I had to come to a realization that everyone changes, and you just have to allow that change. The only person that you have control over is yourself, and you shouldn’t try to change or hold someone back from changing. Change is necessary in order to grow. The fourth statement in my system is that “you miss 100% of the shots you don’t take.”I used to set goals and never do any work to achieve them because I thought the success would just come to me. I’m not going to lie, I think starting a goal is scary, because you are facing head on the possibility that you might fail. But you will never succeed unless you try.

    1. Next would be to “be grateful.” I’ll be honest: I was never dealt the easiest hand in life. My dad committed suicide when I was six, my mom has been constantly fighting with lawsuits since 2012, and the scholarship fund that was started for my sister and I after my dad’s death has been taken and spent by some of my own family members. Although I’ve been juggling all of these situations, I’m grateful for all the things that I DO have. Every time that I’m about to complain about something, I realize that things could be so much worse. I’m so grateful for the people that surround me today and all the support I’ve had. The sixth statement is that “in order to succeed, you must fail.” I used to believe that failure was a sign that the universe didn’t want me to have success in life. This would make me give up completely, or just not apply myself. Even in the littlest situations, such as a volleyball game, whenever I made a mistake or hit the ball into the net, I would get so in my head. And this kind of mindset and attitude would mess up the rest of my game. Maintaining a positive attitude helped construct the mindset I have today, and I will continue to tell others to get out of their heads as well, because the road to success won’t always be easy. Finally, the most important statement in my system is to “respect yourself.” Many of you may know the reputation I held last year, and some of you may not, but during the last trimester I completely lost myself. Sophomore year was a really dark time for me, and I wanted to be someone that I could never be. I had no self respect, and gave people parts of me that I now can never get back. I never want to be that person ever again. I have gained so much self respect and I now know what I deserve in life. And that my friends, is on periodt.

  5. There are many quotes that people live by, here are 7 of my favorite ones. My first creed to probably my all time favorite quote that I plan on actually getting a tattoo of it one day. The quote is from the bible, John 13:7 which is "Jesus replied, you don't understand now what I am doing, but someday you will." I am not trying to say I go to church every Sunday to praise the lord, because I don't, but I do strongly believe that God has a path and plan for everyone and what happens while going down the path, good or bad, it will lead you to success and power. You just need to trust that God is sending you down the right path, but you have to be on the same page as him. If God sees that you are going down the wrong path such as drugs for example, he will see that you are doing that to yourself a he can't help you, but if he sees you are actually trying and putting the effort and time into being a better person, I can guarantee you that he is going to help you down the right path to achieve what you want to. My next creed is "Surrender to what is, let go of what was, have faith in what will be." This is another quote that hit super hard to me because I am such a stubborn person that hates change and moving on. Some change is good when I feel it is positive, but many times it isn't and it makes me feel stuck. It makes me feel like I want everything to stay this way forever, but I can't because of all the things going on around me. In 7th grade my parents and my mom's sister's family got into a horrible argument and I have no clue the last time I talked to my uncle. The summer going into eight grade I hated it. I had to leave all of my friends at my old school, my family was falling apart, and I just wasn't in a good place. I wanted everything to go back the way it was, and I still wish it would. No more family vacations with them, no more super bowl parties, everything that I did with my cousins and their family got flushed down the toilet. still till this day I haven't talked to my uncle. My mom ad her sister are on good terms again ad so are my cousins and I, but I haven't once been over there house since 7th grade. I am slowly getting to the point where I have accepted nothing will be the same again, but at the same time I am still stuck. Another thing that I feel like will work out in the end is the passing of my dog. My dog a coupe of weeks ago had a seizure and past away at the age of 6. My poor baby had to leave so soon and for the whole week after her leaving I just kept on thinking she is at the vet and she is okay. I kept telling myself that we would be picking her up from the vet soon and it of course never happened, but I hated that change in my life and I was so in denial about it. I guess I wanted to be with her again so bad my feelings took over and kept telling me that she was. My house isn't the same with out her. When I tell you my dog was crazy, she was insane. She would sit at the kitchen table with us, if we were trying to watch tv you couldn't because she would sit on the coffee table in front of you for your attention, you could't even get out the front door with out her trying to go with you. Now, the Stuber house isn't like that anymore. There is no chaos or crazy 60 pound dog trying to sit on your lap for attention. This huge change in my life I feel like I have accepted finally over the last couple of weeks because I know she will never come back, so I have to accept this and move on from it. The situation with my cousins is different because they are all till alive, we can make it all work again with forgiveness, but I don't see that happening anytime soon.

  6. My third creed or quote is "Switch you mentality from " I am broken and helpless" to "I am growing and helping" and watch how fast your life changes, for the better." I believe that if you don't want you life to be so negative and down, you have to be happy and positive to make that work. When I was in middle school my mom's close friend died in a car accident and ever since then I try to live everyday like it is my last. Yes it is okay to cry and be distressed, but every second you are upset is a second of happiness you will never get back. I am sure that everyone doesn't want to live their last day on earth troubled and upset, so always be happy like today is your last. My fourth creed is "No matter how dark it gets the sun will rise again." This quote I found scrolling through my vsco during a hard time. My dad was diagnosed with skin cancer at the time and seeing this quote helped me and made me feel better. My dad is thankfully a cancer survivor and no longer has it, but during that period of time was hard. We all as a family just had to realize that he is strong and he will conquer the cancer.

  7. Creed number 5 is "Good things take time." If you want something to come out perfect, or close to perfect, you can't rush it. You have to take your time building up to making whatever you want to be perfect. Working on every little element into making the finish product perfect, is what is going to make it successful and amazing. Romans 8:18 in the bible " The pain you have been feeling cannot compare to the joy that is coming.", is my next creed. As i mentioned before that I strongly believe that God has a path for everyone and everything that is going to knock you down is making you stronger and will lead the way to your achievemnets. Making your path is going to direct you to how much you can take before you can break. Once you eventually break, the set back will make you stronger.

  8. My last and final quote or creed is "You can begin again, you are not a prisoner of your past." If your life isn't going your way, let's say your friends are being rude and not acting like friends should, there is a crazy amount of high school students that would be lucky to have you s a friend. If you have a rough past, in high school people forget about things with in a couple days to a week because something else is going to happen to grab their attention and they will totally forget about your issue. Even if you aren't happy with yourself, yo can change yourself whenever you want to and if anyone judges you on it, they are not worth your time. Never change yourself for other people though, only for yourself.

  9. 1) Smile through the tears
    This is something that I have always lived by because when I was little, I was always the girl who was smiling. I smiled when I played soccer, laughed at things that weren't even funny, and just never looked like I was upset. When I started to move into middle school, people still thought of me this way. I loved this perception of me because it was better than being the smart one or the one that cares too much about school. This is what I maintained throughout my entire life. So now, many many years later, when I start to feel myself cry I just laugh because people won't question random laughter from me. I spend most of time in life maintaining this expectation because I don't know how to show people that sometimes I don't want to smile.

    2) Treat time like the most precious thing in life
    This statement recently came into play in my life more than it usually did. You are always told that you can't get time back or to focus on the present because it soon becomes the past but I never really put those pieces together. Recently, my grandfather had been diagnosed with cancer. He has been the biggest part of my life and I sometimes believe that I have spent more time with him than my actual parents. He picks me up from school on half days, takes me to my doctors appointments, and was at like every school event because my parents could not get time off. So now I realize that every second that I spend with him needs to be cherished because there might not be a second with him tomorrow. It's hard to adjust to because I don't know if I can live my life without him but I can always just appreciate time with him.

    3) Making mistakes is okay
    Mistakes and me don't go together too well. I don't make them and if I do then I pretend it never happened. That strategy works fine for volleyball because I can shake everything off but in life that does not go over too well. If I mess something up on a physics lab that ends up getting the lab wrong than I just shut down. I hate the feeling of being wrong. So something I have tried to teach myself recently is mistakes mean that you're trying. It doesn't mean you failed it just means you haven't succeeded yet.

    4) If you don't do it with 110%, don't do it at all
    This is something I have constantly lived my life by because it keeps life simple. You either do it or you don't. If you see something that I did whether it's a project or a game there is a huge guarantee that I put my entire self into it. This statement makes up exactly who I am. All my opinions are black and white. I either agree or disagree. I have never been someone to be shaky on a concept and that is something that I love.

    1. 5) Don't trust everyone you see
      I used to trust every single person who showed me the slightest bit of kindest. More people than I care to admit knew about my life in middle school because I believed that they were my friends. Eventually my best friend turned her back on me and I didn't know what to do because she knew everything. She could basically ruin my life with everything she knew. That's when it really clicked that you have to really know who you trust because they could tell anyone.

      6) Know your own worth
      This is something I have known my entire life however I didn't realize how important it was until recently. There was a time where I believed it was better for people to do what they wanted even if it meant I suffered. Bunje, I was the queen of saying I don't care because I didn't want to bother anyone with my opinion. Eventually I found friends who I know won't get mad at me because I want to go to get pizza instead of Bungalow Bowls at the boardwalk which is something so simple but I used to be scared to stuff like that.

      7) Use criticism to move you forward, not back
      This is the last statement because to me it fully encompasses who I am. Recently a certain person has been talking about me and some other girls on the volleyball team that I am friends with. This person has been saying that my friend and I really don't belong on varsity. Instead of taking this to heart and thinking that I am an awful volleyball player, I have used this to motivate myself to be better. If I am playing well and helping the team win, this person cannot talk about me unless they want to sound like a liar. When they are at our games, I do everything in my power to not make mistakes and get kills. If they see that I am good maybe they will shut up and keep my name out of their mouth. I didn't say anything to them about it I am just going to prove them wrong.

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  12. The only person you should strive to be better than is the person you were yesterday.
    Everything in life is seen as a competition, especially in this generation. “Who has the best grades? Who has the best body? Who is the best on the team?” As humans we tend to ask ourselves “who’s better?”, referring to who is better than us as individuals. Especially being a female, I constantly used to compare myself to others. Social media plays a big role in these self-esteem issues. Everyone on there wants to fit into this “perfect” world and blame themselves when they don’t. I believe that this quote is very significant, because we should not care about who is “better”, we should only care about the best version of ourself.

    Once you’ve hit rock bottom, the only way is up.
    Unfortunately, bad things happen and our everyday lives are affected. Personally, I have hit rock bottom, mentally and physically, and it is such a relief to be able to say that I have overcome those issues. This quote is similar to “everything will be okay”, however, it doesn’t just say that. It explains that once you are at your lowest, the only thing you can do is get better. And from experience, you will get better, even if you feel as though your whole life is ruined and you’ll never be okay again. Tough times are beyond hard to get through, but in the end, you’ll be able to look back and say that you overcame it.

    One day at a time.
    As someone who wants to succeed in life, I constantly put a lot of pressure on myself. This leads to anxiety and low self-esteem issues. No matter how hard I am working, there’s always that question, “is this enough, is it GOOD enough?” Living in a world of competition, I want to do good, I want to be good enough, so I take on harder classes and push myself to get straight As (which hasn’t been difficult until this year). Every so often, I tend to have a lot of things I need to get done, and I usually get myself worked up by just thinking about it. Then, after beginning to panic, I tell myself to take it “one day at a time.” I can only get done so much stuff within a time period, so I realize that I cannot blame myself when I am physically trying my best. This five word sentence helps me bring myself back to sanity.

    Silence, is the best reply to a fool.
    I believe that there are things (people) in my life that don’t deserve my energy. Sometimes it is easier to let someone sit there and do whatever they can to try and get a reaction when you pull your attention away, rather than feed into the issue and give them the reaction that they desire. Many people have issues doing this, and that is why they’re constantly stressed and involved in drama. It is important to know when to react and when to just simply ignore, because in the end, ignoring the situation and feeling unbothered will most likely affect the person more than your comeback.

  13. Every next level of your life will demand a different you.
    As I grow up, I see more and more things changing. People around me are changing, I am changing, more specifically my mindset and beliefs are changing. On my journey to developing into the person I am, I have been told many times that I am changing, more in a bad way. “I am acting different, and I feel as though I am too good for certain people”. I honestly wish I knew of this quote back then when these people were trying to tear me down. I am changing and I am okay with that, different situations and people around me have caused me to change. If I want to better my life, then I should be able to surround myself with people who want to do the same.

    Don’t feel guilty doing what is best for you.
    We all live in a world that contains toxic people. Everyone in their life has come across a toxic person, and if you haven’t consider yourself lucky. Personally, I have dealt with many toxic people, there is a specific reason why I live with my grandmother and not my parents. Growing up, I have experienced things that I shouldn’t have and I had to make decisions that I should not have had to make. Very rarely those decisions creep their way into my mind and I question myself, “Did I make the right decision? What would my life be like right now, if I didn’t choose the route that I did choose?” During times that I feel this way, I remind myself of this quote. In the end, I had to do what was best for me and I cannot put the blame on myself for making the correct decision, no matter how hurt some may feel.

    Life is only as good as your mindset.
    I believe that positive thinking will attract positive actions, and vice versa. Whatever we put out into the world, is what we receive. I understand that everyone has a bad day, but that bad day can be easily turned into a bad week,if you don’t see the positive side to the situation. Personally, this has happened to me multiple times, I go to bed angry and wake up even angrier because I didn’t control my reaction and try to think positively.

  14. In life, every person is created differently, composed of contrasting values and morals. Their desired ethics are what they feel is most important in the way that they live, and they should determine their priorities. Inherently, a person’s values should be the measures that they use to determine if their life is turning out how they strive for it to be. For example, my 7-point Creed is going to be distinctively different from someone who was raised dissimilar, lived in another area or time period, went to a particular school, etc. My values have been shaped since birth, and have grown into what they are today. The first part of my 7-point Creed is “Treat others as you would like to be treated.” This is a saying that everyone’s heard, and I firmly believe that everybody should go by it. Since I attended a Catholic school from kindergarten to eighth grade, I’ve always had this golden rule shoved down my throat. However, I’m not mad at that occurrence. There’s so much more to that rule than what it says on the outside. You should speak about others how you would like to be spoken of, think about others the way you would want to be thought of, and do unto others as you would have them do unto you. The rule itself is composed of various values that everyone should live by every. single. day. Why would you belittle someone behind their back, and then get mad when they treat you the same way? A person shouldn’t expect someone to respect them when they can’t even show the same level of admiration back. The second statement that I’d include in my Creed would be “Your worth is not measured by your productivity.” I feel as though it’s crucial for people to understand that no matter what happens with your grades, achievements, goals, etc. you’ll always, ALWAYS be enough. You will always be smart enough, strong enough, and good enough. You don’t need other people or capabilities to validate you. You are already valuable. The third statement that I’d include in my Creed would be “You are bigger than what is making you anxious.” In my life, anxiety has always played a part in tearing me down, and being a bully that would never let me be. I release my feelings of anxiety by picking at the skin of my fingers until they bleed, and I’ve been doing that ever since I was three. I isolate myself because I fear of what could happen in social situations, for no reason; I never know what to say. I constantly have to tell myself that I can overcome whatever is bothering me, and that whatever it is, is simply a speck in my world of disarray. I try to tell myself that my wellbeing is so much stronger than feelings of worry, and I do my best to ensure that the other voices in my head are louder than the voice of fear. Unfortunately, this doesn’t always work out, and that’s why I’m still attempting to live out that value; I don’t want to give up, and let myself fall victim to the villian that haunts me. The next part of my 7-point Creed would be “Love those who reflect images of yourself.” This basically means that you should love and value people who share the same morals as yourself. I’m not saying that you should only cherish relationships with people who are exactly like you, but they shouldn’t be toxic to your beliefs. The best relationships often fall with people who have similar views and outlooks on life, and that allows them to grow within each other; to prosper through life. On the other hand, this could also mean that you should love YOURSELF. I know multiple people (girls, mainly) who chose to “love” someone just because they’re desperate for feelings of affection, as they often desire intimacy from empty voids in their body. Something happened to them in the past that tore them apart, and they yearn for something, anything that will fill the empty spaces in their heart. They hate themselves for whatever happened to them, and want to focus on loving someone else before rebuilding that same love for the most important host: themselves.

    1. Building off of my previous quote, my next saying in my Creed would be “Do it for you and not for them.” So many people in life think about doing something because someone else told them to, or wanted them to. They do it to show something off to a specific group, or to prove someone wrong. I want people to stop putting in their all for someone else, and do something for themselves. I can personally feel this on a spiritual level, as I often think about how others will perceive me. I know that I need to stop focusing on others and their opinions about me. Whatever I do in life, I plan to do it for myself, to prove that I can accomplish anything that I set my mind to, not for my coach, my parents, my teachers, my friends, anyone. The next part of my 7-point Creed would be “Learn to love the skies that you are under.” I know that most of my points are dealing with love, but that’s what my values circle around. This specific saying means that in life, people should learn to love what they have in life, because other people can have it so much worse. We need to be grateful for what we have, and never take anything for granted; people are dying, mentally and physically. We need to love the roof over our head, the people who support us, the pupils who educate us, the doctors who care for us, the army, navy, police, firemen, who protect us, the law that leads us, etc. In other countries, some people aren’t as lucky to receive what we have in life, and we need to be aware of that. So the next time when you’re having a bad day, think about the people who are having it so much worse. I honestly wish that I could write more than seven points, but that’s another story. The last point that I’d include in (this) 7-point Creed would be “Your past becomes a fog within you.” I feel as though this is extremely important to remember. For myself, I won’t lie, I often reminisce on every. little. thing. that I did in the past, especially the bad. At night, my ~haunting~ memories strangle me, and cause my mind to be at unease. I need to remember that everything that I did is in the past, and that whatever I do now won’t change that. I need to focus on the future, and do things now that will help me achieve my goals. Even though I say that, I know that I won’t live by that; that’s just how my mind works. I try to think and talk positively, but deep down, I’m drowning; drowning in past mistakes and actions. Some things don’t even matter, but I still hate myself for it. That’s why I keep quiet, in fear of slipping up my words. In fear of making a fool of myself. My values all add up to create a mindset of positivity, and I honestly want to live that way. I just need to push my melancholy and worry down, and bring up that light that I know is hiding within me.

  15. My number one statement is known as the Golden rule in the Bible and that is to " Treat others the way you want to be treated". It is pretty self-explanatory, I hold this rule dear to me because just this can set some type of foundation in a relationship. I use this rule towards everyone including my enemies. Just this act could spark something within that person whether your making their day or inspire them to spread the compassion they've received from the previous person. It all goes back to starting a chain reaction. My second is " Build a foundation with Jesus". This creates a solid foundation in life overall. I believe no foundation could withstand this because he is as powerful, there is power in his name, he's the first and the last, he's the great " I AM". He is always there when you need him and never gives up on you even when you betray him. There is no friendship you will EVER find like that. My third is " Be the salt on this earth". This means try to shine your light on everyone else. When I was taught this in the church I tried my best to stand out and be the light, in other words, show people christ by my actions. I'm still working on it but I pray I get better at it. My fourth statement is " Go on a little getaway". What I mean by this is to drop every stressful thing and spend time with God. This involves deleting social media, stop worrying about tomorrow and try to meditate in Jesus name. This is a way for me to cleanse myself mentally and have a brand new mindset. This helped me a lot because there are times I feel so caught up in this world and worry about pleasing others that I start forgetting who I really should be pleasing and that is Jesus. Just being with him will make you feel so much better and people will notice. My fifth statement is " Faith without work is dead". This is mentioned in James 2:26, this is one of my favorite verses and is imprinted in my heart. You can't pray or believe in something without working towards it. When I pray before a wrestling match that I don't get severely injured and do it all for God's glory, I just don't stand there and naturally win. You have to put in the effort and your success or whatever you had faith in will naturally come. My sixth statement is "never go to bed without forgiving someone". My mother always taught this family to never go to bed without forgiving the person you argue with. This will help you in the long run and its better to go to bed calm than angry. I use to go to bed angry with my sisters and it wouldn't help at all, I would always think of never forgiving her and things would get worse. This statement saves you the time for all that. My last and final statement is " ALWAYS, wake up thanking God". The first thing on your mind waking up is just thanking God for waking you up today. I always thought to myself God could have just left me asleep or yesterday could have been my last day on earth. Just waking up and showing God you appreciate him giving you another day when he didn't have to. That's how I always start my day. These seven things I value and try my best to use in my everyday life. I do encourage everyone to use them and I promise it will make life seem more precious than it already is. People always ask why I'm so happy all the time, now you know. Here is the list if you chose to follow
    1. Treat others the way you want to be treated
    2. Build a foundation with Jesus
    3. Be the salt on this earth
    4. Go on a little getaway
    5. Know faith without work is dead
    6. Never go to bed without forgiving someone
    7. Always wake up thanking God

  16. Over the years everyone has been through their own story; each having its own bumps, turns, and crossroads. As we go through our book of life we have developed morals, values, and characteristics that will make up your character, identity, and legacy of yourself.
    1) “Your feelings can’t be hurt unless you allow them to be”
    This ideology is something I have lived with throughout my life. At the beginning of my life, I needed a solution to mentally strengthen myself against all the racism and prejudice that I have been through. So basically I have cut myself from any form of emotions for a good portion of my life. However, the mindset allowed me to think clearly and calm myself from making any irrational decisions like getting into a fight or stooping down to the bullies level.
    2) “The greatest joy is helping others”
    I have been fixed in an image of being the bad guy. I’m that person that people judged before even getting to even know who I am. But when I help anybody whether it was in school or helping anybody with any task. Just seeing that person happy because of what you did is just a fulfilling feeling. By helping that person, seeing them relief and happy it makes me ask myself “how bad can I be?”
    3) “Not learning from your mistakes is the mistake”
    This statement recent became more present when I started playing chess for Oakcrest. That every mistake or lost you need to learn where the match started to decline. However, if he or she doesn’t accept this mistake and is too stubborn to learn now his or her opponents will start surpassing the person. Which can translate to like different levels of effort a kid gives in school.
    4) “Never feel bad for doing the best for you”
    Today you will be in contact with some horrible people in your life. Most people will encounter groups that are racist, antifeminist or partake in drugs. Then you decide to leave this group of people that might have once been your friend, but you need to understand that you are making the best decision for yourself. I had to leave multiple people to finally find my true friends. Once I found people like Alexa I was so grateful for people like her who were able to help me; when I was depress or confused. If I lost people like that I don't know how I would be today.
    5) "Treat others like how you want to be treated"
    I know every single human being has heard this phrase, but do people ever listen. As a young student you hear rumors about kids would spread throughout the school. But why would you speak of someone so horrifically. To me this phrase is a way to understand the perspective of someone else. You don't understand what that could be going through and you are here dragging their future. And I know for a fact no one would like that the bully wouldn't like that happen to themselves.

    1. 6) "Treasure time above anything else"
      This idea develop rather fast. When I was young my grandmother always called and we would talk on the phone and each time she would always ask when will we see each other again. But every-time I was busy with school or thought that we would have plenty of time to catch up. So about after 7 years of phone calls we finally planned a day to meet together; however, I guess time had its own plan. That very day she was suppose to meet she passed away from a heart failure. I never got my second chance to say hi. I look back and I hate myself for not listening every time I would say later and soon. This was an awakening within myself treasure not only family, but the time you have with whoever is close to your heart.
      7) "Any dream is worth fighting for"
      I had my passions, work, and dreams crushed by past teachers, students, and even friends. These people who were idolized as people who would encourage the youth of the future to do what they want. So why was I treated differently. I still remember to this day it was 8th grade my English teacher was like "Max, I hope you don't become a doctor because I don't see you as one." Guess what my desire was to become a doctor. I wanted to help others and save lives, but nope people think I don't have that "talent." So I stood their confused and worried thinking maybe she had a point. But in the end I don't care what she said I want to do this for myself and to those who have ever been put down by others. Now I am part of the biomedical magnet program at Oakcrest and still proving her wrong.

  17. "You can't live your life for other people. You've got to do what's right for you, even if it hurts some people you love" - A lot of times I feel myself wanting to do something that I don't necessarily want to do but I know it will make others happy. I wan;t the people I love to be happy and I often forget that I need to make myself happy too. This quote always reminds me that I'm living MY life, I'm not living it for a friend or anybody else. Just me. So inorder to live a happy life I need to make sure I am happy first even it may hurt some people. You just have to be ready for the reactions by your loved ones and be prepared on how you are going to handle it.
    "Do not judge my story by the chapter you walked in on" - I don't only apply this for other people in regards of myself but I also use it as a reminder that I do not know the whole story of a person I just met. You can't judge a whole person on just the time you have known them because they could be going through a situation where they might act different or they are battling themselves and you have no idea what is happening or what has happened in the past.
    "Do not accept the blame others will try and place on you" - There is always going to be that one person ( or maybe more) that will just be very toxic and try and inflict pain on you by making you feel like you did something wrong for something you never did. Sometimes it can be hard to stand up and say"hey, I know you're wrong" because they will repeat it and try to trick you. This quote is a reminder that there are going to be people like this it there and you can't just allow them to have that power over you and make you feel like you did something wrong when you never did.
    "No matter what happens life, be good to people. Being good to people is a wonderful legacy to leave behind" - Even if someone is trying to tear me down and wan't the worst of me to come out, I;m not going to let them do that. Anger is never the answer and will never resolve are benefit a situation. Instead, continue being a good person because going out as a good person is much more rewarding then going down as someone no one strives to be.
    "You don't find the happy life, you make it" - I believe that you can't gain or find happiness by waiting around for it and hopping it comes to you. But, you must go out there and achieve what you believe is happiness. You have to get out and do what you need to do to make it happen.
    "Words can break someone into a million pieces but can also put them back together" - Words can do an abundance amount of things but I think that they are often underestimated and misunderstood. Chose the words you use wisely because they can break it or make it.
    "Making a mistake doesn't make you a failure. It makes you a human that's moving forward" - Mistakes often happen and you can either look them two ways. You suck at life and are a failure or you are human learning how to live and can grow from it. I always look at it from the perspective that I'm human and I can go forward. That mistakes are inevitable and cannot be dodged so you might as well except them move on.

  18. 1. Success is built on failure
    When I first read the blog prompt, this was one of the first things that came to my mind. It's also something I used to really struggle with until recently. I used to be extremely hard on myself and was a perfectionist. Failure was, and still kind of is, one of my biggest fears. It's not precisely that I fear failure, but more of the disappointment and embarrassment that may come along with it. Especially because I've been an "honors kid" my whole life, failure usually wasn't something I associated myself with. However, high school was a whole new animal and it really made me realize that there is no way I'll be good at everything I do in life. That's why I know that it's okay to fail because it will only make me stronger and more well versed. For example, if I play really bad in a volleyball game, I can learn from the mistakes I made and will hopefully not make those mistakes again.

    2. Cherish every moment
    This is something that I have always lived by, especially recently. This past year, my dad was diagnosed with cancer and it has been something that really has opened my eyes. Finding out about his diagnosis has made me want to spend as much time with him as I can and to cherish every second of it. That's why this part of my creed is so important to me. You may never know when your last moment with someone is, so you should always cherish the time that you have with them. I'm so thankful for everyday I get to spend with my dad and everyone else in my family as well.

    3. There is always light at the end of the tunnel
    This is a saying that has gotten me past some of the most difficult times in my life. It lets me know that no matter what, things will always get better. When my parents got divorced, nothing seemed right around our home for a while. It was really tough for my siblings and I to deal with the divorce, but we all got each other through it. Now, my mom is engaged to a man named Dan and they've been together for almost 6 years. I would have never expected it, but he has had such a huge influence on me and plays a big part in my life. He has given me a whole new family who I love and appreciate so much. Without my parent's divorce happening, this would have never been possible. This proves that there really is always a light at the end of the tunnel.

    4. Stay true to yourself
    This is one of the parts of my creed because I believe it's so crucial and is something should do. Staying true to yourself means that no matter what anyone else says, you have to put yourself first and be the most important person in your own life. You always have to keep your own goals in mind and not let anyone distract you from what you want to achieve. It also means that you should always stay true to your morals. For me, I was involved in a relationship last year where I know I didn't stay true to myself. In fact, looking back on it, I seemed like a whole different person. The person I was with was extremely selfish and made everything about him. That is why I needed to distance myself because he would have never wanted to see me doing good because he was just that selfish. Eventually, I realized that my goals and who I was, was far more important than a high school relationship. Now I know to never sacrifice being who I truly am in order to satisfy one person. And if I am doing that, than I know that that person is no good for me.

    1. 5. One of the greatest gifts in life is friendship
      Having good friends in life is so important. Good friends are like family that you choose. I'm so grateful to have a few friends just like this and they have brought so much joy into my life. A good friend will stick with you through the highs and lows, the laughs and the tears, and the arguments and fights. Through the years, the amount of friends I've had has definitely decreased. I guess as you get older, the real characteristics in people really start to show. Even the people who you would never expect to turn on you, might turn on you. That's why it's so important to have a few friends that you know you can always trust. This saying also inspires me to be a friend to people who may not have many friends. I'm so lucky to have found friends that I could trust my life with, but some people aren't as lucky. I always try to be nice and friendly to everyone I see and to make an extra effort to be a good friend to those that may not have many people to count on.
      6. Adventures fill your soul
      This is a saying that I now live by after one of the most amazing experiences of my whole life this Summer. In June, I went on a trip to Italy and Greece with my best friends. It was truly life changing and is something I will never forget. Going out of the country made me realize how different the world is. It was crazy to see the different ways of life and to hear different languages being spoken. Traveling to these new places has only made me want to travel even more. That is why I live by this saying because I really believe it's true. Not only was that trip one of the most enjoyable experiences of my life, but also one of the most educational and inspirational. I think I'll continue to travel the world for the rest of my life.
      7. Prove them wrong
      I've always been told that not everyone in my life is going to like me. However, it still does make me upset when I know that a person doesn't like me and I can't figure out why. This applies to me now because there's a person associated with my volleyball team that I've heard talk about me a lot. It's not one of my team mates, so you could probably guess who it must be. This person has put me down a lot and said a lot of things that have hurt my feelings, but of course none of them were said to my face. It's been said that I make the most errors on the team, that I cost us the most points and that I shouldn't even be starting on varsity. This started to affect me mentally at first and then physically on the court as well. I wasn't playing to my full potential because I kept letting this person get inside my head. Now, I've started to use her words as motivation to want and prove her wrong. This part of my 7-point creed has made me want to work harder everyday so that nothing bad can be said about me anymore.

  19. This comment has been removed by the author.

  20. Brooke Denshuick’s 7-points of Creed. Based off of life’s turmoils and tests.
    -Someone who always gives always wants, watch yourself-
    It’s the equivalent of wearing yourself out like a ribbon stretched too thin. Everyone needs time to breathe, and people who constantly do things for other people tend to become irritable and tired. Sometimes, it’s so bad you can see it just by looking at them. Or when the class gets loud and rambunctious, they are quiet and visibly sad. In good moderation, giving is good, but to give everything you have is draining. Take care of yourself whilst caring for others, a balance.
    -Sleep Right: “The Mistake of Intellect”-
    People say they work better late at night. They claim to have more energy, which is true, but for all the wrong reasons. It’s speculated that the burst of energy is created by your brain in an attempt to recharge whilst you asleep. But because your awake, it’s just a “random” burst of energy. It’s bad for your long term health, so get to sleep in a timely manner!
    -Good friends are chosen family-
    Family is not necessarily blood, family can be chosen. Because of my lack of blood family, I’ve been able to pick. I’ve got best friends who are the equivalent of sisters. I’ve got teachers I consider to be my parental figures and neighbors who act like aunts and uncles. The ability to form connections with others and form them into strong bonds is a gift. A skill important if one is to function in society properly.
    -Happiness is hard to achieve, so act diligently-
    You must work to achieve “happiness”, or rather, a place in which one is content. One must treat others with kindness, they must, in the words of every mom on the planet, treat others like you would like to be treated. It’s yet another skill necessary for one’s proper function in society. All it really means is you get what you give out, give out happiness and joy, get it back from others.

    1. -Everything is good in moderation until it isn’t-
      To say “everything is good in moderation” gives a sense of balance. It’s like switching from cereal, to a donut, to a greasy McMuffin for breakfast. Sure you had only one doughnut that week, but substituting one unhealthy thing for another isn’t “moderation”, its unhealthy. So watch what you eat, REALLY watch your habits and take care of yourself.
      -Work for your future now, so your life is easier in the future-
      To work hard now pays off later. Your life will be so much easier if you put in the work now. Good in basic schooling leads to a good college which leads to a good education. With a good education, opportunities for high paying jobs arise and life get’s a whole lot easier. Work in your youth so you can relax in your forties.
      -(arguably the most important) It’s okay to feel sad, it’s a part of growing, but it’s important to remember that sadness never lasts.-
      Sadness is temporary. For a week, a year, a decade. No matter how long, it’s temporary. Sadness is like a storm. They pass, always, and that’s all I have to say about that.

  21. So my “7 point Creed” would pretty much go like this:

    1-Be true to yourself and the things you do

    Never lie to yourself because you know deep down what is true and the truth is something you cannot escape. It also brings you a stronger sense of self-awareness which also raises your confidence/ stance in everyday life.

    2- Don’t give up on things just because its difficult/new
    New experiences stray out of the comfort zone and that is perfectly ok. It’s a natural part of life and is a constant presence throughout. New experiences make us, well, more experienced out there in the world and can introduce us to things we never knew we liked/disliked.

    3- Don’t stress out over mostly everything (besides things where stress is needed)

    What I mean by this is that you shouldn’t stress yourself over anything that is small/unimportant in the grand scheme of things. If your in a situation where it is commonly appropriate to be stressed out, then try to chill yourself off by doing something relaxing like meditation or going outside for a nice walk.

    4- Never think into anything too deeply

    It’s okay to take a second to think about something on your mind, something someone said, or something you saw, but never trap yourself in that state of thinking. It will only lead to you getting worried or emotional, which is really bad for your mental health. If your ever in a situation like this then take what ever ideas that keep popping up with a grain of salt and come to a logical conclusion over it.

    5-Put passion into your greatest work

    If there is something you enjoy doing like a hobby or activity then put all of your heart and soul into it. Passion really puts the e in enjoying the things you do and can lead you to new horizons mentally.

    6- Be kind to the people you talk to and spend time with in your general vicinity

    It doesn’t matter if someone is trying to be verbally mean/ hurtful to you because “killing em with kindness” keeps your side of the street clean . If you don’t want to be nice about it, then at least be emotionally neutral.

    7- Base your opinions/ thoughts objectively

    Now I know that this seems backwards as all opinions are mostly subjective, but what I mean about being objective is having reasons/evidence for your logic. This helps your mind keep a healthy balance between emotions and reason, makes you better at debating with someone, and makes you a much better analyst.

    This “7 Point Creed” may not apply to everyone, but hopefully it gives you something to think about for a little bit and key steps for future success.

  22. Through my life I've always been athletic, I've played all sports from baseball, soccer, football, street , hockey, and now wrestling. I was always "good" at the sports, but I was never were I wanted to be, that the #1 option. What I didn't realize though, is that I wasn't putting in the work I needed too. The saying, "Grind when nobodies watching" is the first creed I hold myself too. This case to me just last year, and has made me the person I am today honestly. My freshman year I got beat out for the 120 varsity spot in wrestling, and it made me feel so terrible, so next year I changed that. I was so determined to get the spot, and I did. Why I got the spot though, was because I was practicing 2-3 times a day, up till 11 o'clock, cutting weight, and I wasn't doing it for everyone else to praise me for it, I was doing it because I wanted to, and it was for me. It proves to work, having a 20+ win season, and taking 3rd at the district tournament. "I'd rather have 4 quarters, then 100 pennies", a quote my Uncle told me, that I remembered from one of the posters in your room. This has to deal with friendships, and it's true to who I place myself with. I only surround myself with true friends, who wanna see me succeed, rather than people who aren't true to you, and only want to benefit themselves, rather than the people around them. "It is better to be hated for what you are than to be loved for what you are not", which is very big to me. I speak my mind whether the other person likes it or not, and they can either love me or hate me for it, and that's just how I was raised. Many people in all generations, fake what they believe in to "fit" in with certain people, but they hate it. For me though, I think it's important to do what you believe in, because if you don't, you will never be happy. For my fourth saying, "Be grateful for what you have", growing my parents told me this young, and it stuck with me. My parents worked their ass off too get my brother and I whatever we wanted because of their childhoods, even if it wasn't the best video game, baseball bat, etc. they did everything they could to get us. Instead of complaining I would thank them, because I know that there are so many other kids out there that couldn't even have the opportunity to get anything close to that. "Live everyday, like its your last", this fourth saying just was brought into my life recently in the past year, I had many events that went on that made me realize that my life could

  23. be taken away from me any second, on any day, and I could never get it back. Since then, I've been doing what I enjoy, and making my life the fullest, because at the end of the day you're never going to be able to get it back and re due it, so do what makes you happy, so you don't have any regrets. "Don't do something that's going to increase your wallet, do something that's going to increase your knowledge". Many people to jobs or things for money, because that's what matters, but they hate what they do. I want to go into the military, and we all know, this isn't going to be paying big bucks, but it's what I want to do because It's always been a call to me to do it, so I joined JROTC, and it's really benefited me in the career path that I want to pursue. That's not the point, the point is I'm doing what's going to make me happy, and more knowledgeable, not my pocket. Finally,"We know what we are, but know not what we may be" a focus Shakespeare quote, that I saw freshman year that I saw doing an assignment. This is big, because all of these creeds that I just listed, could be the total opposite of how I think in 5 to 10 even 20 years. That goes for everyone, we know what we are now, but not what we will be in the future. As I listed above, many of these ways of thinking came to me in the last view years, and have changed my way of thinking, so what says they won't change in the next few. These 7 ideas are always floating around in my head, to remind me to be me everyday, and not anyone else.


Mental Floss

QUARANTINE--DAY 8787576..... I was perusing the internet over this fine weekend and I came across a blog I used to follow quite regularly. I...